Well-Known Member
Are these any good? CLU048-1212C4-353H6K2, Just ordered five for 56 on flea bay. L/W=119, not too good but temp solution for now.
Are these any good? CLU048-1212C4-353H6K2, Just ordered five for 56 on flea bay. L/W=119, not too good but temp solution for now.
So I'm not allowed to express my thoughts about this "deal"? Only you are allowed to write stuff here?Not sure why you're trying to knock a guy down that hasnt done anything yet though
How much would you charge for you to build me some?
Who cares how long someone has been registered on this site?
I wont even get rid of them for perhaps months, maybe even years...
I think it's a completely idiotic product and have never understood why anyone would pay for it. The "service" being provided in Plagueis' case is literally sticking down a sticker and turning 4 screws.
Just because CobKits does it differently (and charges another $10/unit), doesn't mean thats what is being offered by the OP.
Presumably a doctor knows more about health than I do, and I do not ever want to spend the time figuring out how to replace the seals in my engine...but if you cant figure out where the sticker goes and how to turn some screws....BUY A FUCKING PREMADE LIGHT.
But I digress...I would charge at least $15/unit just to cover languishing inventory once my failed "business" revealed itself as such.
Cobby makes no money on these because if he charged enough to make a healthy profit no one would buy them.
I care. If you've been here for 3 weeks there is a good chance you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
If it takes you months (nevermind years) to get rid of them they will effectively be worth less than you paid for the components. I'm glad that someone who has never owned a business can help you come to the conclusion that your "business idea" is garbage.
Clap your hands if you've watched dozens of hungry blue-shirts smell blood in the cannabis space and fall flat on their face.![]()
Failure is just part of the game in business or life for that matter. Not sure why it calls for clapping hands. Clearly, you have never failed because you're perfect, but for us mere mortals its always a possibility.
Here is the beauty of this. You dont have to buy from the guy, which speaks louder than any dribble you're posting here. If you think cobby isnt making decent dough, you're a fool. I told him he needs to raise prices, but if he wants to subsidize, or you want to, with your time and labor, who am I to tell you no?
Same goes for darth. who are you tell him what to do with his money?
people pay for overpriced crap on a daily basis, so your last line is meaningless. just your opinion
Are these any good? CLU048-1212C4-353H6K2, Just ordered five for 56 on flea bay. L/W=119, not too good but temp solution for now.
Do you ever read before you hit reply? By his own admission, in this very thread no less, Mr Cobkits himself has explained in detail how he makes no money off of the light engines.
OP started a thread about whether or not he should start a business making light engines and it was explained in detail why that is a fool's errand.
Maybe if you had a better grasp on the difference between drivel and constructive criticism, you'd realize that every point you've made isn't relevant to the OP's question.
Are you going to buy any of these engines @$45? Is anyone here? Hello?
If OP didnt want people to tell him what to do with his money...why did he create a thread called "are you guys interested in citizen cobs?"
as par goes theyre not too far off the regular gen 5 H5K2 90 cri, maybe 1% lower if i recall
i have some and they'll be up soon for about that same price
i did eventually get mine, took a month or soYeah that's a trustworthy source of Cobs. He was selling them a bit cheaper when he first started up. Shipping is surprisingly fast
Do you ever read before you hit reply? By his own admission, in this very thread no less, Mr Cobkits himself has explained in detail how he makes no money off of the light engines.
OP started a thread about whether or not he should start a business making light engines and it was explained in detail why that is a fool's errand.
Maybe if you had a better grasp on the difference between drivel and constructive criticism, you'd realize that every point you've made isn't relevant to the OP's question.
Are you going to buy any of these engines @$45? Is anyone here? Hello?
If OP didnt want people to tell him what to do with his money...why did he create a thread called "are you guys interested in citizen cobs?"
flip em over, see those two tits, they line up with the holes in the cob, just line em up and press in firmly and they fit in there nice and tight. make sure to check polarity!
i did eventually get mine, took a month or so
Do the BJB holders fit the CLU048-1212C4-353H6K2? Seems that the "tits" as you call them (3 star insert) are not grabbing the chip tight enough, the corners on each polarity don't sit flush. This normal?
For visual purposes, I can get the chip to hold on upside down, but the corner of each polarity is sitting slightly higher than the tits corners.
For you arctic thermal pads, do you cut the holes in the pad for the chips? I just bought a large pad myself so I'll be using these. Ran out of graph-tech
ive never seen one not hold, they sit flush, i can shake em around, they are tightDo the BJB holders fit the CLU048-1212C4-353H6K2? Seems that the "tits" as you call them (3 star insert) are not grabbing the chip tight enough, the corners on each polarity don't sit flush. This normal?
no because the tits sit flush with the bottom of the chip surface, no need to cut the padsFor you arctic thermal pads, do you cut the holes in the pad for the chips? I just bought a large pad myself so I'll be using these. Ran out of graph-tech