Are vape pens the future?


Well-Known Member
I know that you all have seen the vape pens around. Do you guys think these will replace smoking flowers? I was recently at a music festival and it seemed like these things are all over now.

I could see them replacing smoking actual flowers. They're concealable, the wax is more concentrated, and there isnt really any smell. You can puff them anywhere and most people would never know.
I own like four trippy stix with XL chamber ! Theyr great I smoke them every other day but honestly nothing's beats a nice fat blunt or joint for flavor burn and enjoyment . On the go or in cars or public places I vape all the time but to get stoned and in relaxed setting def joints ! Or that's just me I like smoking flowers :p plus the vape pen is a healthier cleaner high not something to get u to dome
I really do enjoy the feeling of being able to smoke oils and waxs in public without people suspecting me medicating in plain view...

But I don't think it will ever COMPLETELY replace flowers...only because it takes soo much to create concentrate that not everyone will have enough to always make batches of oil/wax/what have you.

There will always be the small guys that will have to smoke herb. LOL, plus, it has a different taste to it. Fresh herb is tasty....don't get me wrong, so is oil, just in a different way.

(All IMO of course)
I have the Micro Vape from Ruvaped and the Cloud Vapez if you ever want to try them out man. :) I use them when I don't have flowers. :)
I know that you all have seen the vape pens around. Do you guys think these will replace smoking flowers? I was recently at a music festival and it seemed like these things are all over now.

I could see them replacing smoking actual flowers. They're concealable, the wax is more concentrated, and there isnt really any smell. You can puff them anywhere and most people would never know.

Unquestionably, yes. A new generation of vap pens comes out every 6 months and they get better and better each time. Give it another 2 years and buds will be more of a novelty item.

In the bay area concentrates already outsell buds, with just minimally better vap pens buds will be obsolete.

Soon a pen with a little bit bigger of a chamber will come out with an adjustable heating element and it'll be game over for buds.
fuck combustion as soon as someone makes a pen with a good element that vapes weed n dont burn it the pen game will b on lock for good
There will always be people like me who prefer buds to concentrates. Concentrates ups my already too high tolerance. Concentrates make me cough and give me bad mucus. (IWE, CO2, BHO... it ALL does it to me) Smoking buds is far far easier on my lungs than smoking or vaping concentrates. Concentrates cannot deliver the full flavor or aroma that buds can. And in general I find that there is little difference in the high from one concentrate to another. Something gets lost in the extraction process. Whatever it is, with as much concentrate as I want at my disposal, I still choose buds almost every time. Add to that the social experience of smoking buds (longer, drawn out) as opposed to smoking concentrates (quick, less social) and buds win again. In addition, concentrates are cool right now. Much of it is a fad I think. Especially with younger people, under 25. They love new things or different things than their parents had, such as LED lighting, or concentrates.

Concentrates are nice, but they do not offer the full experience that smoking buds does. I don't see buds ever going away. It will never be "game over" for buds. Hell, it's not like concentrates are new. Hash and kief have been around for a thousand years. At least! We've been making BHO since at least the 80's. And all this time buds haven't gone away.

Saying that concentrates will eliminate buds is like saying no one will drink wine anymore because we now have brandy.
What no one understands is that we need those flowers to make those waxes and oils. I'm a huge concentrate guy but when you vape as much as I do, you do get tired of just wax and realize that flowers are still a must.
Concentrates are nice, but they do not offer the full experience that smoking buds does. I don't see buds ever going away. It will never be "game over" for buds. Hell, it's not like concentrates are new. Hash and kief have been around for a thousand years. At least! We've been making BHO since at least the 80's. And all this time buds haven't gone away.

Saying that concentrates will eliminate buds is like saying no one will drink wine anymore because we now have brandy.

Concentrates have been around for thousands of years, and where they have been people smoke them instead of buds. When a market gets sufficiently developed, it turns to concentrates. They are more economical and offer a stronger high. Look at Amsterdam for example. The whole market is primarily hash. Bud is an afterthought. Sure there will always be a few people who prefer bud, but if you look at the way things are going, Cali is all about it's bho. I'd say 90% of the people who work in dispensaries don't even smoke buds anymore at all.
I'll probably never make the switch to wax. As far as variable temps (or more so variable voltage) it already exists for e-cigarettes so im sure it's already there for vape pens. I prefer smoking bud. I feel like concentrates exist at the level they do because people smoke incredibly too much. If it takes more then a bowl to get you need to take a tolerance break.
And that's something to consider. Some of us don't want to smoke every day all day. And yes, some people (myself included) smoke too much. :)

I disagree Dan Kone. As I said, by that logic no one would drink wine... Also, 90% of the idiots I run into at dispensaries don't know good from bad anyway so I don't really put much stock into what some budtender consumes. I agree that it can be more economical since you only need a little. But then as I said, you start to lose that social aspect of it. I think it will balance out and some will smoke flowers and some will smoke concentrates. But buds and bud smokers aren't going anywhere. All but one of my friends still smoke flowers primarily, and some won't touch concentrates. (too strong they say) Also, europe has long been a hash culture, where as the US never has.

