every country on the globe was founded by oppressing the native population....every fucking one. so dole that fucking criticism out to everyone else on the entire fucking planet, too.
blacks sold other blacks into slavery, and indians took slaves from other tribes. don't paint them like they were angelic little cherubim leading idyllic lives in the garden....they were savage tribes preying on each other, taking slaves for labor and sex.
white people did indeed enslave them...white people who have been dead for centuries now, and i refuse to feel one fucking iota of guilt over what they did. nor do i feel any guilt over the current situation. i don't recall anyone giving a flying fuck about my opinion. i don't recall being asked to vote on any of these issues, so why should i feel guilty about it?
reap what you sow? i've sowed tolerance, patience, if i see someone having trouble, i'll help if i can, and i don't care who they are or what they look like (as long as they aren't holding a bloody machete...)
i've always believed two people doing the same job deserve the same pay...so what exactly is it i'm supposed to reap? people helping me out, no matter what color they are? they already do...guess thats karma....makes me wonder what shape your karma is in