Arjan's Ultra Haze #1



I think I'm going to use this journal to document everything about my second batch of Arjan's Ultra Haze #1. So far I am 5 weeks into flowering my first batch and I'm happy with the progress.

I ordered a 10 pack of feminized seeds almost two weeks ago so they should arrive this week or next. The first time I ordered a 5 pack and all five germinated and grew quickly so I'm hoping for 100% germination this time too.

I also ordered a new camera and that should arrive in about a week so I will be able to take lots of good pictures.

About my set up:

I have one veg room with two 400 watt lights. It measures 4'X8'X8' tall. I started with HPS lamps which worked well then I switched to MH which hasn't worked as well so I now have one HPS and one MH. I might keep it like that but I might swap out that MH for another HPS. I'm not sure why the MH didn't work as well but I think it might have something to do with the lower lumen output it has. :confused:

I have two flowering rooms that each have the same dimensions as the veg room. One room has two 400 watt HPS and the other room has one 400 watt HPS and one 600 watt HPS. I know it's not enough light for the space and I wish I could change that but it isn't possible right now. When the plants get too tall I do a little (or a lot of) bending to keep them under and away from the lights.

Oh yeah, my grow rooms are constructed of 2X4's and they are wrapped in black and white poly. And I am using carbon filter fans that are not nearly strong enough to keep the odor under control but they are good for circulation. When I can upgrade I will. I also have oscillating fans in each room.

I use the Humboldt Nutrients organic line which I'm pretty happy with. I will definitely use a lot less from now on though (no more nute burn I hope).

I make my own soiless mix out of 1 part chunky perlite, 1 part vermiculite, and 2 parts peat moss with some dolomite lime mixed in (just a little).

I was using 3 gallon grow bags but I won't anymore because I think they are too small for the size of plants I have. For the first batch of AUH1 I vegged in the 3 gal bags then transferred to massive 20 gallon pots for flowering. They seem happy so I will probably do that again. For smaller indica varieties I'll probably use 7 or 10 gallon grow bags.

When the plants are vegging I mist them pretty often and they seem to like it.

So far I have grown/am growing:

--Train Wreck (small buds, crappy yield, but full of crystals)
--Northern Lights (It looks nothing like what it should look like so I don't think it's Northern Lights but it's not done yet. I looks like a pure sativa I think. Very tall and stretchy. Thin sativa leaves and loose bud formation compared to others.)
--Big Bud (I didn't like how this one grew from the start. It needed a lot of space compared to the others. It suffered from nutrient burn about halfway through flowering and never recovered. Today I noticed that one of the stems was covered with aphids and also had some white flies I think. I tossed the whole thing. Major waste of time and energy.)
--Strawberry Cough (One of my least favorite strains during the vegetative stage but is now my absolute favorite! It still isn't done and I hope it doesn't have any of those nasty bugs from the sickly Big Bud. The bud formation on this plant is gorgeous! They look dense and full with a good amount of resin. I have three of these going and two of them are beautiful the other one is ok. I will definitely grow this again but I'll buy feminized instead of reg. :D )
--Bag Seed (I didn't expect much from this one because it came from some schwagg but it turned out pretty good, not great but good)
--Persian Bud (I got these free with one of my orders and I'm not impressed so far. They are still growing so I'm hoping the yield will be pretty good. They have a dense indica look but the buds aren't impressive looking.)
--Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 (mentioned above)
--Big Bang (I love the fruity apple/pineapple smell of this one and so far the bud formation looks good. These are only 4 weeks into flowering so I'm hoping they will really fatten up over the next five weeks. I will probably grow these again)
--AMS (still vegging no opinion yet except for the poor germination rate 6/20 but maybe I did something wrong)

Well I guess that's all until I get the seeds and/or camera. Oh yeah, I am an absolute beginner at this so I've made a lot of mistakes and I will probably make more mistakes before I perfect my technique. All advice and suggestions are welcome.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Awesome, I will be following this one for sure. I've grown a bunch of Nirvana, Cannacopia, and BC Bud Depot strains but I'm doing my first run of Green House stuff right now. I have all five plants from the Indica Mix H pack (one of which is Trainwreck) in their first week of flower. I also got the Sativa Mix (which includes Arjans Ultra Haze #1) but I haven't started anything from that yet. I can't wait to see your pics and opinions on it. -/\/\ared



My seeds got here today about 11 days after I ordered them. Sensible Seeds is great. They gave me 10 free Sweet Dreams seeds which was nice but I'm not sure when I will grow those. I want to focus on the AUH1 for a while. I think it will be easier to stick with one or two strains until I have a little more growing experience.

