• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Arizona Immigration Reform Laws.

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New Member
The corporations that enjoy all this cheap labor have the politicians in their pockets, The Mexican government has them in their pockets also. If they stop the immigration (illegal), the corporations will just move their operations to Mexico where the livin for corps is easy, and the labor is cheap. To remedy the situation, we must repeal NAFTA, Make corporations (and all businesses) stay in the country and hire known legal citizens with stiff fines and jail time for infractors. Problem solved. Good luck getting that done.


Well-Known Member
The corporations that enjoy all this cheap labor have the politicians in their pockets, The Mexican government has them in their pockets also. If they stop the immigration (illegal), the corporations will just move their operations to Mexico where the livin for corps is easy, and the labor is cheap. To remedy the situation, we must repeal NAFTA, Make corporations (and all businesses) stay in the country and hire known legal citizens with stiff fines and jail time for infractors. Problem solved. Good luck getting that done.
Repealing NAFTA without stopping illegal immigration would only make the immigration worse though. Mexican companies that export to the U.S. would go belly up instantly and more mexican laborers would be out of work. Then more of them would just want to come to America illegaly to find jobs. NAFTA can always be used as leverage to get the Mexican government to crack down more on illegal immigration because they wouldn't want to lose the American business they still have left. So in essence, you would have to find a way to stop the illegal immigration as well as stop businesses from just picking up and going to mexico. Luckily, a lot of the illegal immigrants are in the service industry. The way the service industry is set up; it is easy for employers to pay people under the table and fudge on income as well as other tax statements... it gets done all the time. The market for service industries is fortunately here in the U.S.. For example, the farms, restaurants, landscaping companies, etc aren't going to get up and go to Mexico. It's all a big tangled up balancing act between monetary benefit and loss. It's something that has to be untangled and rethought which will unfortunately take some time. I like the thought of starting with the employers first though as you mentioned. Just as you would have a random drug check at a job, maybe the government should start doing random checks on businesses to make sure that everyone employed there is legal. This will of course start to clog of the court system, so there would have to be large mandatory fines for the businesses instead of going to court. The fines would have to be determined based on how much money was lost in non paid taxes, wages, plus a base fine. Firms would end up losing a lot more money if they got caught with an illegal immigrant than if they would have just hired a legal immigrant or U.S. citizen. That's just one example of a way that incentives can be cut for both employers and illegal immigrants. Employers would see it more risky to hire illegal immigrants and illegals would start to realize that the likelyhood of them being hired is decreasing. It will be interesting/scary to see what the government comes up with in the near future on this issue.


Active Member
Leno said Native Americans should pull over whites and send them back...lol funny...see what happens when rich boys get cheap and hire cheap labor, anything to save a buk. Now what?


New Member
"Me so sorry I don't have same birth privileges as you."

If I were a legal Latino American in that state I'd dress up as your typical, day-laboring "wetback" to bait some fascist pig and sue their ass to the stone age.
Right! And how exactly does a "typical, day-laboring wetback" dress? Did you have a sterotype in mind? :lol:

And by the way, the Arizona law mirrors the federal laws pertaining to illegal immigration. So, I guess in your mind, that makes Obama a fascist, right? :lol:



Well-Known Member
Right! And how exactly does a "typical, day-laboring wetback" dress? Did you have a sterotype in mind? :lol:
Riiiight... apparently Google is "racist" too for understanding the stereotype..

That's pretty forum friendly though, nothing really "racist" portrayed in that pic, just like there's nothing really racist about understanding current stereotypes. Doesn't mean you endorse them, does it?

Not to mention there are actually clear distinctions between "rednecks" and "white people", "honkeys" and "white people", "wetbacks" and "Mexicans", "niggers" and "black people"... People who use those terms are ignorant about cultural and domestic differences. They are racists.

Being racist and understanding the stereotypes society has given a particular culture or people are two completely different things.


New Member
The corporations that enjoy all this cheap labor have the politicians in their pockets, The Mexican government has them in their pockets also. If they stop the immigration (illegal), the corporations will just move their operations to Mexico where the livin for corps is easy, and the labor is cheap. To remedy the situation, we must repeal NAFTA, Make corporations (and all businesses) stay in the country and hire known legal citizens with stiff fines and jail time for infractors. Problem solved. Good luck getting that done.

Welcome to the Soviet Union.....


