Are we alone?


Active Member
So I was watching tv the other day and this physicist guy said that there are 50 to 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each consisting of 50 to 100 billion planets of their own. I'm no mathmatician but thats a whole shitload of planets. So my question is how unique is our earth? Scientists say that water is the basis of life, and if theres water its a good spot to start the search for life, but they've found evidence of water formerly being present on other planets in OUR own solar system. It seems a bit arrogant for us to think that we are the only planet in the universe that is capible of supporting life. Its easy to say that earth is perfect because God made it perfect and we are alone, but thats an entirely different arguement. I'm curious to know what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
i reacon there is other life form out there, there just has to be like what the hell is the point of all the other planets beening out there if there no other life around, like why would you go and make earth and every other planet around earth is we r they only life form ?


Well-Known Member
T-Rex will kill us all!!! Thats what I think dinos gonna come back and pick us out like the sheep we are...Funny thing is aliens look like reptiles kinda ever make you wounder if the dinos evolved and moved on riding UFOs and we are the stupid sheep they come for their steak dinners....


Well-Known Member
i believe 100% that there is more life out there. a lot more. theres as many worlds as there are pieces of sand on the sea-shore.


Well-Known Member
yea man, there just has to be somethink out there for sure, want about on earth do u think there is things like bigfoot, yeti etc ?


Well-Known Member
But in reality, why can't anyone just accept the fact that maybe we got lucky? It is something to think about... and even if there was other life, the odds of them looking like us is basically impossible. People can't even get along with people based on looks alone.. If you think we would get along with some aliens your crazy. I think it would basically, immediately, lead to the end of earth..


Well-Known Member
But in reality, why can't anyone just accept the fact that maybe we got lucky? It is something to think about... and even if there was other life, the odds of them looking like us is basically impossible. People can't even get along with people based on looks alone.. If you think we would get along with some aliens your crazy. I think it would basically, immediately, lead to the end of earth..
Doesnt matter if we like them or not.....They can come here and we cant go there because we dont think they exist.....We would loose that war..Not to mention if aliens did exist it would make every religion look stupid...People wouldnt be able to gather the reality that we are sheep baaaaabaaaaa!!


Well-Known Member
But in reality, why can't anyone just accept the fact that maybe we got lucky? It is something to think about... and even if there was other life, the odds of them looking like us is basically impossible. People can't even get along with people based on looks alone.. If you think we would get along with some aliens your crazy. I think it would basically, immediately, lead to the end of earth..
some other worlds may be more developed than we are. more technology. and some of them probably are behind us. whos to know.? thats just what i think:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The universe is abundant with sentient life.
They won't let us leave here until we grow up.
Can u imagine GW Bush deciding to invade Sirius 'just in case they have weapons of mass destruction'?

That's why the shuttles keep exploding.
We should spend our time on maturing society instead of gimmicks and bombs.

Would you let us out there if you were a sentient alien?


Well-Known Member
The universe is abundant with sentient life.
They won't let us leave here until we grow up.
Can u imagine GW Bush deciding to invade Sirius 'just in case they have weapons of mass destruction'?

That's why the shuttles keep exploding.
We should spend our time on maturing society instead of gimmicks and bombs.

Would you let us out there if you were a sentient alien?
Nicely put. I kinda like that theory. I still wonder if it was really an aging spy sat that the u.s blew up not long ago? maybe it was hostile/hostiles?


Well-Known Member
Have you considered we are stuck in the 3rd Dimension?

Look around you. Trapped in a rudimentary 3D puzzle where we "expire". But what exactly is expiration - finality or freedom from the Third Dimesion? Freedom where our consciousness will not be bound by gravity and "synapsises" and time.


Life; What scale are you talking about? I think we are in the middle; somewhere between here and infinity. The deeper Humanities Microscope drills, there's still more - infinity. Inversely, the Hubble - farther and farther and still Infinity. One day an "eye" might pop through a cloud onto our globe. Someone from a greater scale "finding" us.

Inversely, what about recognizing a "World" through a microscope. With "Nano-Technology" we'll be able to build Nanobots and order them to build more Nanobots from their scale. To move up in scales proves to be difficult because of the Vast Distances with known tech.

