Are Vape Cartridges Really 100% Cannabis?

Chris Edward

Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I have noticed a lot lately that companies are advertising their vape cartridges as 100% cannabis oil, yet the oil is very runny in the cartridge.
When I make oil at home it is thicker than molasses.
So what’s the trick here?
Does anyone know what they are using to thin it out?
I assume they are getting around this by adding some cannabis derived thinning agent similar to VG, PG, or PEG, but because it’s made from cannabis they can say 100% cannabis…

The other thing I notice especially with CBD products is that they seem to have stopped putting how much CBD is in the cartridge (FlavRX seems to be about the only one who still does).
Instead they say “20:1” or “18:1” or they tell you the strain but they don’t say how much CBD is actually in the product.

These are the main reasons I stopped buying pre-made products, because they are getting shady…

Not too long ago I could buy a vape cartridge that said 500mg CBD, but I am not paying $70 for 1/2 a gram when half of it is some mysterious cannabis derived thinning agent that costs $40 a gallon…
Call me cheap, but when it comes to CBD I am not smoking it to get high, I need it to help with seizures and having some company not be clear how much of that medicine is in their product is like buying a prescription that just says “good for you” on the label…

Again this is why I make my own…

I am interested to know what they are using to thin out the oil though…

Any idea would be great, thanks…
Here is a weird one.
When i make bho a gram of it is about a mil.

I was curious about in store vape so purchased a gram of their vape refill

It was only about a half mil and semi thinned.

Again a gram of bho is a mil

So how are they selling a gram that is only a half mil and it is thinned to boot.

I think they have learned to use loopholes by playing with language.

I just make my own but was using theirs for research.
They could be using terpenes to thin it a bit. If they are advertising 100% cannabis it might be actual terpenes from cannabis plants themselves. Products such as vapuer terp that advertises on this site. While that specific company isn't using terpenes derived from cannabis there are a few that do. Thicker bho requires 1ml of terps to one gram of your concentrate and requires much mixing and gentle heat to get bho to dissolve. Doing it this way produces a bot 1.25ml of vape juice. It will be very thick until heated by vaporizer. If it is runny before heat is applied, then the odds are that it has been "cut" with some other substance. At least this is my experience.
Here is a weird one.
When i make bho a gram of it is about a mil.

I was curious about in store vape so purchased a gram of their vape refill

It was only about a half mil and semi thinned.

Again a gram of bho is a mil

So how are they selling a gram that is only a half mil and it is thinned to boot.

I think they have learned to use loopholes by playing with language.

I just make my own but was using theirs for research.

I was doing the same, I started on pre-made vape cartridges but I have moved to making my own and using a refillable cartridge.
I agree, they are playing with the language, just like in our food.

Again, most of what they say we have to take at face value because most of these companies don't provide lot numbers with testing information, so you don't really know what you're getting...
You use the PEG 400 straight with the cannabis oil?
Like 1:1...
I have heard of people blending PEG 200 and PEG 400, but not using only PEG 400, how does it hit?
No, that bottle is left over from years ago. I never really played with it too much. I just use wax liquidizer.
Its plenty cheap.

I was just giving an idea of the price point if you were to go that route of mixing your own.
No, that bottle is left over from years ago. I never really played with it too much. I just use wax liquidizer.
Its plenty cheap.

I was just giving an idea of the price point if you were to go that route of mixing your own.
I am the same way, I have a bottle of PEG 400 too, that I have yet to try.

Like you I just stick with the WAX liquidizer.
I just wish it were a little cheaper...
The 100% I know of comes from commercial professional labs, a .5 mm cartridge will produce about 70 or so vape hits. This product goes through some kind of distillation process, big investment.
My .5mm carts get about 45-55 hits

I like 2 diff kinds of oil Black and Gold. If u have int this is what I do:

1) Blk Oil: 1 oz herb to 20 oz everclear rm temp let it mix ~20 min, drain& strain into lg Pyrex, let it sit in sun (cover with cheese cloth)
for 20 min & alchemy occurs “green is gone”, makes 5.6 Gr Black oil, no I don’t Dewinterize...but u can if u want.
(NO HEAT used until down to 2 oz liquid in small 2x2 empty Pinzey spice jar
place on coffee warmer until All micro bubbles gone, stir with toothpic!) This oil works just fine mixed 5:2.5 ratio In C Cell cartimizer 2mm oil feed holes for vaping).

2) Gold Oil: Same as above, but use 5 lb of Dry Ice in a med size cooler
Prepare herb in glass jar & 20 oz Everclear in separate jar, when temp = minus -45f immediately mix the 2 &
shut cooler up...lightly shake cooler every 4 min., after 20 min done, drain & strain sitting in closed cooler.

Now just evaporate using fan blowing over cheese cloth cover Pyrex dish, finish off like above on coffee warmer. Yummy

I’ve tried a number of different solvents & emulsifiers(Puff Magic is my favorite did not like MCT oil & this is the way for me).

C Cell with 4-2 mm oil feed holes the way to go for vaping Amazon 2.50–3.5 ea 5 pacs usually.
Also 4 volt vape Pin 3 for $18 no ship fee Amazon... just takes some searching DH Gate for bulk buys.
( usually the 4 volt pins have 3 variable voltages & pre-heat, I don’t use preheat I think the 4 volt setting
just fine). I also use Puff Magic as a oil emulsifier, did not like MCT oil & terps r expensive.
I like 5:2.5 ratio
(Oil to Emulsifier)
I could go on & on, this is all new to me as well past year, just got tired of smoke in my lungs.
Teflon spatulas make best stir sticks & toothpic for stirring oil in Penzey Spice Jar (I save the jars when the wife is done using the spice). Absolute perfect size & thickness.
Put some oil on end of a safety pin & light iT as final check that all alcohol is evaporated u should not see any sizzle just melt...!
vapes well for me- about 45-55 hits per .5 mm cart. fill (1 oz herb will make enough oil for about 14 fills Blk oil, & 10 with gold oil or more if u want to lower the potency.)
As mentioned I use the 4 volt vape pin setting. Occasionally clean the draw tube with a pipe cleaner cut to 1 inch, appears these ceramic oil absorption takes in more than can handle-probably why I don’t use preheat function & draw soft !

Isn’t life grand, hope i didn’t bore u contact me any time.
Here is a weird one.
When i make bho a gram of it is about a mil.

I was curious about in store vape so purchased a gram of their vape refill

It was only about a half mil and semi thinned.

Again a gram of bho is a mil

So how are they selling a gram that is only a half mil and it is thinned to boot.

I think they have learned to use loopholes by playing with language.

I just make my own but was using theirs for research.

Charface, I am with you.
When I make my own "oil" at home 1 gram is very close to 1ml.

I have made vape juice with shatter I have gotten from a dispensary and I have to agree with you, the amount sold as 1 gram is less than 1 gram. I found this out the hard way. I assumed it was a gram, I mean I paid for a gram, they are supposed to be a legitimate business, etc BS...
But when it was thinned out for vape use it was way too thin...

When it comes to the stuff I grow and make myself, I thin it out by weight, but the thinning agent I use also equals about 1gram per 1ml as well and the final product is always within 0.2-0.4grams of what the math tells me it should be and I am fine with that.
Much better than being gypped half a gram to start with, especially at dispensary prices.