are your memes danker than abandonconflict's memes?


Aw man, is that the 'e-cig'/'e-hookah' crap? Aren't those 'juices' essentially a toxic cocktail? The little bottles/packs/etc. have a skull & crossbones on the labels, lol.
Sometimes I'll be at a red light and see a guy that looks like Comic Book Guy (Simpsons) puffing away on something that looks like Jabba's pipe and smells like aerosol air
Before you joined we had diff account software. You could give reputation to other posters for their contributions. You could also rate threads with stars, and the more "positive rep" you had, the more you could influence the star count of an individual thread. All the OG's know.

Ohhhhh. If you got enough "positive rep" would they send you treats in the mail, like Haribos or spliffs?