Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 65 53.3%

  • Total voters
Who do you think makes your hot pockets, kiddo?

It's a capitalist society. The sooner you come to terms with that the better off you'll be.

Would you volunteer your life for the Capitalist Society? Back to the salt mines and who cares who dies? the 65,416 who have done so already?

Oh! and by the by..that's 65,416 in two months, not annually like the flu (before you decide to quote 'but the flu').
"You give me the awful impression, I hate to have to say it, of someone who hasn't read any of the arguments against your position ever." -Christopher Hitchens
Oh wow a quote.

But yeah I do remember, it was the incorrect assertion that the Democrats should for some reason hold up emergency aid bills in the middle of a pandemic that has crushed our economy. Like somehow the Democrats should be as stupid as Trump was when he closed down the government during the holidays to make his base happy.

You just want to try to split the Democratic party with deeply established bullshit propaganda statements that make no sense in reality.
What a pile of green shit this thread turned out to be.

"Leave your ego at the door, forget who you are, talk policy, talk strategy. Get this fucking scumbag out of office at all costs."

Green bullshit from January.^^^^^ Love that commitment to a cause when Bernie was ahead.

Then came the landslide and the green hate.
Damn shame he can't blame it on the DNC this time.
I don't like the margins either, it seems more people on ostensibly one of the more progressive websites take issue with voting for someone like Biden. Maybe they take issue with voting for the Democratic party at large, I can see valid reasons for both. But it's pretty clear the politics section of this forum has been co opted by neoliberals who deny the existence of neoliberalism, ignore the overwhelming evidence of placating corporate donor interests above constituents, from both parties, and seem to believe the only differences that actually matter between political parties are what chromosomes you carry, what country you hail from, and how much melatonin resides in your skin cells - Idpol.

I don't hold the DNC accountable for the outcome of the primary this time because I haven't seen any valid evidence that shows them to have influenced the outcome of the election as they did in 2016. You can likely mark that up to the primary concluding relatively early this cycle compared to last time. President Obama, Party elites and insiders pressured Klobuchar, Buttigieg, and the other centrists to coalesce around Biden after he won SC before Super Tuesday, and they did. If Biden wins, I'm sure each of them will be handsomely rewarded with cabinet positions for falling on the sword. You see that as 'politics', but there's a reason the law prohibits it explicitly, and another reason the laws around government corruption are purposefully left vague; so it's easy to get away with. Under a system of democracy based on policy, offering competitors cabinet positions to drop out and strengthen your own position would be illegal. It's not under ours so politicians can get away with it, and the rubes that support them can sit back and justify it as 'just politics'.. That's not the kind of democracy I support.
Oh wow a quote.

But yeah I do remember, it was the incorrect assertion that the Democrats should for some reason hold up emergency aid bills in the middle of a pandemic that has crushed our economy. Like somehow the Democrats should be as stupid as Trump was when he closed down the government during the holidays to make his base happy.

You just want to try to split the Democratic party with deeply established bullshit propaganda statements that make no sense in reality.
Under the Republican bills Pelosi supported, corporations get $4 trillion of relief, average Americans get a one time payment of $1,200

Those are the crumbs you support

Do you honestly believe if Pelosi and the rest of the House Democrats sent the Senate a bill demanding something like UBI, universal healthcare while COVID cases remain active, rent/mortgage freeze, etc., and the Senate and/or Trump failed to pass it, it would negatively affect the Democratic party in November?

People need relief right now, that's true, but if you have one party demanding these basic things under a pandemic and another party standing in the way of it while passing some of the biggest bailouts for some of the richest corporations and the wealthy in American history, it would send the direct message that the Democratic party stands up for workers and the Republican party stands against them. If you were honest about any of this, you would admit it.
Under the Republican bills Pelosi supported, corporations get $4 trillion of relief, average Americans get a one time payment of $1,200

Those are the crumbs you support

Do you honestly believe if Pelosi and the rest of the House Democrats sent the Senate a bill demanding something like UBI, universal healthcare while COVID cases remain active, rent/mortgage freeze, etc., and the Senate and/or Trump failed to pass it, it would negatively affect the Democratic party in November?

People need relief right now, that's true, but if you have one party demanding these basic things under a pandemic and another party standing in the way of it while passing some of the biggest bailouts for some of the richest corporations and the wealthy in American history, it would send the direct message that the Democratic party stands up for workers and the Republican party stands against them. If you were honest about any of this, you would admit it.
"Crumbs that I support"

You notice how this troll likes to paint you into a 'position' that is not anyones position.

It is very similar to the troll of 'Democrats are pro-abortion', when nobody supports it.

Yes if the Democrats shot down the coronavirus stimulus bills to try to get something through that the majority of Americans do not want, and the majority of Democrats decided that in the current times we are in that they would rather expand Obamacare to 100% of the population and not do something like m4a.
I don't like the margins either, it seems more people on ostensibly one of the more progressive websites take issue with voting for someone like Biden. Maybe they take issue with voting for the Democratic party at large, I can see valid reasons for both. But it's pretty clear the politics section of this forum has been co opted by neoliberals who deny the existence of neoliberalism, ignore the overwhelming evidence of placating corporate donor interests above constituents, from both parties, and seem to believe the only differences that actually matter between political parties are what chromosomes you carry, what country you hail from, and how much melatonin resides in your skin cells - Idpol.