Well I'm not sure when I will start the 10 AUH1 seeds. Even though I'm excited to start I want to wait for the stuff that's in the flowering room to finish so I can clean the room out and make sure all the aphids and white flies are gone. I have a feeling that they only attacked the Big Bud because it was sick but it's better to be extra careful. After I clean the room out I'm going to spray the perimeter with Don't Bug Me. I really like that stuff and it's organic but I don't want to spray it directly on the plants. I already sprayed the windows and the floor.

I think I'll at least wait until the camera comes so I can't take lots of pictures from the start. My old camera is crap because a certain little person dropped it and it can no longer auto-focus. Oh well the new one will be really nice and it should be here in about a week.

Here are some pictures of the AUH1 that I have going now. It's about 5 (almost 6) weeks into flowering. I'm expecting it to go 13 weeks.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Thanks! Looks great. You seem to know how to grow well enough to me LOL. I'm a bit curious about the pots though. Are you sure it was the bigger pots that helped your plants before? I use a coco/perlite mix which would also be soiless and I flower 3-4 footers in 1 gallon pots. The plant in my avatar is an example. The big pots won't hurt of course but just seems unnecessary in my experience. You might be able to save some potting mix, nutes, and your back by switching to smaller pots next time.


Thanks! Looks great. You seem to know how to grow well enough to me LOL. I'm a bit curious about the pots though. Are you sure it was the bigger pots that helped your plants before? I use a coco/perlite mix which would also be soiless and I flower 3-4 footers in 1 gallon pots. The plant in my avatar is an example. The big pots won't hurt of course but just seems unnecessary in my experience. You might be able to save some potting mix, nutes, and your back by switching to smaller pots next time.

That plant in your avatar looks awesome! Have you always used coco/perlite? I've never used coco but I'm interested in how it compares to peat moss.

You're probably right about the large pot size being unnecessary but originally I did it because that's what the Greenhouse guys did in the video. Then I noticed I didn't have to water them as often which was nice too. The Greenhouse guys talk about how root development is better in the larger pots which seems to make sense but I might go down to smaller pots because I can't find saucers big enough for those 20 gallon pots. I was thinking 10 gallon grow bags would still give the roots lots of space and I would use half the soiless mix and I could have a saucer to catch runoff water (less mess).


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea I would pull the rootball out of the pot after you harvest and see how much space you have left. Notice those Green House dudes have the plants spaced really far apart so they are not even touching eachother and they have a lot of lights in their growrooms. Even though you have what I would consider a lot of light I don't think it compares to their operation as far as space for the plants and lumens per plant. The more access to light a plant has the thicker the roots will grow. So I would imagine that you will have a lot of extra soil in the end. Don't worry, my growing conditions don't come close to theirs either. My plants have trouble filling out a 2 gallon pot and I have about the same amount of light per area as you. But again having too much rootspace will never hurt the plants and like you said it makes it easier to water. Just food for thought.


Well-Known Member
In flower, using both HPS and MH is best. MH is best during veg.
The blue spectrum in the MH helps keep the stretching minimized during veg.
The blue spectrum also causes the plants to frost up more during flower.
The red spectrum in the HPS helps the buds gain weight and fatten up more.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
In flower, using both HPS and MH is best. MH is best during veg.
The blue spectrum in the MH helps keep the stretching minimized during veg.
The blue spectrum also causes the plants to frost up more during flower.
The red spectrum in the HPS helps the buds gain weight and fatten up more.

So you think the dual-arc bulbs are worth it? You know, the bulbs that are 1/2 MH 1/2 HPS. Because I couldn't use both otherwise. I have a 400 watt light on one side and 600 watt on the other. The plants on one side aren't really exposed to the light on the other side. I would pretty much just be flowering half the plants under MH and the other half under HPS with single arc bulbs. Unless I had two bulbs for each light that I switched out periodically but that doesn't seem very practical.