Well-Known Member
Right! And how exactly does a "typical, day-laboring wetback" dress? Did you have a sterotype in mind? :lol:

And by the way, the Arizona law mirrors the federal laws pertaining to illegal immigration. So, I guess in your mind, that makes Obama a fascist, right? :lol:

boots, blue jeans, t-shirt and a flannel. you know "work clothes". the kind you'd wear doing DAY LABOR.

it's not so much a stereotype as it is a uniform.



Active Member
It's funny...

You guys (ie. wingnut conservatives) are always complaining about illegals,but then you complain that any attempt to fix it is 'amnesty', so it doesn't go through. Bush - to his credit - tried twice to do something about it but got shouted down by the crazies in his own party.

It's a bit like the issue with taxes, spending and the deficit. You all want lower taxes, yet you complain about the deficit and national debt. Nobody want to cut defense or entitlement spending either though....


New Member
So Abe....why do you think the Dem's are going after Immigration reform now?

P.S. i'm probably more liberal than you on social issues.


Well-Known Member
It's funny...

You guys (ie. wingnut conservatives) are always complaining about illegals,but then you complain that any attempt to fix it is 'amnesty', so it doesn't go through. Bush - to his credit - tried twice to do something about it but got shouted down by the crazies in his own party.

It's a bit like the issue with taxes, spending and the deficit. You all want lower taxes, yet you complain about the deficit and national debt. Nobody want to cut defense or entitlement spending either though....

The Federal government should confine itself to the limits set forth in the Constitution.

Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
first off, i didn't write the chain letter and i said that i didn't agree with some of the numbers in it. but thanks for being a prick about it anyways!
Yeah almost all numbers in those things are garbage, that guy should have just assumed that. But he was right in pointing out it was garbage.
Second, i know an illegal immigrant right here in the town i live in, his name is louis and he works for 15 dollars an hour cash under the table doing janitorial work and busing tables for a restaurant. He also works for 12 dollars an hour under the table painting houses. He's currently driving a brand new full size f150 with 24" lexanis on it. So you can speak in all the generalizations you want about illegal immigrants working for whatever wage, but i know some of them that are making a killing and are having no problem paying bills without an id. I have a bachelors degree in business from a good university and make over 20 dollars an hour but in the end of the day when it's all said and done, louis and i make about the same amount of money before i pay taxes. He makes more than i do once the government gets their chunk of the money. So i don't know where you are getting your 11 dollar an hour figures from for someone with a bachelors degree... maybe someone with a useless liberal arts degree or an associate's degree makes that right out of school, but i made over 11 an hour working a part time job while i was in school.... The fact of the matter is that they are undercutting wages no matter where it is, here a normal painter would get paid close to 15 an hour and pay taxes on that and the employer would have to pay the 15 plus taxes... so instead he just pays someone 12 dollars an hour cash and saves a good 20+% on labor.
I will use your example about how stupid it is to think that these people are hurting anything.

1. Anyone can do what he is doing, working under the table is something that is not just left to illegal immigrants, any kid can do those jobs in high school and totally get away with it, as well as any adult that is on hard times.

2. Assuming that with two jobs and those wages he works about 40 hours at the busing job, and what maybe 20? for the other, meaning about 31k a year from busing (Not a chance in hell but we roll with it) and 12k a year from construction work, adding up to 43k a year. Meaning if that was someones take home pay it would have to have been 55k a year and ten taken out for taxes (43k * 1.25 = (about 53k) for federal (53k * 1.0336(AZ state tax) = $55k (just under).

3. You say he bought a new ford truck, so either he paid in cash for it, or he took out a loan, with no real documents (DL or otherwise) unless he is using a stolen id, which doesn't matter, the money still has to get to the dealership before he gets it right? So right there is about 30k back into our economy. Take it he needs to eat right? So lets go real cheap at about $200 a month in food, with a truck that big about $100 a month easy in gas right? Rent figure about $400 for the cheapest places. So assuming that he only spends an additional $150 for everything else (which with the truck he drives is highly doubtful that all these numbers are even close to what he spends(like insurance for that truck)) that would mean that at least $10k a year goes directly into the hands of different businesses in your area.

Add to that the $30k truck purchase (Dealerships are large contributors to local economies), and since you mentioned that you are a college educated person with a good job, and he lives nearby he most likely spends far more than that.

