Are you afraid of the future of AI ?

Are you afraid of the future of AI ?

  • Yes. They will rise up like in all those books and movies. It is inevitable.

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • No. They will always just be dumb machines with us as their Gods.

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Other. I'll be dead by then, dont care. I welcome the end, Oh sweet relief. Etc. PLEASE SPECIFY

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • I'm only afraid that they're not going to make a droid in your likeness that can fuck me everyday.

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
I'm looking forward...



Y'all didn't like the site that generates a new portrait every time you load it? It's a state of the art neural network that automatically figures out the "styles" or attributes of the images. They fed it a bazililon portraits from Flickr and now it can generate new ones while giving you knobs to control the facial expression, age, hair, glasses, background, and more. Without labeling each image manually... Attached is an example image from the paper where it copies the styles from one portrait to another.

Generating weed porn would be simple with this if you can accumulate a large number of good images. You would probably end up with controls to adjust red hairs, swolleness of bracts, frost, overall maturity, etc...

Just wait till your average cop can fake body cam video of you coming right at him.


  • stylegan.jpg
    360 KB · Views: 7
There are going to be some great days before the end, I for one cannot wait to fuck/be fucked and then just be able to power it down

That will be my heroic stand during the war ill be in the backround plugging away tirelessly giving them all viruses.. 'Honey did you put your Norton on?'
Sure did! *wink* (didn't put one on that's what the wink means Stoopid roebits)
50% chance of human level intelligence by 2050. Once we achieve that we're done. Here's a Ted talk on the subject. It gets into the meat and potatoes at the 6min mark.
A little over a decade ago when my son was a post doc he worked on a DARPA project that was iteratively mimicking the human brain. They built a functional rat brain and when they began on the cat brain they went black. If we don't have a human brain model today I'd be very surprised.
A little over a decade ago when my son was a post doc he worked on a DARPA project that was iteratively mimicking the human brain. They built a functional rat brain and when they began on the cat brain they went black. If we don't have a human brain model today I'd be very surprised.
Don't get me started. All the "future" technology that's classified, but paid for by taxpayers, and we're not allowed access. All because someone wants to weaponize it and profit off it. Fuck em all! For the people, by the people my ass.
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