are whites good americans?

are whites good americans?

  • no, whites are not good americans

  • yes, whites are good americans

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Well-Known Member
The vice cops were out there. I never said there weren’t any. I just didn’t get busted by them and the local dealers, hookers and customers were not picked up.

You have read this all many times. Who are you to demand continued explanation?

All asked and answered and then twisted and theorized by the bucksock clan. Then used as a silly childish attack back at the target.

You are all very bad at this compared to other types of forums.

Weak guys. Weak trying to use this again. Maybe a noob will believe you and join the gang. All 2 of you.
your whole story is completely made up


Well-Known Member
Okay not all whites. The 35% still supporting him are bad Americans and that includes a lot of decision makers that directly affect people's lives, like bosses, police officers, teachers, and politicians.

I bet that 35% has always been there, snarling at school integrations and "new" neighbors. I'm even going to be magnanimous and say that that 35% is the lowest its ever been.

That may give the impression, through repeated daily life interactions, that overall all whites are racist. We all know that's not true but perception is reality. Reasonable enough?


Well-Known Member
your whole story is completely made up

Like I have told you for the best part of a year now. Believe what you want. You are the internet expert.

But why keep bringing it up? And why would anyone make up such a story.

You have no experiences to back up anything you preach. You are like a little child.


Well-Known Member
Eh, sorry, shithole country. Now... I'd like to visit Spain though.
The US has a few nice places, the rest of it is a shit hole. I say that as someone who has seen most of it. If you only listen to the media you'd think it's fucking great, actually it has more shit holes than most of the countries I have been to, and I've been to 32.