I don't hold the DNC accountable for the outcome of the primary this time because I haven't seen any valid evidence that shows them to have influenced the outcome of the election as they did in 2016. You can likely mark that up to the primary concluding relatively early this cycle compared to last time. President Obama, Party elites and insiders pressured Klobuchar, Buttigieg, and the other centrists to coalesce around Biden after he won SC before Super Tuesday, and they did. If Biden wins, I'm sure each of them will be handsomely rewarded with cabinet positions for falling on the sword. You see that as 'politics', but there's a reason the law prohibits it explicitly, and another reason the laws around government corruption are purposefully left vague; so it's easy to get away with. Under a system of democracy based on policy, offering competitors cabinet positions to drop out and strengthen your own position would be illegal. It's not under ours so politicians can get away with it, and the rubes that support them can sit back and justify it as 'just politics'.. That's not the kind of democracy I support.

Something changed Super Tuesday, Sanders was on fire up until then and it was dramatic- too dramatic like night and day.
Bernie is done and has ceded the nomination to Biden. Regardless of the result in the fall (not a done deal either way), I look forward to listening to his cult whine about being cheated. It's become part of the background noise of the day.
"Crumbs that I support"

You notice how this troll likes to paint you into a 'position' that is not anyones position.

It is very similar to the troll of 'Democrats are pro-abortion', when nobody supports it.

Yes if the Democrats shot down the coronavirus stimulus bills to try to get something through that the majority of Americans do not want, and the majority of Democrats decided that in the current times we are in that they would rather expand Obamacare to 100% of the population and not do something like m4a.
I haven't seen you criticize the bills the Republicans passed Pelosi and the rest of the feckless house Democrats supported that gives trillions to wall street and the rich while fucking over everybody else and grandstanding on what we actually need. Maybe you haven't read or researched the effects of the bills that have been passed, but everything in them is going to the wealthy, next to nothing gets transferred back to small businesses and individuals. Just like all the relief bailout bills since Obama became president.

They're in they're own class, both parties are designed to make you think you have a choice in the matter while they both walk out the back door with all the money. They did it in 2008, they did it again in 2020, both times, they've been able to convince psychofants to agree with it.

And so it goes
I haven't seen you criticize the bills the Republicans passed Pelosi and the rest of the feckless house Democrats supported that gives trillions to wall street and the rich while fucking over everybody else and grandstanding on what we actually need. Maybe you haven't read or researched the effects of the bills that have been passed, but everything in them is going to the wealthy, next to nothing gets transferred back to small businesses and individuals. Just like all the relief bailout bills since Obama became president.

They're in they're own class, both parties are designed to make you think you have a choice in the matter while they both walk out the back door with all the money. They did it in 2008, they did it again in 2020, both times, they've been able to convince psychofants to agree with it.

And so it goes
It is naive to say that Republicans and Democrats are the same.
It's naive to believe neoliberalism doesn't exist
When you use the word, neolibleral, what do you mean? I ask because when you use that word, it doesn't fit the common definition. It's OK to make up your own but you ought to explain yourself if you want people to understand.
When you use the word, neolibleral, what do you mean? I ask because when you use that word, it doesn't fit the common definition. It's OK to make up your own but you ought to explain yourself if you want people to understand.
People understand what I mean when I use the word 'neoliberal', the only person who doesn't seem to is you
See what I mean?

It's not at all that he doesn't believe it, understand it, or acknowledge it, it's that he doesn't accept it

Neoliberalism is the 20th century resurgencence of the 19th century ideas associated with LF and free market capitalism

We've given this definition before. The centrists here oppose that definition because they don't see themselves that way. They are viewing themselves through a lense that dissociates themselves from neoliberalism because that label is negative. Rest assured, they're as neoliberal as they come, whether they acknowledge it or not.
Something changed Super Tuesday, Sanders was on fire up until then and it was dramatic- too dramatic like night and day.
South Carolina happened.

I haven't seen you criticize the bills the Republicans passed Pelosi and the rest of the feckless house Democrats supported that gives trillions to wall street and the rich while fucking over everybody else and grandstanding on what we actually need. Maybe you haven't read or researched the effects of the bills that have been passed, but everything in them is going to the wealthy, next to nothing gets transferred back to small businesses and individuals. Just like all the relief bailout bills since Obama became president.

They're in they're own class, both parties are designed to make you think you have a choice in the matter while they both walk out the back door with all the money. They did it in 2008, they did it again in 2020, both times, they've been able to convince psychofants to agree with it.

And so it goes
I like how you are always pretending to be so sure of everything you say. It is a great sales technique.


The only way this is possible is if people don't have confidence in the Democratic party opposition
Or that there have been 50 or so sock puppets that have had to be created in this forum because you trolls keep showing your true colors and start over. Did you ever vote in the other thread? I wonder where that one is.