Greatest I am
Active Member
Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way heshould be?
God, behold the only thing greater than yourself, ---- shouldbe the caption and words in this clip.
Without mankind to recognize the idea of a God, God wouldnot exist. This is an obvious truth.
Only you can make you voluntarily do anything. This also isan obvious truth.
That all important capability shows that men and women andtheir wills are greater than God and his will. This is what Jesus taught.Paraphrase, the Sabbath was created for man, not man for the Sabbath. Man is torule religion and not religion rule man.
Only mans will is being expressed here on earth and manneed not kowtow to the man-made idols and religions we have invented.
That is the message Jesus tried to convey and that Romecorrupted because sheep are easier to control than goats.
The Sabbath was made for man. Not man for the Sabbath. Wecan do as we choose.
Which God do you idolize instead of stepping up yourself to recognizingthat you are greater than God?
Or do you recognize that you are greater than any God?
Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way heshould be?
God, behold the only thing greater than yourself, ---- shouldbe the caption and words in this clip.
Without mankind to recognize the idea of a God, God wouldnot exist. This is an obvious truth.
Only you can make you voluntarily do anything. This also isan obvious truth.
That all important capability shows that men and women andtheir wills are greater than God and his will. This is what Jesus taught.Paraphrase, the Sabbath was created for man, not man for the Sabbath. Man is torule religion and not religion rule man.
Only mans will is being expressed here on earth and manneed not kowtow to the man-made idols and religions we have invented.
That is the message Jesus tried to convey and that Romecorrupted because sheep are easier to control than goats.
The Sabbath was made for man. Not man for the Sabbath. Wecan do as we choose.
Which God do you idolize instead of stepping up yourself to recognizingthat you are greater than God?
Or do you recognize that you are greater than any God?
Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way heshould be?