Are they ready?


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hey guys,

so my ladies have been in 12/12 from seed. and i havent been keeping track of how long they have been in the grow box. Just took some pics and i wanted to know what you guys think. im wondering if they are ready



New Member
get a magnifying glass and look at the Trichs

Then find out what kind of Effect you want.

The more cloudy and white the more CBD

Lots of Info on this


Active Member
Your plants look great man!!! nice, healthy green..

I know you lost track, but I'd say 10 weeks from sprout. Try and find a reciept, look at a calander, paystub, try and think of a reference point for starting off.

LOL, I did the same thing this time, was sexing and didn't mark any dates. I used a transplant date as a reference point though, so I'm within a week. Good luck man!!!


Your close but IMO i'd wait and like the post above buy a magnifying glass 20x or better to see what type of high you want