Are we now feeling the backlash of 8 years of a Black President?

I'm white and have worked in a factory with 20000 plus people. It's funny. I was from sticks and raised on a farm if you will. 25 acres and raised tobacco. My dad built the house. We had one family I know of that was black. Log cabin and a dirt floor. Wood cookstove. This was until the Early 70's. I would hunt in their woods and give them some of whatever I got that day. We would kill 2 hogs and 1 beef each fall after it turned cold enough to hang the meat. Also chickens etc. Anyway we would give them food. They were supported by a group in the City that would send kids out in a foster home situation. We were all poor and I really didn't notice they were black. Can't mention names but I will never forget them. They raised 3 foster kids I know of all went to college. The lady was a beautiful woman ( inside) and her husband was a riot. He liked a beer now and again with me. I wish my children would have known them. I wish the black neighbors could have lived long enough to see Obama. Not trump.
I'm white and have worked in a factory with 20000 plus people. It's funny. I was from sticks and raised on a farm if you will. 25 acres and raised tobacco. My dad built the house. We had one family I know of that was black. Log cabin and a dirt floor. Wood cookstove. This was until the Early 70's. I would hunt in their woods and give them some of whatever I got that day. We would kill 2 hogs and 1 beef each fall after it turned cold enough to hang the meat. Also chickens etc. Anyway we would give them food. They were supported by a group in the City that would send kids out in a foster home situation. We were all poor and I really didn't notice they were black. Can't mention names but I will never forget them. They raised 3 foster kids I know of all went to college. The lady was a beautiful woman ( inside) and her husband was a riot. He liked a beer now and again with me. I wish my children would have known them. I wish the black neighbors could have lived long enough to see Obama. Not trump.
Proof that not everyone from the "sticks" is a racist. Really touching story too. Thanks for posting it.
I'm white and have worked in a factory with 20000 plus people. It's funny. I was from sticks and raised on a farm if you will. 25 acres and raised tobacco. My dad built the house. We had one family I know of that was black. Log cabin and a dirt floor. Wood cookstove. This was until the Early 70's. I would hunt in their woods and give them some of whatever I got that day. We would kill 2 hogs and 1 beef each fall after it turned cold enough to hang the meat. Also chickens etc. Anyway we would give them food. They were supported by a group in the City that would send kids out in a foster home situation. We were all poor and I really didn't notice they were black. Can't mention names but I will never forget them. They raised 3 foster kids I know of all went to college. The lady was a beautiful woman ( inside) and her husband was a riot. He liked a beer now and again with me. I wish my children would have known them. I wish the black neighbors could have lived long enough to see Obama. Not trump.
EXACTLY. Wish I could "like" that again.
Actually I preferred blacks as friends. It seems we had more in common. And strange as it may seem a Mormon guy in the Air Force was one of the most interesting and dedicated people I have met. Don't agree but a lovely person. Conscious objector. Went in but wouldn't carry a gun. He volunteered for medivac. Don't know if he made it.
I'm white and have worked in a factory with 20000 plus people. It's funny. I was from sticks and raised on a farm if you will. 25 acres and raised tobacco. My dad built the house. We had one family I know of that was black. Log cabin and a dirt floor. Wood cookstove. This was until the Early 70's. I would hunt in their woods and give them some of whatever I got that day. We would kill 2 hogs and 1 beef each fall after it turned cold enough to hang the meat. Also chickens etc. Anyway we would give them food. They were supported by a group in the City that would send kids out in a foster home situation. We were all poor and I really didn't notice they were black. Can't mention names but I will never forget them. They raised 3 foster kids I know of all went to college. The lady was a beautiful woman ( inside) and her husband was a riot. He liked a beer now and again with me. I wish my children would have known them. I wish the black neighbors could have lived long enough to see Obama. Not trump.
But I do have hope because my kids don't see color either. I think (hope) that is a trend, even here in the sticks.
One of my close black friends I used to work with takes baked goods every few months to prison inmates. My wife makes baked goods like the hillbilly woman she is. She would make cookies to take as well as for this guy. We always joked he eats them all. Great guy. His wife is waiting a heart transplant. I need to call him.
I'm white and have worked in a factory with 20000 plus people. It's funny. I was from sticks and raised on a farm if you will. 25 acres and raised tobacco. My dad built the house. We had one family I know of that was black. Log cabin and a dirt floor. Wood cookstove. This was until the Early 70's. I would hunt in their woods and give them some of whatever I got that day. We would kill 2 hogs and 1 beef each fall after it turned cold enough to hang the meat. Also chickens etc. Anyway we would give them food. They were supported by a group in the City that would send kids out in a foster home situation. We were all poor and I really didn't notice they were black. Can't mention names but I will never forget them. They raised 3 foster kids I know of all went to college. The lady was a beautiful woman ( inside) and her husband was a riot. He liked a beer now and again with me. I wish my children would have known them. I wish the black neighbors could have lived long enough to see Obama. Not trump.
Reminds me of a good one. My dad was friends with this older black guy with a huge spread of land. He let us hunt it. We always gave him some of the meat.