So by removing him, your community is losing out on that buying power. And maybe someone decides to be a bus boy and someone else becomes a part time laborer, but yeah that doesn't mean that they are going to hire a worker for those jobs. If the business owner is shady, or crappy at paper work, or just doesn't want to take on the added costs of a documented worker, they will likely just pass on them.

Especially because most busboys just work off tips (and am willing to be that almost every waiter and busboy in the us doesn't pay the taxes they should on the money they collect, so is this even really an illegal thing?)from the waiters that they clear tables for, it is just easier for them not to hire and leave it up to the waiters to clear more. But even there, you can see how if the tables are not cleared as fast they will not be cleared as fast, and that means less revenue for the business due to longer wait times and people choosing to go somewhere else.

4. And lets look at how 'good' behavior that this bill is supposed to do affects the contractor. The contractor that uses his labor may find that with having to pay $20-$30 (total costs) with documented labor that he can no longer charge the same low prices, and dramatically loses business until he is forced to close shop. This allows other businesses to now be able to charge a bit more, and eventually as several of the smaller companies that work under the table go out of business due to increased costs of workers, those business owners are forced to work in larger companies for the minimums what $15-$20 an hourish (still costs the company about $30-$40ish to hold them though with insurances, taxes, ect).

So that sounds good right? Until you look at the fact the prices for that work will sky rocket as competition gets choked out. Less work will be performed, and the many people that would like to have that work done will not be able to afford it and decide now is not the right time.

All those businesses that rely on them, like paint shops for painters, landscaping for (you get the idea) all are hit hard and have to shut down, and again with less competition the remaining companies can increase the prices to the level they need to be to survive. And again there will be an increase in all those services.

So yeah Arizona is looking at a huge multiple contraction in their economy if they are able to actually do what this bill is trying to do.

All in hopes of pushing a hard working bunch of people out of the region that in reality they are most indigenist to because of fear.

But hey really doesn't matter much. The reality of trying to drive out millions of people that so many Americans truly rely on to make their lives better is so daunting of a task that it will not go very far before stuttering out.


New Member
Arizona is simply fed up with Washington's ineptitude.

We went to the moon in 8 years..... but 40 years later....we can't even build a fence.


Well-Known Member
Simply fed up with 3/4 of washington actually understanding that this is an issue that is never going to be a victory because it is stupid?

Even if crime is the major factor, that won't ever stop, the criminal making money off of the drug trade is only there because we are too scared shitless to legalize it all and use the taxes from it to help the people using it. And that won't stop even if you built a silly fence.

Any other factor against immigration is just garbage. You can only benefit from people that are willing to work hard for a substandard wage moving into your area. Because if you live in an area that would not benefit from them they would not be able to afford to move there because it would cost more to them to do so than to just stay where they were.

Why is this so hard to understand?


Active Member
I'm quite certain if you had 10 - 20 million Canadians (of which I am one) flooding over the boarder ILLEGALLY you'd have the same outcry... we ain't, so ya don't. Your case based on racism is bogus.


New Member
Of course.... it has nothing to do with racism.... nice mindset.

It has to do with the rule of law. It has to do with walking through the front door....like everyone else. It's about NOT cutting in line.

ALL are welcome in the USA ... through the FRONT door.


Well-Known Member
No people bitch about you guys too.

Businesses from Canada can come here and underbid US ones due to tax loopholes, while our workers are not allowed to go over to your country and work.

But you don't hear anything about a Canadian fence being put up.

There is a lot of racism that is a part of this. Because you can look at someone and tell right away they are mexican it leads to a lot of people who are never really affected by this, to all of a sudden have a 'face' to place their woes.

And instead of saying "I have no skills that differentiate me from the vast majority of people with little to no education so I need to lower my price of labor to outbid the other people I am competing with, or improve my education (which there are huge opportunities in the US) to move out of the unskilled labor workforce", they say "I cannot compete with the mexicans because they don't have to pay taxes".

And as soon as you start to place blame onto a group of people, it is indeed racism.


əm/ Show Spelled[rey-siz-uh
m] Show IPA
–noun1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.


Well-Known Member
It has to do with the rule of law. It has to do with walking through the front door....like everyone else. It's about NOT cutting in line.

Such a irrelevant post to make on a website dedicated to an illegal substance website.

You do realize marijuana is illegal right?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i say it's past due the only draw back is that the officer will turn over the illegals to the fed officers who process and release them with a promissory note to appear to a court date , why bother ...just glad to see texas is also stepping up to the plate an this issue as well
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