Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Water has pharmaceuticals in it.Look it up.People flush their drugs down the toilet,and the treatment plants do not remove these substances.Do I think it's all accidental?No.
But reading labels is well and good.The problem is, in America, junk food tends to be cheaper.And even some of the foods you'd think were healthier choices can have corn syrup in them.I was rather shocked to find the kidney beans I put in my chili did.It's in meat.It's in canned fruits.Anything that would have had plain sugar in it in the past usually has corn syrup in it today.
It's easy to blame the cost of insurance on diabetics and the overweight;they're a convenient scapegoat.But the simple truth of the matter is that health insurance and medical costs in this country are out of control because of greed.
Most kids are getting less exercise because gym programs are being cut, more socialization online,more sedentary activities are popular right now.Many parents micromanage their kids free time.Many have seen so many horror stories about children being molested or kidnapped,they're afraid to let little Billy ride his bike down to the park alone.Families indulge in less outdoor activities because many parents are forced to work more hours just to make ends meet.
IMO, putting your children on adhd medicine to get them to settle down because you're afraid to discipline them properly is poisoning them far more severely than letting them have a cupcake.
But reading labels is well and good.The problem is, in America, junk food tends to be cheaper.And even some of the foods you'd think were healthier choices can have corn syrup in them.I was rather shocked to find the kidney beans I put in my chili did.It's in meat.It's in canned fruits.Anything that would have had plain sugar in it in the past usually has corn syrup in it today.
It's easy to blame the cost of insurance on diabetics and the overweight;they're a convenient scapegoat.But the simple truth of the matter is that health insurance and medical costs in this country are out of control because of greed.
Most kids are getting less exercise because gym programs are being cut, more socialization online,more sedentary activities are popular right now.Many parents micromanage their kids free time.Many have seen so many horror stories about children being molested or kidnapped,they're afraid to let little Billy ride his bike down to the park alone.Families indulge in less outdoor activities because many parents are forced to work more hours just to make ends meet.
IMO, putting your children on adhd medicine to get them to settle down because you're afraid to discipline them properly is poisoning them far more severely than letting them have a cupcake.

I agree sometimes kids need a shocker a spanking. This isn't about liberty and it isn't about breaking up families and stalinism. This is about me breaking my back to pay for some type 2 diabetic to raise more type 2 diabetics that will have medical problems I have to pay for pure and simple stone cold economics. When I am paying for it it is my fucking business. how people discapline or talk to their kids is none of my concern. However poisoning your kids a making tons of worthless morbidly obese wastes of space is my concern. Yes HFCs are in a lot of things, but thats why you have to get off your ass and read the label before you give it to your child. beesides what happened to water? water has no HFCs they don't need more than a cup or 2 of juice a day. vegetables don't have HFCs chicken and so on. It's a choice parents make to say fuck it I need to make this meal fast.