One day we go by to talk and make sure it was ok to still hunt. The man was getting ready for a bath. Old cast iron tub. He had to heat the water.

What makes it stand out in my mind is he answered the door butt ass naked. Had the biggest dick I ever saw. He asked to come in and have a seat. He sat there the whole time naked with his cock just a swinging.

I don't know why. Maybe he didn't care or just wanted to show off.

We would go by and check on him often. Never had kids and his wife had passed years earlier.
They had an outhouse, most did in the 50's and 60's in my area but we had a cistern and inside plumbing. They got water from a spring and a hand pump. We had a water heater (propane) and wood heat. 5 kids took turns in one tub of water for a bath. The oldest went first and the youngest last, me. Young ones may pee in the water. Had to save water in the dry times with a cistern. If not you had to haul water.
Our nation's first black president has made the white ones before and after him look like the idiots they are.

I'm very curious about the form of the backlash against the Chump is taking.
Abraham Lincoln was way better than Obama not only did he end slavery. He made probably the greatest point on prohibition "All it does is create crime where their is none".

JFK was the next best but he was so good the government killed him. We have had great white presidents far superior to Obama but we have had nothing but shit presidents since JFK including Obama. Trump has a chance to turn into a great president he's been president for less than 60 days for fuck sake. This refugee crap is bullshit it's the radical Islamic version of the Trojan Horse. 4 killed 20 injured by a Muslim just yesterday guy ran down a bunch of people in a car then killed a cop with a knife.

Don't forget the 80 killed in Nice, France and 60-80 or whatever in that Florida gay bar. These people are nothing like the Europeans, Africans, Latinos and Asians that come over for a better life. They want Sharia Law I'd rather Marshal Law unless you think we should behead Jews and Christians.
Abraham Lincoln was way better than Obama not only did he end slavery. He made probably the greatest point on prohibition "All it does is create crime where their is none".

JFK was the next best but he was so good the government killed him. We have had great white presidents far superior to Obama but we have had nothing but shit presidents since JFK including Obama. Trump has a chance to turn into a great president he's been president for less than 60 days for fuck sake. This refugee crap is bullshit it's the radical Islamic version of the Trojan Horse. 4 killed 20 injured by a Muslim just yesterday guy ran down a bunch of people in a car then killed a cop with a knife.

Don't forget the 80 killed in Nice, France and 60-80 or whatever in that Florida gay bar. These people are nothing like the Europeans, Africans, Latinos and Asians that come over for a better life. They want Sharia Law I'd rather Marshal Law unless you think we should behead Jews and Christians.
That man was born in Britain. How do you suggest they would "keep him out"? He wasn't a fucking refugee.
Actually I preferred blacks as friends. It seems we had more in common. And strange as it may seem a Mormon guy in the Air Force was one of the most interesting and dedicated people I have met. Don't agree but a lovely person. Conscious objector. Went in but wouldn't carry a gun. He volunteered for medivac. Don't know if he made it.
your describing a movie that was just in theators called h acksaw ridge,, dude woul dnot carry a gun,, and worked as a medic