Are you PROUD of your SEMEN?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i have yet to see those tasty treats, i hear she puts out, so i guess i don't have too long to wait

i know its slightly gender bias to mention women growers mostly being pretty crap < (i tried really hard to say nothing, i failed)
pie restores my faith in lady gardens.. along with a few other lady growers
Where are these crappy lady gardens? Aren't there only five or six ladies on RIU?


Well-Known Member
hmm, maybe its better to have your love life and grow life separate
maybe a grow buddy would be better ? i don't know could get messy, can be fun
Who said anything about love life? Guys are good growers why couldn't it be a growing relationship? I can grow by myself however, I would rather have someone to talk with about it and solve the problems that arise, share the work, not do the heavy shit...I would just prefer it be a guy...


Well-Known Member
Growing pot with someone is never a good idea. Lets say you and I plant something only we know the location. If it comes up missing we will both think it was the other guy. Nobody needs a grow buddy. A grow companion that you love and share a life with that's different. If its someone you are just humping keep it humping don't start growing together.


Well-Known Member
Hey cool your jets a bit - I'm talking about INterweb picture fun. I can't commit to a whole three way yet - I don't even know you two! hahaha

My last "almost three way" I had known the girl for 6 years and the guy for 3. There's a lot of trust involved...gotta protect the hearts and all that jazz....
i am only playing..we are on the West coast so it's too far as well...haha...but.......

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Who said anything about love life? Guys are good growers why couldn't it be a growing relationship? I can grow by myself however, I would rather have someone to talk with about it and solve the problems that arise, share the work, not do the heavy shit...I would just prefer it be a guy...
You build the muscle. My forearms are insane!!!!