Yea I would pull the rootball out of the pot after you harvest and see how much space you have left. Notice those Green House dudes have the plants spaced really far apart so they are not even touching eachother and they have a lot of lights in their growrooms. Even though you have what I would consider a lot of light I don't think it compares to their operation as far as space for the plants and lumens per plant. The more access to light a plant has the thicker the roots will grow. So I would imagine that you will have a lot of extra soil in the end. Don't worry, my growing conditions don't come close to theirs either. My plants have trouble filling out a 2 gallon pot and I have about the same amount of light per area as you. But again having too much rootspace will never hurt the plants and like you said it makes it easier to water. Just food for thought.
I agree that I definitely don't have enough light on the plants but I'm pretty sure they're filling out the pots because I have roots on the outside edges of the pots. That said I still think they would be ok in smaller pots especially if I don't have ideal space and lighting.


In flower, using both HPS and MH is best. MH is best during veg.
The blue spectrum in the MH helps keep the stretching minimized during veg.
The blue spectrum also causes the plants to frost up more during flower.
The red spectrum in the HPS helps the buds gain weight and fatten up more.
How do you space the lights so all the plants benefit from both types of light?


My seeds arrived a couple of days ago and I'm going to start them tonight using the paper towel method. I think I'm going to start five seeds because I want the plants to have enough space. Greenhouse recommends giving each plant a square meter of space so in my 4'X8' grow room I should only put three plants but I'll start five just in case one or two don't make it. If they all survive like the last time then they'll just be a little squished. I plan to start flowering in about three weeks.

The reason I always buy seeds is that I suck at cloning. I've tried and failed a few times so I've given up. But I'm considering buying a cloning box or something. If anyone could recommend one that would be great.

The 10 Sweet Dreams seeds came free with the order.




I decided to germinate the seeds using the paper towel method which has always worked well for me.

After about 24 hours all five seeds had cracked.

Next I put them in peat pellets but no picture yet because I need a new memory card. I'm hoping they will sprout within a couple of days. I should mention that I also germinated the other five seeds and they all cracked also. So if all goes well I should have ten plants.


10/10 seeds germinated and as of today 8/10 fully sprouted and the other 2 are pretty close. They are in Jiffy Peat Pellets under a small humidity dome (which they will probably outgrow today).

I'm planning to put them directly into 10 gallon grow bags when they have enough roots. I keep the pellets moist with a solution of water and Humboldt Roots.



It's been almost two weeks since I started the seeds and all is well. 10 out of ten seeds sprouted and survived which is great. I think I'm only going to give them about one more week of veg time before I start flowering because I want to keep them short. They are all in 10 gallon grow bags and seem to be doing well. When they get bigger and some of my other stuff has finished I will separate them so they don't have to compete as much for the light.

I had to pull one of my Big Bang plants (the biggest one) because it had mold. I'm so happy I caught it early. The top bud was so dense that I think it just couldn't get enough air.

The other AUH#1 that I have going looks really good. The buds aren't very compact but there are a lot of them and they are a decent size. I'm really impressed they are doing as well as they are given the limited light.



I took some pics last week and I forgot to post them. The plants looked pretty good except for one (#10) that stopped growing. It has since fixed itself and is looking pretty good.

The issue I'm having this week is that one of the plants (#9) seems to be burned. Otherwise they all look good.



i am a rookie grower and lookin for advice,, i am growing arjans ultra haze#2,,, this is my 1st ever time growing
started from seed germinating them in damp tissue paper for a couple days and all 5 had cracked (feminised seeds)
planted all 5 and put under a small light for a few days till the stem came up cracked the seed case and the 4 small leaves came out
since then they have been under 400 watt hps for 18hrs a day,, i was told 2 do this for 2 weeks on the veg then put them on to 12hr flowering
for the 11-13 week period... the 2 week veg period is up on 18/02/10, i am worried that my plants are still a bit small for flowering, they are only about 2 foot high, is this normal? should i leave them in veg another week or so? or was advice i was given correct?? any help would be much appreciated