Are you with me?

Are you with me or against me?

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Well-Known Member
You do realize that we the people of this country actually have the power to change the rules. All you need to do is get together as a group and change it. I don't mean going out and voting, that won't work. I mean getting every single smoker in your community (even the closeted ones) to come together and start smoking pot in the open. They can't arrest everyone and we need to stand together as one. I am talking thousands of people lighting up and enjoying themselves. I am so tired of the bullshit of listening to people who have ulterior motives to their actions tell me how I should live my life.

The government should fear us, not the other way around! Ever hear of a flash mob? Well, I think we should do one on a massive scale for weed and at least try to change our future. If you are a cop or someone in the military who smokes, stand up for yourself and say "NO MORE" to be being bullied by draconian laws. I say we should plan this event in all major cities on a specific date and we should provide means of transport (if you got a good size car, give someone a lift) to others in nearby towns to get as many people as possible.

I know it seems like a scary idea to come out to the world into the daylight as a pot smoker to a lot of people but, if we truly show each other love and support we can do this. I am tired of peoples lives getting ruined and families torn apart because of these laws and enough is enough! There will always be people who say we cannot do it. That we will be arrested and our lives destroyed (or at least severely hampered). I believe however, that we can do this and we can truly be free of stupid marijuana laws.


Well-Known Member
I don't live in your country dude.

Not everyone who isn't with you, is against you.

That's a false dichotomy..


Well-Known Member
No, it's not and that's why things will never change. No one ever stands together.
i kinda have to agree with tym...and even if we do stand together, that doesnt mean that anything will change because they dont give two shits about us..they will put us all in jail and keep us there so they wouldnt have to deal with us anymore


Well-Known Member
I am talking about a massive number of people, 50 - 100,000 people at each spot. They could not arrest us all and even if they could, the system would be very overloaded. I am talking about a true revolution here. By the by, you're right Tym, me just a little high.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, eventually people will get tired of this empire and will revolt and you will have your day in the sun. Its coming.


New Member
Look what truckers in France can do. Garbage collectors. Those are like a sneeze compared to the hurricane the people can fart up. Yeah...they got soldiers.


Well-Known Member
Ever heard of Apache helicopter gunships, predators, nukes, 500,000 man standing army? They have them, we don't.
But we have 300,000,000 peoplee.

Also, it's unconstitutional to use military force (i.e apache attack copters) againts citizens, and it is a constitutional right to overturn government.


Well-Known Member
Look what truckers in France can do. Garbage collectors. Those are like a sneeze compared to the hurricane the people can fart up. Yeah...they got soldiers.
That's my point exactly or about the students in the U.K. All I am saying is if we can just get enough people together at once in those major cities than I think we can change the rules. There comes a time when you just have to say fuck it! I mean really, you only live once and then it's all gone.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that we the people of this country actually have the power to change the rules. All you need to do is get together as a group and change it. I don't mean going out and voting, that won't work. I mean getting every single smoker in your community (even the closeted ones) to come together and start smoking pot in the open. They can't arrest everyone and we need to stand together as one. I am talking thousands of people lighting up and enjoying themselves. I am so tired of the bullshit of listening to people who have ulterior motives to their actions tell me how I should live my life.

The government should fear us, not the other way around! Ever hear of a flash mob? Well, I think we should do one on a massive scale for weed and at least try to change our future. If you are a cop or someone in the military who smokes, stand up for yourself and say "NO MORE" to be being bullied by draconian laws. I say we should plan this event in all major cities on a specific date and we should provide means of transport (if you got a good size car, give someone a lift) to others in nearby towns to get as many people as possible.

I know it seems like a scary idea to come out to the world into the daylight as a pot smoker to a lot of people but, if we truly show each other love and support we can do this. I am tired of peoples lives getting ruined and families torn apart because of these laws and enough is enough! There will always be people who say we cannot do it. That we will be arrested and our lives destroyed (or at least severely hampered). I believe however, that we can do this and we can truly be free of stupid marijuana laws.

You post this bullshit and then turn around and pointlessly flag my post for telling the world how to acquire seeds ..Heaven Forbid If the Government you want to "revolt" against See's the package it came in, your ready to stand up and fight right...?....your just a Bi-polar fuck tard...


Well-Known Member
You post this bullshit and then turn around and pointlessly flag my post for telling the world how to acquire seeds ..Heaven Forbid If the Government you want to "revolt" against See's the package it came in, your ready to stand up and fight right...?....your just a Bi-polar fuck tard...
You are a moron beyond any moron I have ever known! You did not tell people how to acquire seeds, you instead chose to show in detail how they do stealth packaging which is one of the dumbest damn things anyone can do one here! If you are going to show stealth packaging of seed companies and try to screw it up for everyone else, why don't you just show your face as well. You sir deserve anything bad that happens to you because you are a dipshit! I am speaking my mind and using freedom of speech to maybe make some people wake up and realise they can make a difference! Whereas you are just a tool trying to look cool to people on youtube by showing that you can buy seeds. You are a disgrace to growers everywhere!


Well-Known Member
I'm the only person on the net with a harvest every week system I have something like 1400 Subscribers that follow me weekly and I video log it Instead of Picture Journal
I Talk about the seed package thing In My pt 21 video







But we have 300,000,000 peoplee.

Also, it's unconstitutional to use military force (i.e apache attack copters) againts citizens, and it is a constitutional right to overturn government.
Deffinatly not unconstitutional. Sorry bud dont mean to be rude but your talkin outta your ass a little. There is no mention of anything about using militant force against citizens.

We are the government. The people who are under the jurisdiction of the law are part of the system. If you want to see change go out create a campaign, register people who aren't registered to vote and help raise awareness.

Look the only problem with your philosophy is people have different priorities. Your telling me that you think all those people who have jobs that would not be keen to a mj smoker, are goin risk their jobs to support a plant? The only problem with your concept is that people have priorities. I love weed, don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVEEEE it, but at the end of the day would I rather be high or happy? Most people would rather have a happy family and keep their job then support a plant.

This thread is another reason, IM PROUD TO BE CANADIAN. I can light up a jay with my friends in the middle of downtown. No one gives a shit, it's just a plant.