One of the wisest things a friend of mine told me in his hick southern drawl a few years ago was-
"Well ya ain't ever seen any pussy in the graveyard, have ya? There's a reason for that. You can try to break it down and you can fuckin beat that shit up because you think if you fuck it better than the other dudes out there she won't leave you, but pussy doesn't die. Shits like a fuckin zombie, you can beat the shit out of it and hammer it, but she'll just go to the next dude and get hammered by him too. Shit- she gets that thing stretched to fit a dudes head in it, but it's ready for more soon afterwards.
What chicks really want is $. Anybody can fuck the color out of her or take pills to get a hard cock. Not everybody can take her out for $100 dinners 4 nights a week. That's the guy you have to watch out for."