IMO it's the under 30 crowd that favors concentrates. Over 30 favors flowers.

Edit: I should say, I do like concentrates! I just don't prefer them.
I agree with Mithrandir420, the social aspect is key. I really enjoy a strong sativa blunt when i see old friends and family...we smoke talk and laugh and pass it around in a celebration type manner, love those sessions. So I agree that concentrates take away from the social side.

I mentioned in the Cali patient forum that i went to Hempcon. Dan Kone said it would be small...indeed it was. Here is were confict is... The show had more booths for Vape pens than glass.
And there was some Ukrainian dudes there offering 3 hits off the vape pen for 1.00 and i fell for it..
Because they offered gsc,bluedream,and louie. Dude didnt even wipe the mouthpiece off with alcohol. So i feel like i wouldnt share my vape pen in a sesh cuz mofos hold the button down to long and id be fckn pissed if someone damaged my pen! So socially it sucks.

A little insight:
The other companies were offering deals (2 for 60) for pens. There were knock off microvapes w/domes,Gpens,dabr like ect. But Cloudz which was offering thier basic pen for 40.00 with free wax inside(pending verification). I had too. Plus atomizers are only 10.00 done deal.

I also agree with Dan Kone as far as moving forward in cannibus culture. The show specifically said "No Smoking or Vaporizing" but there were vendors and people in line inside the venue openly vaporizing.
If you wanted to smoke a collective with a shuttle and 20.00 gram donation would take u off sight to smoke. So I agree this is the future. And it will add value back into the production and cultivation. Ask how much a lb GSC or Louie clean full melt or oil is? 3-4k easy! 450 a oz of quality oil is my number so that would be 6k maybe more a lb?? It makes sense for the high end clientle. Smoking will be for new common inexperienced or committed to the old way. Concentrates for stealth, transportation and purity.

Side note....i got some quality oil for my pen. You could see thru it... Alcupolco gold! Freakn came in a syringe with a cap on it. You can measure it out. And its not messy to handle.

I agree with Mithrandir420, the social aspect is key. I really enjoy a strong sativa blunt when i see old friends and family...we smoke talk and laugh and pass it around in a celebration type manner, love those sessions. So I agree that concentrates take away from the social side.

I mentioned in the Cali patient forum that i went to Hempcon. Dan Kone said it would be small...indeed it was. Here is were confict is... The show had more booths for Vape pens than glass.
And there was some Ukrainian dudes there offering 3 hits off the vape pen for 1.00 and i fell for it..
Because they offered gsc,bluedream,and louie. Dude didnt even wipe the mouthpiece off with alcohol. So i feel like i wouldnt share my vape pen in a sesh cuz mofos hold the button down to long and id be fckn pissed if someone damaged my pen! So socially it sucks.

A little insight:
The other companies were offering deals (2 for 60) for pens. There were knock off microvapes w/domes,Gpens,dabr like ect. But Cloudz which was offering thier basic pen for 40.00 with free wax inside(pending verification). I had too. Plus atomizers are only 10.00 done deal.

I also agree with Dan Kone as far as moving forward in cannibus culture. The show specifically said "No Smoking or Vaporizing" but there were vendors and people in line inside the venue openly vaporizing.
If you wanted to smoke a collective with a shuttle and 20.00 gram donation would take u off sight to smoke. So I agree this is the future. And it will add value back into the production and cultivation. Ask how much a lb GSC or Louie clean full melt or oil is? 3-4k easy! 450 a oz of quality oil is my number so that would be 6k maybe more a lb?? It makes sense for the high end clientle. Smoking will be for new common inexperienced or committed to the old way. Concentrates for stealth, transportation and purity.

Side note....i got some quality oil for my pen. You could see thru it... Alcupolco gold! Freakn came in a syringe with a cap on it. You can measure it out. And its not messy to handle.


Harborside offers "the clear" full melt for 60.00 per gram 1500 per oz! Wont even discuss a lb.
The biggest thing for me personally is the flavor and the high. I find that concentrates are pretty flat, high-wise. I love the clean flavor and hit a good concentrate and vapor globe give.

I think it comes down to personal preference and the fact that things like this ebb and flow. I agree that vape pens are cool and that they will garner a portion of the market, but will they kill buds? Not on your life.
I am not a fan of pens really. You get a much better high from flowers. I feel like I only catch a buzz from pens and I'm puffing on the thing near constantly like a tweaker chasing a high. Where as with flowers there is a cycle you go through in a given high, and one can control the intensity with their intake.

It is even evident when you compare the same concentrates in a pen vs a rig. I would gladly choose .05g one rip on a nail over puffing on 0.5g pen until it taste like you are licking a ti nail.