Are women more likely to condemn weed smoking than are males?

Men have penises and girls have vaginas ......beyond that I'm all out of good info ......and most of my gardens go to women of all ages and backgrounds .....IMO women are more open to the medical side of mmj ......and they can have babies.
While this thread does have some interesting points, research does exist.

In general, not singling anybody out

-since 2011 men we're 2x more likely to abuse a substance over women. (Drug addicts and drunk drivers are likely to be mostly men)
Women don't want to go to jail or have their support systems ruined by doing something illegal/immoral because they have to think about something other than themselves (children). I would guess if it's legal there would be much more acceptance for women.
My male friends and I agree that women in our age cohort (between 39-50) are generally opposed to pot smoking, and have usually opposed it even when they were younger. My brother, my friends, even me--we've all dealt with a significant other opposed to pot smoking. I've even worked with women and known women who I was not involved with who vehemently opposed and demonized the evil weed.

So I'm wondering, is this just my perception that women seem to oppose the herb? When I was much younger, everyone I knew male and female smoked weed on a regular basis. After age 30, that became fewer and further between, and I began to conceal my own habits for employment purposes. Since I was 30, the past 17 years, I haven't met very many women in my age cohort that toke up. In fact, I haven't met any.

Recently attending a major convention attended by people all over the country, I received information to confirm this viewpoint. One day while eating lunch with nine people (seven females and two males), all of the women vehemently condemned pot smoking. Myself and the other two dudes reminisced about college daze and bong rips in the dorm room, gravity bongs and whatnot. Later in the conversation, the females applauded the effectiveness of Zoloft, Effexor, and Wellbutrin, among others--all dangerous SSRI antidepressant drugs.

My question at the table was how is pot smoking any different (perhaps more safer) than the whole idea behind taking an SSRI for the rest of your life? The reason people take SSRIs is so they can feel better--well enough to get out of bed and get along with their day. That's basically the same reason I smoke pot every day. It helps me cope with the mundane, the phoniness, and the shit I cannot change.

One woman said "pot is addictive." I countered that SSRIs are usually long term drugs, where people have reported taking them since the early 1990s and have no plans to ever stop taking them. How is that different than addiction? Many of the women then bemoaned their ex-husbands' pot smoking (and all of their ex-husbands are gainfully employed in professional careers like these women are), and the conversation degenerated into this war between the sexes thing.

So question reiterated: do women generally oppose pot smoking, especially women in their 40s? Or is that just my perception based on the women I've been around?
Wow...that's was revealing. So you're saying chick's would rather put dangerous pharmaceuticals into their bodies that mess with your internal organs than Cannabis which has never killed a single human being in the history of the world.
My guess is that women are more about following the rules and legalities than questioning same and possibly curing themselves of their ailments. They generally don't like to rock the boat. Unless they're feminist lesbians. They want to sink the boat and kill all the men on board. There are more intelligent and empathetic women out there who may understand but that's not to say they'll want to indulge with you. Just that they are more empathetic.
My advice is to either find these forward thinkers, or turn gay. Works for me.
I've never experienced condemnation for smoking weed from anyone. Wouldn't worry about it if I did.
My male friends and I agree that women in our age cohort (between 39-50) are generally opposed to pot smoking, and have usually opposed it even when they were younger. My brother, my friends, even me--we've all dealt with a significant other opposed to pot smoking. I've even worked with women and known women who I was not involved with who vehemently opposed and demonized the evil weed.

So I'm wondering, is this just my perception that women seem to oppose the herb? When I was much younger, everyone I knew male and female smoked weed on a regular basis. After age 30, that became fewer and further between, and I began to conceal my own habits for employment purposes. Since I was 30, the past 17 years, I haven't met very many women in my age cohort that toke up. In fact, I haven't met any.

Recently attending a major convention attended by people all over the country, I received information to confirm this viewpoint. One day while eating lunch with nine people (seven females and two males), all of the women vehemently condemned pot smoking. Myself and the other two dudes reminisced about college daze and bong rips in the dorm room, gravity bongs and whatnot. Later in the conversation, the females applauded the effectiveness of Zoloft, Effexor, and Wellbutrin, among others--all dangerous SSRI antidepressant drugs.

My question at the table was how is pot smoking any different (perhaps more safer) than the whole idea behind taking an SSRI for the rest of your life? The reason people take SSRIs is so they can feel better--well enough to get out of bed and get along with their day. That's basically the same reason I smoke pot every day. It helps me cope with the mundane, the phoniness, and the shit I cannot change.

One woman said "pot is addictive." I countered that SSRIs are usually long term drugs, where people have reported taking them since the early 1990s and have no plans to ever stop taking them. How is that different than addiction? Many of the women then bemoaned their ex-husbands' pot smoking (and all of their ex-husbands are gainfully employed in professional careers like these women are), and the conversation degenerated into this war between the sexes thing.

So question reiterated: do women generally oppose pot smoking, especially women in their 40s? Or is that just my perception based on the women I've been around?
That's your perception based on the women that surround u. I don't think gender plays any part what so ever. It's a matter of each to their own.
I suffered severely with post natal depression in my mid thirties and each time I tried to talk to a doctor about it they'd just pull the script pad out and pretty much say what do u want. I never filled a script. I usually only smoke weed right before I go to sleep, but occasionally during some of my darkest moments as a new mum I'd put my baby down in his cot, walk into my room and take a puff, or two. Let it sink in and then walk back out of that room a completely different person completely un phased by the crying and utter dependancy. All of a sudden I could experience what it was like to "love" being a mother, I would become so much more attentive and soft and just all round calm. As would my baby. I tell everyone if it wasn't for hooch I don't know what would have happened. Two years on I again only smoke before bed. Something tells me prescription pills wouldn't have had the same positive effect as weed.