Arizona Audit!

AP: Few AZ voter fraud cases, discrediting Trump’s claims
Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, further discrediting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

The AP tallied the potential cases after submitting public record requests to all Arizona counties. Most counties — 11 out of 15 — reported they had forwarded no potential cases to local prosecutors. The majority of cases identified so far involve people casting a ballot for a relative who had died or people who tried to cast two ballots.

The results in Arizona are similar to early findings in other battleground states. Local election officials in Wisconsin identified just 27 potential cases of voter fraud out of 3.3 million ballots cast last November, according to records obtained by the AP under the state’s open records law.
AP: Few AZ voter fraud cases, discrediting Trump’s claims
Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, further discrediting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

The AP tallied the potential cases after submitting public record requests to all Arizona counties. Most counties — 11 out of 15 — reported they had forwarded no potential cases to local prosecutors. The majority of cases identified so far involve people casting a ballot for a relative who had died or people who tried to cast two ballots.

The results in Arizona are similar to early findings in other battleground states. Local election officials in Wisconsin identified just 27 potential cases of voter fraud out of 3.3 million ballots cast last November, according to records obtained by the AP under the state’s open records law.

Fake news. You need to get your information from a reliable source. :mrgreen:

EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lindell Release New Information He Says will Overturn 2020 Election founder and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell (promo code ALEX) joined The Alex Jones Show on Friday to break down the evidence he plans to unveil at his Cyber Symposium on Aug. 10-11th that will undeniably be enough to overturn the hacked U.S. Presidential Election of 2020.

They are going to take all the lies and make it all make sense. First he says the attack was out of china then goes to say the Democrats covered it up by bringing in votes in the middle of the night. He is going to give evidence that gets the Supreme Court off the hook. (?) Because with this evidence, "It is what it is." "It is non-subjective, that is what the beauty of it is." He want's a billion people to watch (Brought to you by Buy My Pillow).

Nice that he will be cutting short the symposium not to interfere with Aug 13th. Or, maybe you can look at it as he has to be somewhere on the 13th so bundle things up on the 12th and the next day THE BIG EVENT.

That is as much as I could watch.
EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lindell Release New Information He Says will Overturn 2020 Election founder and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell (promo code ALEX) joined The Alex Jones Show on Friday to break down the evidence he plans to unveil at his Cyber Symposium on Aug. 10-11th that will undeniably be enough to overturn the hacked U.S. Presidential Election of 2020.

They are going to take all the lies and make it all make sense. First he says the attack was out of china then goes to say the Democrats covered it up by bringing in votes in the middle of the night. He is going to give evidence that gets the Supreme Court off the hook. (?) Because with this evidence, "It is what it is." "It is non-subjective, that is what the beauty of it is." He want's a billion people to watch (Brought to you by Buy My Pillow).

Nice that he will be cutting short the symposium not to interfere with Aug 13th. Or, maybe you can look at it as he has to be somewhere on the 13th so bundle things up on the 12th and the next day THE BIG EVENT.

That is as much as I could watch.

He's too stupid to realize that there is nothing that can overturn the election at this point. The only way to remove Biden from office would be if he was convicted of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors and then he would have to be impeached by both the House and Senate which are both controlled by the Democrats. If Biden was removed then the Vice President Kamala Harris would become President. After that it would be the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

If election fraud was proven to have occurred to a level that changed the outcome of the election there would be a lengthy process and if both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were removed from office Nancy Pelosi would become President. trump doesn't just move back into the White House.

These morons are so stupid. None of them even has a clue as to how our government works, succession of power, or anything in the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows for changing the winner after the election once Congress has certified the vote and the President is sworn in. He could have actual proof and it still wouldn't matter. If there was some kind of legal challenge no court would hear it and if they did by the time they resolved it both trump and Biden would have succumbed to old age.

lindell must have gone back to smoking crack because everything he says is whack.
Hes a caricature of a 1880s sideshow barker. That means he must be making more money than he's losing....somehow. Those fleece men scurried out of town the second that changed. Yet here sits Lindell still.
He's too stupid to realize that there is nothing that can overturn the election at this point. The only way to remove Biden from office would be if he was convicted of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors and then he would have to be impeached by both the House and Senate which are both controlled by the Democrats. If Biden was removed then the Vice President Kamala Harris would become President. After that it would be the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

If election fraud was proven to have occurred to a level that changed the outcome of the election there would be a lengthy process and if both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were removed from office Nancy Pelosi would become President. trump doesn't just move back into the White House.

