Are you cool with pregnant women smoking bud

Do you think its cool for pregnant women to smoke bud

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Well-Known Member
women have been using it for thousands of years through childbirth... especially for labor pains...

THE ONLY adverse affect that cannabis would have is NOTHING AT ALL...

the ACTUAL adverse effect to anyone would be from just plain old smoke itself... if done often for long periods of time...(i mean it could be smoke from a piece of paper for all intensive purposes)

smoking anything will reduce the lungs capacity to take in more oxygen thus lower oxygen levels pumping through bloodstream thus equals lower oxygenation for baby to get...

so it is NOT cannabis that is the problem... it is quite simply (smoke) in itself... that is less healthy for you... ;)


Well-Known Member
if your girlfriend owes me money and doesnt pay up you wont mind me beating the shit out of her in front of you as its a private matter then, got ya
A ridiculous analogy.

You do not have the right to beat the shit out of anyone.

But my girlfriend does have the right to be secure in her person.

And if you were to lay a finger on my girlfriend against her will, in front of me or not; then...
it would become my business. :fire:


Well-Known Member
my wife smoked all the way through her first problems...kid happy, very healthy, loving, smart, etc, etc...wife was drug tested 2nd pregnancy and told to stop smoking...she did for fear of getting in trouble somewhere...kid happy, very healthy, etc, etc...

weed doesn't fuck up kids...parents fuck up kids ;)


Well-Known Member
A ridiculous analogy.

You do not have the right to beat the shit out of anyone.

But my girlfriend does have the right to be secure in her person.

And if you were to lay a finger on my girlfriend against her will, in front of me or not; then...
it would become my business. :fire:

And some say a child has a right to life, but according to you it's a private matter and your opinion is irrelevant. What changed? One rule for the people in close proximity to you and one rule for the rest? Not good enough


Well-Known Member
And some say a child has a right to life, but according to you it's a private matter and your opinion is irrelevant. What changed? One rule for the people in close proximity to you and one rule for the rest? Not good enough
Nothing changed.

The law is very clear on the definitions where the subject is terminating a pregnancy.

You should not make assumptions. I oppose abortion personally. I believe life begins at conception. But the law says different. I may not like it, but the law is the law.

However, I would not dictate to a woman regarding matters having to do with the health of her own body. The one exception being if my seed fertilized her egg. There I am entitled to an opinion.

But on the whole, it's the business of nobody else.

There's that pesky PRIVACY issue again. :-P

And THAT is good enough.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
This is a thread to see others OPINION on pregnant women smoking :leaf:bud. Are you cool with it or total against it
Anyone who claims to be "pro-choice" and believes that women have domain over their own bodies, should not object to pregnant women ingesting whatever substances that they choose.... right?


Well-Known Member
This is a thread to see others OPINION on pregnant women smoking :leaf:bud. Are you cool with it or total against it
yes it calms baby down like poonjoon said "eat fast food, drink carbonated drinks like coke pepsi sprite..."
smoke cigarettes" also veggi diet is also good as long as the meat comes for a hormone free site. proof in my sisters kid( minus the weed)


Well-Known Member
Man if it stops em acting crazy with all those hormones let em toke up. My wife was a complete nutter when pregnant. Im still alive though. Shudder


Pickle Queen
I think it's a personal choice, depends on the women and her pregnancy. Like mentioned i'd rather not put a bunch of synthetic chemicals into my body and risk the various side effects when a little will power and self control to not smoke too much is what is needed, it's about medicating to feel better not get fucked up right ;)