Asetian Blood
Okay, hello. So I've had a lot of friends who've grown weed. It was mostly just the standard greenbud. No awesome chronic or some sort of special strain. Every now and then some W Widow or Skunk would come through... but nothing too great was ever grown. Just your typical green bud, not even crystals on it.
I had like 5 or six friends that grew weed and so i never had to learn to grow it myself as I just bought it from them, and never paid much attention to the growing process.
I want to make some serious money on this though. I have looked through this forum browsing and trying to learn some stuff (it's really the only place I googled that actually had some good answers).
This is my plan:
Weed: I want to grow some standard green bud for beginners, just getting a handle on the whole concept of the thing.
Master Weed: after about two years of growing a few strains and harvesting some crops, I want to have at least 30 plants, of about 5 different awesome, super, extreme, manifesto chronic. I mean white widow, skunk, mexican... something or other, and idk what else.
I want to do some hydroponics of a few types and a great indoor grow system.
Salvia: then I want to grow some salvia and concetrate that all by myself, and do it all with a controled system where I can change and advance the concentrations myself.
Shroom spores: by my 4th or 5th years of this stuff I finally want to advance to mushrooms, of about three types. and make it awesome.
I'm thinking by doing this, I'm going to make money off of the first plants, save the money, and use it to invest in better and better systems, until I have the best system.
Okay here are my issues though:
I tried growing weed once, but I couldn't even get the white little spores to poke out, I mean at all, they just swelled up and didn't do squat. I did it right, they didn't turn black and shrivel or anything. i kept them in a dark place, with constant heat of not too hot or cold. I did open the container and knapkin once or twice to check them. I must have given them at least like 2 1/2 weeks time to germinate and then gave up because of the stupid problems I was having with them.
Here is what I do understand:
Germinating: Put them in a moist, sometimes partially wet knapkin and keep them warm in an incubator type thing depending on what you have to work with, and in a dark place. Give them time until they crack open and the little white spores come out. Check them every now and then but not too often.
Planting: Plant them with some room to grow and don't completely cover them with soil, as they have to sprout up. They like organic soil, vermuculite. They like lots of food but one shouldn't go too heavy on it in the beginning. Small amounts until their mature and steady enough to handle it.(maybe like two or three weeks until feeding them their first time?). I can't decide how this works though. Is more food better, or letting them be more organic and limiting the food better? Another thing about planting, i thought there was two ways you can do it. A lot of plants in one container or a pot seed each in all big conatainers and let them grow into big plants. I think i was gonna try big plants; all separate.
Sexing: The little balls and the places where the stems split is male, and the hairs white hairs coming off of the leave-like spikey things mean female, and sometimes you can't tell, or you get a hermaphroditic plant.
Harvesting and pot cultivation: Cut back on the light because it makes the plant think it's time to harvest and grow the bud, as that's how plans work: seasonal or fall periods = harvest time.
Pot cultivating - you have to be careful, cut the buds at the very stem where the bud begins, and trim the leaves off growing around them, careful not to cut the tips of the actual bud off though.
Some basics I know: treat the plants well (lol, I have a hippy friend who sings and reads to them, always playing soothing music in his grow room.) - you think this works at all?
Tobacco around plants = dying plants or pure EEEEEEVIL! No cigarette smoke or nicotene covered fingers when handling the plants.
Keep your hands clean at all times when handling your plants, planting the spore-sprouting seeds, or even JUST the seeds.
Lol, how did i do? Joint-worthy enough?
okay, so here are my question for you guys:
1)What might I have been doing wrong with my germination?
2)How do you sex the plants and which is better to have, female right, since you get more seeds?
3)Will the food affect the quality and strongness of the plant? Does Lots of food= strong high or something?
4)What are the best seeds that still yeild a lot, and have a strong high, i.e. good for selling, but easy to grow with not TOO much maintenence?
5)How soon after they start growing should I feed them?
6)Should I wait until my plants get way big before I cut back on the light, or how soon should I cut back on the light?
7)How do I create a smaller, and not too attention-grabbing plant that still has lots of strong bud growing on various stems rather than just three or four areas with bud?
When I sell my weed should I take the seeds out, but I thought that would make me have to make the bud smaller, and then making the bud of lesser quality and not worth as much or looking as good?
9)When I sell should I be more generous and put a little extra bowl in or something that way people will buy from me, or just completely the right amount?
10)Where are some good places where weed isn't so easy to get, and where you won't get caught selling it?
