Arkansas state senator Bart Hester gets owned trying to defend 'religious freedom' bill


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE ="Padawanbater2, post: 11481207, member: 232653"]Do you think it's OK for a religious business owner to deny the sale of goods/services to someone because he is gay? [/QUOTE]
No, but his attendance and participation is what you are demanding. You think everybody is as gulible as you are?


Well-Known Member
You're demanding the attendance and participation, not the sale.
So what's the difference between not selling a wedding cake to a black guy because he's black and not selling a wedding cake to a gay guy because he's gay?

It's the exact same act "participation and attendance" included. So if you think it's OK to refuse the sale to a gay guy, to be logically consistent you must also think it's OK to refuse the sale to a black guy, right? If not, what's the difference?


Well-Known Member
The dd quote is what you were responing to. "Association". Quit trying to put words in my mouth, you dishonest piece of shit.
why don't you ask desrt "i joined a white supremacy group" dude what he means by association?

because as he uses it, he means simply selling goods and services to people.


Well-Known Member
The dd quote is what you were responing to. "Association". Quit trying to put words in my mouth, you dishonest piece of shit.
Both of you grade A retards believe you should have the right to discriminate against someone based on their religion if it's my religious beliefs. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 says you can't.

If you don't like it, you can fuck off right back down the sewer you crawled out of


Well-Known Member
Quit trying to put words in my mouth, you dishonest piece of shit. Selling a cake and catering a wedding are differant things
LOL! You're fumbling over your nonsense just like Hester in the OP when the host grilled him for his stupidity!

"It's not the cake, it's the participating in the gay wedding!" (except there have been multiple instances of religious idiots in Indiana denying the sale of goods because the customer was gay, the pizza place and flower shop come to mind. They said they wouldn't sell pizza and the other business said they wouldn't sell flowers. Explain how that's "participating", numb nuts

You're simply trying to use that as an excuse to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation


Well-Known Member
You explain it, you're the only one who said it. Quit trying to put words in my mouth, you dishonest piece of shit.
You're the one that supports the law, dummy. You're the one who believes it's OK to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation. Do you also believe it should be legal for you to discriminate against somebody based on their skin color?

You can't legally discriminate against someone based on their skin color, so why do you think it's OK to discriminate against somebody based on their sexual orientation?

Why can't you answer that question?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
LOL! You're fumbling over your nonsense just like Hester in the OP when the host grilled him for his stupidity!

"It's not the cake, it's the participating in the gay wedding!" (except there have been multiple instances of religious idiots in Indiana denying the sale of goods because the customer was gay, the pizza place and flower shop come to mind. They said they wouldn't sell pizza and the other business said they wouldn't sell flowers. Explain how that's "participating", numb nuts

You're simply trying to use that as an excuse to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation
You have no idea what you are talking about. The pizza place said they are happy to serve gays. You really should get out more. Admit it, you're a fascist.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Twenty states have similar RFRA laws. The federal government has a similar RFRA law.

You guys are just puppets dancing on a string. Paddy doesn't even know the basic facts, yet he claims to be an expert.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You have no idea what you are talking about. The pizza place said they are happy to serve gays. You really should get out more. Admit it, you're a fascist.

Tell us more, smart guy

Red still can't answer why he believes it's OK to discriminate against gay people based on their sexual orientation, can't say I'm surprised there..

Can you answer that? If it's illegal and wrong to discriminate against black people based on their skin color, why do you believe it's OK to discriminate against gay people based on their sexual orientation? What's the difference?


Well-Known Member
If it's illegal and wrong to discriminate against black people based on their skin color, why do you believe it's OK to discriminate against gay people based on their sexual orientation? What's the difference?
desert dude has stated that it should be legal to deny service to blacks because they are black though, so the question can't apply to him.

desert dude

Well-Known Member

Tell us more, smart guy

Red still can't answer why he believes it's OK to discriminate against gay people based on their sexual orientationcan't say I'm surprised there..

Can you answer that? If it's illegal and wrong to discriminate against black people based on their skin color, why do you believe it's OK to discriminate against gay people based on their sexual orientation? What's the difference?
Why is it OK for the government to suppress the religious beliefs of citizens? Oh yeah, it's not.


Well-Known Member
Why is it OK for the government to suppress the religious beliefs of citizens? Oh yeah, it's not.
Here's the thing though, you don't have the right to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation. You think you do, that's why you're wrong. Denying the sale of goods/services to someone based on their sexual orientation is discrimination, nothing in the Constitution grants you the right to discriminate against people

People that support the bill in Indiana believe it protects religious freedoms

People who oppose it believe it allows religious people to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation

and most people in all agree with the opposition, which is why when it reaches the SC, a clause will be added to the civil rights act to include LGBT people