With that in mind, we might be the only life at this "scale" of the "Universe". Look to the door knobs and flu problems for life at smaller scaled Universes.


Well-Known Member
I've always looked at our perception of the world/universe etc that way or at least since early school when I seen the basic diagram of an atom or whatever you know the nucleus with the orbiting things around it. It sure looked like the way planets orbit and galaxies etc.

maybe one day these nano "bots" with look thru thier microscopes and find galaxies and planets with life on them. the "bots" would be like the big eye looking in on us. or "aliens"


Active Member
So I was watching tv the other day and this physicist guy said that there are 50 to 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each consisting of 50 to 100 billion planets of their own. I'm no mathmatician but thats a whole shitload of planets. So my question is how unique is our earth? Scientists say that water is the basis of life, and if theres water its a good spot to start the search for life, but they've found evidence of water formerly being present on other planets in OUR own solar system. It seems a bit arrogant for us to think that we are the only planet in the universe that is capible of supporting life. Its easy to say that earth is perfect because God made it perfect and we are alone, but thats an entirely different arguement. I'm curious to know what you guys think.

I like to think that with all the planets in the universe, there has to be life out there. It too big not to have some form of life. I wonder if we did run across some form of life would we recognize what we saw as life?


Well-Known Member
In 1961, University of California, Santa Cruz astronomer and astrophysicist Dr. Frank Drake devised the Drake equation. This controversial equation multiplied estimates of the following terms together:
The rate of formation of suitable stars.
The fraction of those stars which are orbited by planets.
The number of Earth-like worlds per planetary system.
The fraction of planets where intelligent life develops.
The fraction of possible communicative planets.
The "lifetime" of possible communicative civilizations.
Drake used the equation to estimate that there are approximately 10,000 planets containing intelligent life, with the possible capability of communicating with Earth in the Milky Way galaxy.[30]
Based on observations from the Hubble Space Telescope, there are at least 125 billion galaxies in the universe. It is estimated that at least ten percent of all sun-like stars have a system of planets[31], there are 6.25*1018 stars with planets orbiting them in the universe. If even a billionth of these stars have planets supporting life, there are some 6.25 billion life-supporting solar systems in the universe.

Quoted from your local wikipedia.

The possibility is there that we are alone as we have no possible way of solving this, but hey - those are some interesting facts to ponder.


Look, just think of it this way...People keep thinking that life exists only like it does on Earth. Carbon based.

I would bet my future of Cannabis use that there are other element based lifeforms out there.


Well-Known Member
As a species, and as a civilisation by our own definition, we're not alone, but certainly lonely. There is no doubt in my mind that there are other intelligent lifeforms out there, but in terms of accessability we may as well be alone.


New Member
No were not alone.

As said, there are billions of other galaxies and solar systems out there and even more billions of planets, out of those planets I would guess at least thousands or millions have life that live on them. Out of those ones that do have life there has to be at least a few hundred or thousand that support intelligent life near or above our intelligence as humans.

Also, as said again, we live in the 3rd dimension and everything we know and experience is in the 3rd dimension, there are actually 12 dimensions and each one up has a MUCH higher complexity than the previous ones. The dimensions above 5 are almost impossible to describe or understand for us humans. I believe they said we do exist in some level at all dimensions but we cant see anything above 4 at the most. So its possible that other entities exist and live at these higher dimensions. Its said that in intense drug experiences, some dreams, and near death experiences we can see the 4th dimension or above which would explain some DMT trips. Also I believe when we leave of physical body, as souls we can experience these higher dimensions.

These entities that exist in other places in space, and the dimensions, they may evolve and be much different than us. I mean, even on our planet there are things that are much different than us look at the creatures in pitch black at the bottom of the sea or even birds for that matter. Just imagine how different things on other planets and dimensions could be from us.


New Member
The odds are there is much we don't know about even though its existence is highly probable.

If you believe in something, does it exist (if only in your mind)?

Is belief like writing a book in your head? Does that make it real?

I believe thoughts are real. They exist as neuronal connection patterns in our brains.

Is reality just a perception?
