Arrgghh! Light timer failure whilst flowering! how will this affect the plants?


Well-Known Member
My light timer failed last night and the lights stayed on for an extra 6 hours before i noticed, also the fan timer didn't fail so it turned off and my temps went up to 110 degrees! Ive went straight out and bought a contact relay but i'm wandering what the implications could be for the plants? I'm 8 days into flower using hempy buckets and the plants are really healthy, luckily, last night i had flushed the plants through with just water and the reses were full and they didn't dry out in the heat. Any insight would be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Just get back to your regular schedule... and tsk tsk dont let it happen again. Your ladies should be ok 6 hours should not have that much of a negative impact. I would keep an extra close eye on them for the next couple of weeks just to be on the safe side. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Great news! thanks for the info...whats the likelyhood of them turning hermie due to the heat stress, they are grown from feminized seed (LA Confidential/Blue Cheese/Amnesia Lemon)
Great news! thanks for the info...whats the likelyhood of them turning hermie due to the heat stress, they are grown from feminized seed (LA Confidential/Blue Cheese/Amnesia Lemon)

ya ur fine dog!!! just last fridaynite i got a power serge to the pad and actuaaly the hole hood got it.......... but my lites turned off at only 6 hours of lite dureing my start of wk 4 flowering. nut n happened to them. but for those that are running some really good power say 400 and up really should look in to plug n save .com..........i got the biggest one and my bill has dropped alot plus all my fans are runn n for free. i did the math. any how thet wer the dark for 18 plus hours. no big e.