

Well-Known Member
So my outdoor spot this year is apparently a refuge to hundreds of armadillos. you cant walk anywhere without seeing holes diggin up by armadillos and all that. they are everywhere. my question is will that be a problem for my plants? do they eat weed plants? i will get my .17hmr and start cappin every one i see if they are cannabis eaters. just dont wanna have to exterminate my state animal unless i have to.


Active Member
They eat bugs and snails. Things like that. Good for a grow area. However they mig end up digging in your root ball, or just uproot the plant all together. Other then that its not really a bad thing. And they are cute also :)


Active Member
drill holes in buckets (like ten gal) and burry the whole bucket, this should protect most of your roots. Also putting out Irish spring soap or another strong bar soap will keep alot of pests away even human hair can work.


Well-Known Member
thanks yall.
gonna have some in buckets and some underground. they should be about 2ft tall when i put them out there, ill just put some fence around them all to prevent armadillos or anything diggin them up.


Well-Known Member
thanks yall.
gonna have some in buckets and some underground. they should be about 2ft tall when i put them out there, ill just put some fence around them all to prevent armadillos or anything diggin them up.
I'd try carpet tack strips for this issue, they won't like walking on it yet nails are small enough to not injure a critter that size.


Well-Known Member
The armadillos are there because a food source is there. Run them off - let the grubs they live on eat your frigging roots. Shooting animals that you think MIGHT hurt your precious pot is asinine and the only process those with low IQs can think of. I am an old guerrilla grower since 1964 in Texas and NM and fucking armadillos never hurt a thing. They eat subsurface grubs that destroy root systems.


New Member
I tend to agree with you hotrodharley and possibly could shed some light on another side of these animals and others' diet. We all know animals need nutrients just like humans of course. Now I've noticed from my experience that when I throw out the NPK 3-4 times a season well, I see much more animal activity around those events I do. Now granted it could also be calling the worms and other critters that said varmint loves to feast on but that's a lot biology I ain't fit'n to research. If you have the benefit of raising some tasty Acopaco Gold in a well kept, lavish garden then many of the methods/deterrents from above would help. But if you gotta quota to fill then refer to rule 1 of "Guerrilla grow 101". Rule #1, You grow enough for the thieves, you grow enough for the law, you grow enough for Mother Nature, and then grow enough (if you're lucky) for yourself. Just grow bro, concentrate on the grow.