Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

Are you better off than 4 years ago financially?

  • I am doing much better!

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • I am doing a little bit better.

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • About the same.

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Slightly worse off.

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • I am doing much worse!

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • I can't remember to be honest lol

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
so this is all based on a career?what about just being stable and truly happy?which most people are not!
some of the happiest people i know come home every night from work stinking to high heaven!
god you americans are so fucking conceited and arrogant,totally whats wrong with this world today...everything is a fucking pissing contest to you fuckers,and thats what is fucking this planet up!

did you know that if every third world country used the resources of what north america uses,we would need 3 more planet earths

all i see on this forum is constant bickering,whos dick is bigger than whos....who fucking cares,

im starting to become ashamed to be a human!
The only thing you hit home with is how much of a fucking pussy ass spasm boy you are douchebag.

You are part of the reason people look at med card holders as just fucking potheads ya fucking pussy spasm boy.

you wouldn't even know that i smoked cigarettes, much less cannabis, if you saw me walking down the street.

illiterate douchebags like you are what give us cannabis growers a bad name.
you wouldn't even know that i smoked cigarettes, much less cannabis, if you saw me walking down the street.

illiterate douchebags like you are what give us cannabis growers a bad name.

Amen to that. It just reinforces the drop-out loser stereotype.
No fucktards like you are.

Pussy ass spasm boy.

how do i give cannabis growers a bad name? is it my clean cut appearance? my perfectly manicured rose bushes and neatly trimmed front lawn? is it the prius in the driveway? my command of the english language?

maybe it's the fact that i give my neighbor, whose cancer is in remission but lack of appetite and insomnia is not, free cannabis whenever she is unable to donate?

i don't know man, you're going to have to do what romney and ryan can't and get specific here. what about me gives cannabis growers a bad name?
And here comes your fucktard jack-off partner.

hey now.

I do not resemble that remark. lol
you may be looking for this fucktard. lol

I am doing a lot better than 4 years ago. The economy collapsing really made it cheap to buy a house, and the Fed really lowered the rates down to nothing. It finally made sense to buy a house. I put most of my 401k into Wal-Mart stock and precious metals when the economy looked like it would collapse and then split it back out into other things in the last year. Understanding the mental retardation of the government allowed me to benefit from the economy. I did well enough in the last 4 years that I will get to retire at 55 comfortably as long as I don't screw up bad over the next decade or so. I am hoping for another recession in 10 years, maybe I can retire at earlier than 55.

I am smart enough to take advantage of the poor decisions the government makes, but I doubt most people did so well. Looking at averages is the only way you can really decide based on whether people are doing better or not.
I am doing a lot better than 4 years ago. The economy collapsing really made it cheap to buy a house, and the Fed really lowered the rates down to nothing. It finally made sense to buy a house. I put most of my 401k into Wal-Mart stock and precious metals when the economy looked like it would collapse and then split it back out into other things in the last year. Understanding the mental retardation of the government allowed me to benefit from the economy. I did well enough in the last 4 years that I will get to retire at 55 comfortably as long as I don't screw up bad over the next decade or so. I am hoping for another recession in 10 years, maybe I can retire at earlier than 55.

I am smart enough to take advantage of the poor decisions the government makes, but I doubt most people did so well. Looking at averages is the only way you can really decide based on whether people are doing better or not.

lmao, 100% agree, same deal for me.
how do i give cannabis growers a bad name? is it my clean cut appearance? my perfectly manicured rose bushes and neatly trimmed front lawn? is it the prius in the driveway? my command of the english language?

maybe it's the fact that i give my neighbor, whose cancer is in remission but lack of appetite and insomnia is not, free cannabis whenever she is unable to donate?

i don't know man, you're going to have to do what romney and ryan can't and get specific here. what about me gives cannabis growers a bad name?

Dude.. Hands down it is the Prius in the driveway....
Hell yes. I had unemployment and cobra insurance (thank you O'Bama) with a discount on the premiums (thank you O'Bama) until I found a great job (thank you O'Bama) and now I have AFFORDABLE health insurance even with pre-existing conditions (thank you O'Bama).

Damn straight I'm doing better than 4 years ago.

wow he really did all that for you? Did he get you a new phone as well?
Dude.. Hands down it is the Prius in the driveway....

i apologize for the 42 mpg we get. i'll be sure to up the demand on a finite, volatile, ever pricier resource when i get the chance.

ill take perfectly manicured rose bushes for 500 alex

danny602 got busted through no fault of his rose bushes, but when they interviewed his neighbors, they all said he had the nicest lawn on the block. one guy thought he was an "arborist".


i always make sure that things look nice, but not as nice as the nicest house on the block.
wow he really did all that for you? Did he get you a new phone as well?

Watch the video clip for instructions on how to get your Obama Phone, if you're still interested

Watch the video clip for instructions on how to get your Obama Phone, if you're still interested


that woman needs educating to give credit where credits due, Reagan started the phone initiative (even fox news knows that)

"It’s true that government provides free cellphones to the poor and disabled people," the site reads. "But the Obama part is not true as Obama didn’t initiate this program. It’s on the run [sic] since the administration of Reagan."
yes, better off. got laid off under Bush and new job under Obama with better pay and much less stress.

If a meteor struck your house "under Bush" and you won the lottery "under Obama" would you give them credit for those happenings?