These morons are so stupid. None of them even has a clue as to how our government works, succession of power, or anything in the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows for changing the winner after the election once Congress has certified the vote and the President is sworn in. He could have actual proof and it still wouldn't matter. If there was some kind of legal challenge no court would hear it and if they did by the time they resolved it both trump and Biden would have succumbed to old age.

lindell must have gone back to smoking crack because everything he says is whack.
But in 2022 Trump will become Speaker as the GOP will win back the House (now that the Supreme Court gave them free reign to gerrymander to their hearts content) so the impeachment needs to start soon to be over by 2022. After all, then need to do Biden first then Kamala.

Mind you, what will they use as a reason to impeach them? I have not heard any shenanigans Joe did while hiding out in his basement. Kamala? Everybody has the sex tape so it is not a shocker that needs to be remove to protect the children.

Heck, let's let Google help us.
Iowa senator Joni Ernst - "She added that grounds for Biden's impeachment would be "for being assigned to take on Ukrainian corruption yet turning a blind eye to Burisma because his son was on the board making over a million dollars a year."

Well that was easy, double header?

"Graham, by contrast, was defiant. He warned that Democrats would reap the Pandora whirlwind for charging Trump with “incitement of insurrection.” Now, he predicted, the Republicans’ first order of business upon taking control of the House in 2023 would be to impeach Vice President Kamala Harris. Some Democrats affirmatively justified the rioting, as well as ludicrous “Defund the Police” campaigns, in the name of social justice. Among the worst offenders was then-Sen. Harris."

Mind you, she was not vice president then so her actions probably should not be reason to impeach her, but when had logic been a Republican strong point lately?
Hes a caricature of a 1880s sideshow barker. That means he must be making more money than he's losing....somehow. Those fleece men scurried out of town the second that changed. Yet here sits Lindell still.
He will have a billion people stopping in that he could get to buy his pillows.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to Constituent About Audit: 'Biden Won'

Karen Fann, the Republican president of the Arizona Senate and the chief instigator behind the ongoing so-called election audit, which has become a national spectacle, recently told a constituent that President Joe Biden won the election.

At around 7:40 p.m. on May 21, a woman named "Andrea" fired off an email to Fann to call for an end to the controversial audit currently underway at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix. "I am appalled, offended, and upset that you are wasting our tax paying dollars on a fraudulent audit," Andrea wrote. "These people have zero experience, and this is a waste of time. It is time for you to [accept] that Arizona voters have spoken and make peace with the fact that we voted out Trump. Republicans and Democrats alike, we voted him out."

"This is where you are mistaken. Biden won," she wrote. "45% of all Arizona voters thinks there is a problem with the election system. The audit is to disprove those theories or find ways to improve the system."

In another email to a different constituent, Fann made similar remarks.

"Please know this has never been about Trump or overturning the election contrary to what is out there on social media," she wrote in an email dated May 15.

Fann's comments in private communications with constituents add to a number of other reports that the senator, who has doggedly pushed the controversial audit of ballots cast in Maricopa County during the 2020 general election, has admitted in private that the process won't turn up any evidence of voter fraud or other misconduct. Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates, who came out swinging against the audit two weeks ago alongside other county officials, recently told the Arizona Republic that Fann made similar comments to him during a phone call in November when legislators were being inundated with emails and phone calls from infuriated Trump supporters.

“She said, ‘Look, Bill, we know there’s nothing to this, but we’ve got to do something," Gates told the newspaper. "'Will you guys do an audit?'"

In a text message, Democratic state Representative Athena Salman blasted Fann for persistently backing the audit despite reportedly believing that Biden won the election.

"President Fann knows that President Biden won Arizona in a free and fair election. However, instead of being a public servant and standing up for our democracy and our fundamental freedom to vote, she has succumbed to the most conspiratorial forces of the Republican Party and has played a significant role in enabling these extremists to take deep roots within the party," she wrote. "Her abuse of her power as Senate President is scandalous, and she should be held accountable to the fullest extent possible."

Fann did not respond to New Times' request for comment on her emails.
Arizona audit contractor misses congressional deadline to provide information
Cyber security firm Cyber Ninjas had until July 28 to provide the House Oversight and Reform Committee with information as part of a probe it announced a few weeks prior.

