as a stoner you can lose and gain weight very quickly!


New Member
Smoking a joint a day keeps me trim but as soon as I go on a t-break I gain weight but Im not worried about that coz I can lose weight in a few days! Do u even have same d experience?
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Steve French

Well-Known Member
But yeah, now that I'm done busting your balls, I'll support. I got fat once. Decided to lost some weight through fasting. What got me through the fasting, believe it or not was weed. Yes the reefer made me hungry. But then I'd take another hit, and shit, I just didn't give a fuck about the hunger and it was all good.


New Member
Bustin my balls eh .... Oooohhh I'm scared ..ur such a badass ;) anyway I'm talking about when you smoke up and get munchies n all n u eat like crazy but still don't put on a lot of weight ! Its like a blessin u can eat whatever d fuck u want but still u not gonna be fat


Staff member
theres really no evidence suggesting weight loss and marijuana or weight gain and marijuana
someone should do a research study on it.


Well-Known Member
I don't really eat when I'm not high. I never weigh myself so I'm not sure if I loose weight or gain weight depending. All I know is when I'm high I eat, when I'm sober I don't.


Well-Known Member
Ill be a test monkey for this experiment

Give me about 30 days and 15 grams of a indica and 15 grams of sativa with the same THC content and I'll figure this shit out hahahaha

Oh and btw

Original Poster please type with some what intelligence im using the swype key board on a samsung and I can still make a legible sentence

I'm not a Gramer nazi just saying and trying to help you out cuz if you talk like that when you need a question answered about your plant then people whould just disregard it