arhh don't no what to do

yo guys
basically had a few pissed up idiots at my door early,but because iv don't want the agro of the police coming and possible finding my babies ;) i ignored it,next time should i boil the kettle and give the little bastards a wash?just real pissed of because i no non of them would even say a word if they were on there own,and if theres one thing i hate the most if people thinking there rocky when there drunk,
thanks lads


Well-Known Member
You might need to make a new post and speak English. I don't know what kind of slang you are using but I understood non of this. Use your big boy words. No abbreviations.
haha,no basically i have had a few people come to my door trying to cause trouble im unsure weather to do something about it and risk have the police come to my house,or leave them to get on with it,


Well-Known Member
yo guys
basically had a few pissed up idiots at my door early,but because iv don't want the agro of the police coming and possible finding my babies ;) i ignored it,next time should i boil the kettle and give the little bastards a wash?just real pissed of because i no non of them would even say a word if they were on there own,and if theres one thing i hate the most if people thinking there rocky when there drunk,
thanks lads
I hated English in school, and hated it completely. I barely passed my grade 12.

With that said, go back to school, for the love of humanity.



Well-Known Member
haha,no basically i have had a few people come to my door trying to cause trouble im unsure weather to do something about it and risk have the police come to my house,or leave them to get on with it,
Are they unknown to you randomly causing issues and you don't have a crew? Call the Police.
Are they there because they're your drunk retarded buddies stirring up trouble? Beat them.
Are they being aggressive to the point they are threatening your family? Shoot them.



Well-Known Member
Still not sure what you're talking about.

If you're asking about the weather, it is 30F here right now. Not too bad considering I'm in the north USA.

haha,no basically i have had a few people come to my door trying to cause trouble im unsure weather to do something about it and risk have the police come to my house,or leave them to get on with it,
Don't call the police, they can't help you with the weather. They'll just take you to jail.


Well-Known Member
Still not sure what you're talking about.

If you're asking about the weather, it is 30F here right now. Not too bad considering I'm in the north USA.

Don't call the police, they can't help you with the weather. They'll just take you to jail.

Ok, smartass remarks aside, the police do have some use to people in cases OP is describing. You can call them and report malicious behaviour. If you do so, just ensure that you do not let them in if you're growing... meet them outside. If they knock, push your way out and shut the door behind you.

I don't care how unintelligible a fellow grower is, if there's a physical risk, the best advice possible must be given.



Well-Known Member
Dress up in full camo(military camo) paint your face and next time have a massive buck knife and a gun and open the door and scream were all going to die. And run out the house slam door behind you and run like hell. They will be really scared and saying what the fuck cause your a crazy pyschotic person.


Well-Known Member
I do not like the police. That is all there is to it. Maybe they're different in Canada, don't know, never been there, but they're crooked as can be in the USA. I won't call them for anything. Especially in the DC/Maryland/VA area. In my almost 40 years of life, they never gave me any reason to trust them. Their job is to arrest people, we are just marks to them, faceless marks to help make their quota.

I probably am a smartass, I am not going to deny that. But my point is, is getting the OP to post something that people can understand, which I still do not know what it is.

Ok, smartass remarks aside, the police do have some use to people in cases OP is describing. You can call them and report malicious behaviour. If you do so, just ensure that you do not let them in if you're growing... meet them outside. If they knock, push your way out and shut the door behind you.

I don't care how unintelligible a fellow grower is, if there's a physical risk, the best advice possible must be given.



Well-Known Member
Play a loud recording of a big dog barking and threaten to let him out. Just hope your bluff works. Pepper spray and a bat are always a good non-lethal back up. :)


Well-Known Member
Pepper spray and a bat are always a good non-lethal back up. :)
Unless you have Advanced Bat Training there is no guarantee it will turn out to be non-lethal device.

It's a fine line between swinging a tad light and just pissing them off and getting your own ass kicked, and hitting a bit too hard and getting your picture on the front page.

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
Unless you have Advanced Bat Training there is no guarantee it will turn out to be non-lethal device.

It's a fine line between swinging a tad light and just pissing them off and getting your own ass kicked, and hitting a bit too hard and getting your picture on the front page.


Well-Known Member
I feel you OP, I recently had a somewhat similar situation. When we were moving into our apartment, I walked around the corner of my house to see 2 meth head fuck wads, one standing on my porch and one halfway in my house with the door open.

