I agree with Mithrandir420, the social aspect is key. I really enjoy a strong sativa blunt when i see old friends and family...we smoke talk and laugh and pass it around in a celebration type manner, love those sessions. So I agree that concentrates take away from the social side.
I mentioned in the Cali patient forum that i went to Hempcon. Dan Kone said it would be small...indeed it was. Here is were confict is... The show had more booths for Vape pens than glass.
And there was some Ukrainian dudes there offering 3 hits off the vape pen for 1.00 and i fell for it..
Because they offered gsc,bluedream,and louie. Dude didnt even wipe the mouthpiece off with alcohol. So i feel like i wouldnt share my vape pen in a sesh cuz mofos hold the button down to long and id be fckn pissed if someone damaged my pen! So socially it sucks.
A little insight:
The other companies were offering deals (2 for 60) for pens. There were knock off microvapes w/domes,Gpens,dabr like ect. But Cloudz which was offering thier basic pen for 40.00 with free wax inside(pending verification). I had too. Plus atomizers are only 10.00 done deal.
I also agree with Dan Kone as far as moving forward in cannibus culture. The show specifically said "No Smoking or Vaporizing" but there were vendors and people in line inside the venue openly vaporizing.
If you wanted to smoke a collective with a shuttle and 20.00 gram donation would take u off sight to smoke. So I agree this is the future. And it will add value back into the production and cultivation. Ask how much a lb GSC or Louie clean full melt or oil is? 3-4k easy! 450 a oz of quality oil is my number so that would be 6k maybe more a lb?? It makes sense for the high end clientle. Smoking will be for new common inexperienced or committed to the old way. Concentrates for stealth, transportation and purity.
Side note....i got some quality oil for my pen. You could see thru it... Alcupolco gold! Freakn awesome...it came in a syringe with a cap on it. You can measure it out. And its not messy to handle.