Are they ready for harvest??


Well-Known Member
Without looking at the trichomes themselves you'll have to judge by the pistils(hairs). If more than half are red or brown then it's about ready. I like about 3/4 or more to have turned. Can't really tell from your pics.


Active Member
Cheers guys the pics are just with my iPhone the pistils are round about that they have been flowering 50 days from first sign of flowers and it's a 45/55 day flowering strain afghan kush think tomorrow will do them I have ordered a microscope but won't be here till middle of next week 8)


Active Member
A might just do that 2 of them are defo ready but there are a couple that could go 1 more week no bother would the heat stress they got have slowed them down a bit? :confused::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The 1 and only way to know if a plant is ready for harvest that isnt a clone previously grown is to check the trichomes.
Any other way is guessing and could be way far off. Never judge harvest by pistils. I have seen plants that were beyond ready still growing plenty of white pistils and I have seen plants nowhere near ready with red pistils already retracted into the buds.
Get a scope and know for sure.

papa canna

Well-Known Member
they look about right. the only way to know 100% is to get a jewelers loupe and check the color of the trichomes. Next round try to keep your temps down, the leaves folding in look like they're getting too much heat stress.


Active Member
Cheers guys went and got a magnifying glass last nyt and checked them not that easy to see with it but am almost sure most of the trichomes are cloudy and a few Amber so I will just go for it the day :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yes heat stress will slow them down, above 85 degrees cannabis has a difficult time growing. Apparently more amber hairs results in a body oriented stone, less amber is more cranial. Be patient and give time to properly dry/cure the buds.


Active Member
Well that's me weighted it up and was very happy got 24 1/4 oz from 8 plants under 2 600watts for my first time growing I got over 0.5g per watt of light lol happy smoking ppl:clap::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They look really nice good job I love that strain ......I'm jealous can't wait to have the problem of spending lots of time trimming that's a good problem to have I said congrats good job dry and cure them up nicely and you will have some nice smoke to enjoy that's for sure.......


Active Member
Cheers m8 that's the plan the day get it jarred up had a wee taste of it last night and was impressed a nice stone aswell av got 3g of scissor hash to enjoy the night lol and will start making some hash out the leaves later happy daysbongsmilie