Reps. Carolyn Maloney and Jamie Raskin, the panel’s top Democrats, asked Cyber Ninjas CEO Douglas Logan for documents and communications related to the company’s audit procedures, funding sources and other issues.

But according to the Arizona Republic, it was unclear if Cyber Ninjas had provided any information to the panel.

News of the missed deadline was first reported by Slate last week, citing a committee staffer involved in the inquiry.

Maloney’s office told the news outlet in a statement that Cyber Ninjas must “provide complete transparency over its questionable activities and sources of funding, and answer Congress’s questions without further delay.”

“If it does not, we will use all tools available to ensure we get the answers we need to protect the integrity of federal elections,” the statement said.
Arizona Senate must release election audit records: court
The Arizona Court of Appeals on Thursday ruled that the leading contractor of Arizona’s audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election results must turn over documents related to the effort.

American Oversight, a watchdog group, has been seeking documents regarding the county’s recount and audit, which was initiated because former President Trump disputed the 2020 election results in battle ground states like Arizona.

The watchdog group had been involved in a legal fight with Arizona’s Senate over the public release of the documents, The Associated Press reported.

"The Senate defendants, as officers and a public body under the (records law), have a duty to maintain and produce public records related to their official duties," the judges wrote on Thursday, according to The Arizona Republic. "This includes the public records created in connection with the audit of a separate governmental agency, authorized by the legislative branch of state government and performed by the Senate’s agents."

“The requested records are no less public records simply because they are in the possession of a third party, Cyber Ninjas," they wrote, according to the Arizona Republic.

EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lindell Release New Information He Says will Overturn 2020 Election founder and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell (promo code ALEX) joined The Alex Jones Show on Friday to break down the evidence he plans to unveil at his Cyber Symposium on Aug. 10-11th that will undeniably be enough to overturn the hacked U.S. Presidential Election of 2020.

They are going to take all the lies and make it all make sense. First he says the attack was out of china then goes to say the Democrats covered it up by bringing in votes in the middle of the night. He is going to give evidence that gets the Supreme Court off the hook. (?) Because with this evidence, "It is what it is." "It is non-subjective, that is what the beauty of it is." He want's a billion people to watch (Brought to you by Buy My Pillow).

Nice that he will be cutting short the symposium not to interfere with Aug 13th. Or, maybe you can look at it as he has to be somewhere on the 13th so bundle things up on the 12th and the next day THE BIG EVENT.

That is as much as I could watch.
im about 3000% sure hes smoking crack again
‘This is warfare:’ Trump allies Flynn, Bannon pushed conspiracies at ritzy party backed by Chinese exile
It was supposed to be a celebration for a movement that opposes the Chinese Communist Party.
Instead, the swanky private party, held in June at the top of One World Trade Center, served as a platform for several of former President Donald Trump’s allies, including former advisor Steve Bannon and personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, to spew anti-government rhetoric and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

The invitation-only event was hosted by a couple of shadowy nonprofits, the Rule of Law Foundation and the Rule of Law Society. They are linked to Guo Wengui, a wealthy exiled businessman from China who is an ardent opponent of that nation’s ruling Communist Party.

CNBC obtained a copy of the invitation, which lists Guo, Bannon and the two new chairs of the nonprofit organizations as speakers for the event. You can view the invitation here.
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and former Trump national security advisor Mike Flynn, both known for pushing the false theory that claims the election was stolen from Trump, also spoke at the June 3 gathering.
“It’s like on the battlefield because this is warfare,” Flynn said at the event, which included lunch, dinner and afternoon tea. “This is warfare that we are in.”

It was streamed on YouTube, which has 30,000 views so far.


“When this does get to the Supreme Court the biggest win here is that they look at it. They have to look at it and they’re going to be heroes because we are going to show them that the CCP used the Democrat Party to attack our country through these machines,” Lindell said.

Lindell explained in a phone interview Wednesday with CNBC that he was invited to the event by Bannon himself and he did not know Guo.

Lindell stood by his belief that China interfered in the election. However, he would not commit to a specific date to release his purported evidence to the public. He also said he had not seen the report by the U.S. intelligence community that explains China did not interfere in the presidential election.

“This happened. It’s real,” Lindell told CNBC. “It’s one of the biggest cover-ups of the biggest crime in history.”