I thought it was my girls little brother at first (he was on his way), but when I realized it wasn't him I was like wtf. They tried being all buddy buddy with me (pretty sure they smelled the bud, don't think they were smart enough to know it was a grow tho, they were just trying to get me to smoke or something). So anyways, I wasn't having it and told them to leave in a pissrd off manner, but was still as nice as i could be.

My girl came to the door and I kinda slammed it, told her what was happening and she asked where they came from, I was like "well I asked where he lived and he said in a house that way-" I opened the door to show her the direction, and the fuck wads were still standing there, like a full 60 seconds later..

That's when I got fucking pissed.

I'm not humongous by any means, but im 6'2" and weigh about 190. They were both smaller than me so I shoved one to the ground and got in the other dudes face. I yelled, asked him if I wasn't fucking clear about him getting the fuck out of there, yadda yadda. He got this relaxed, sleepy face and I couldn't tell if he was just trying to keep his cool while hia buddy scurried off or if he was just fucked up on nerve pills or something, but he just kind of stood there while I cussed him. Finally I pulled my hands up in front of his face and said, "do you see me fucking shaking? Im trying like hell to keep from knocking you the fuck out, you need to just leave". I went back in and he left, but I couldn't shake the situation.

I couldn't call the cops bc I was harvesting my OG and had half hanging in the closet, and that bud was so stinky there just wasn't anything i could do about it.

I thought maybe I should've just fucked the kid up, but honestly man usually that just causes more problems. You beat someones ass, and they take it as an attack on their pride (especially if you give them a nice shiner theyve got to explain for about a week) and they can easily decide they want retribution, and want to take a cheap shot to get back at you. Cheap shots are somwthing I can't afford.

I don't recommend doing what I did if its at all avoidable. If there's more of them then there are of you, then its definitely not a good idea bc shit can go waaaay south way too quick.

Honestly, if you have your grow smell under control, calling the cops might be a good idea. At the very least, its good to have cops stop by your house so that if anyone DOES go running to the police saying your growing, they will tell themselves "well I've been over there, i never saw/smelled a grow." But again, its very risky to get them over there. Luckily I had the cops over at my place right before i started growing, and after those dudes came by my house i saw the cop (who had been here before) at the gas station a couple days later, while the meth head was at that gas station. The cops were inside, but the jackass was outside at a car with his buddies. I walked up to him and was like, "you're the dude from my house the other night, right?" And he was like "yeeeeah maaaaan" and threw his hand out for a high five. I just left him hanging and said, "don't fucking come back". One of his buddies started trying to get my attention and bum a smoke but i just walked off. When I got inside, the cops were already talking about them and I was like "yeah my girlfriend was home alone the other night and I got back and those meth heads were walking through my front door. I asked if he remembered me and coning to my house, one of the women cops was like "yeah I remember your girlfriend, yadda yadda"...

To make a short story really long and then try and make it short again, basically it worked out for me, and ubwas able to kind of let the cops know without having them come by my house. BUT, the douchebags are still out there and weren't thrown in jail, and if they somehow do know about my grow then they are probably trying to time it perfectly when to rob me. I thought about getting cameras, but I'm gonna wait til my next harvest and just take the money and get a nice big place, and get cameras then.

Be careful calling the cops-- the thing about cops, is that even though they have no probable cause, their "keen sense and skill, developed over many years of policing experience" often leads them to think something is up. For example, when they think yoy are hiding something--you just pinged their radar. Like calling the police saying someone showed up at your door causing trouble, and then not letting them in your door (which I wouldn't do if you're growing).

My advice says to wait it out, get a sling shot and find some small non-lethal ammo like some grapes that won't leave much evidence, and see if they return. If they do, beam their ass in the face with a grape traveling a few hundred feet per second and see if it makes them think twice--but do it stealthily, if at all possible. Dont stir the hornets nest. Like I said, right now you are just someone to fuck with. Piss them off and they will turn "making your life hell" into their daily hobby, which definitely spells trouble for a grower.

In a nutshell--if you are pretty certain you can scare them off, go for it. Otherwise i would get a slingshot, and wait for their next move, hopefully they leave you alone.

Its so dumb--put reason number 1 million and 1 down for why weed being illegal only keeps people in more danger. Good luck with your situation man.

Be careful Calling them