11)How easy is hydroponics? ( my dad's going to teach me)
12)When I grow how do I make it good quality with lots of resin and some serious smoke?
... lol, it's only twelve questions.
Sorry for my inconvenience though.
I had like 5 or six friends that grew weed and so i never had to learn to grow it myself as I just bought it from them, and never paid much attention to the growing process.
I want to make some serious money on this though. I have looked through this forum browsing and trying to learn some stuff (it's really the only place I googled that actually had some good answers).
This is my plan:
Weed: I want to grow some standard green bud for beginners, just getting a handle on the whole concept of the thing.
Master Weed: after about two years of growing a few strains and harvesting some crops, I want to have at least 30 plants, of about 5 different awesome, super, extreme, manifesto chronic. I mean white widow, skunk, mexican... something or other, and idk what else.
I want to do some hydroponics of a few types and a great indoor grow system.
Salvia: then I want to grow some salvia and concetrate that all by myself, and do it all with a controled system where I can change and advance the concentrations myself.
Shroom spores: by my 4th or 5th years of this stuff I finally want to advance to mushrooms, of about three types. and make it awesome.
I'm thinking by doing this, I'm going to make money off of the first plants, save the money, and use it to invest in better and better systems, until I have the best system.
Okay here are my issues though:
I tried growing weed once, but I couldn't even get the white little spores to poke out, I mean at all, they just swelled up and didn't do squat. I did it right, they didn't turn black and shrivel or anything. i kept them in a dark place, with constant heat of not too hot or cold. I did open the container and knapkin once or twice to check them. I must have given them at least like 2 1/2 weeks time to germinate and then gave up because of the stupid problems I was having with them.
Here is what I do understand:
Germinating: Put them in a moist, sometimes partially wet knapkin and keep them warm in an incubator type thing depending on what you have to work with, and in a dark place. Give them time until they crack open and the little white spores come out. Check them every now and then but not too often.
Planting: Plant them with some room to grow and don't completely cover them with soil, as they have to sprout up. They like organic soil, vermuculite. They like lots of food but one shouldn't go too heavy on it in the beginning. Small amounts until their mature and steady enough to handle it.(maybe like two or three weeks until feeding them their first time?). I can't decide how this works though. Is more food better, or letting them be more organic and limiting the food better? Another thing about planting, i thought there was two ways you can do it. A lot of plants in one container or a pot seed each in all big conatainers and let them grow into big plants. I think i was gonna try big plants; all separate.
Sexing: The little balls and the places where the stems split is male, and the hairs white hairs coming off of the leave-like spikey things mean female, and sometimes you can't tell, or you get a hermaphroditic plant.
Harvesting and pot cultivation: Cut back on the light because it makes the plant think it's time to harvest and grow the bud, as that's how plans work: seasonal or fall periods = harvest time.
Pot cultivating - you have to be careful, cut the buds at the very stem where the bud begins, and trim the leaves off growing around them, careful not to cut the tips of the actual bud off though.
Some basics I know: treat the plants well (lol, I have a hippy friend who sings and reads to them, always playing soothing music in his grow room.) - you think this works at all?
Tobacco around plants = dying plants or pure EEEEEEVIL! No cigarette smoke or nicotene covered fingers when handling the plants.
Keep your hands clean at all times when handling your plants, planting the spore-sprouting seeds, or even JUST the seeds.
Lol, how did i do? Joint-worthy enough?

okay, so here are my question for you guys:
1)What might I have been doing wrong with my germination?
2)How do you sex the plants and which is better to have, female right, since you get more seeds?
3)Will the food affect the quality and strongness of the plant? Does Lots of food= strong high or something?
4)What are the best seeds that still yeild a lot, and have a strong high, i.e. good for selling, but easy to grow with not TOO much maintenence?
5)How soon after they start growing should I feed them?
6)Should I wait until my plants get way big before I cut back on the light, or how soon should I cut back on the light?
7)How do I create a smaller, and not too attention-grabbing plant that still has lots of strong bud growing on various stems rather than just three or four areas with bud?

9)When I sell should I be more generous and put a little extra bowl in or something that way people will buy from me, or just completely the right amount?
10)Where are some good places where weed isn't so easy to get, and where you won't get caught selling it?
11)How easy is hydroponics? ( my dad's going to teach me)
12)When I grow how do I make it good quality with lots of resin and some serious smoke?
... lol, it's only twelve questions.
Sorry for my inconvenience though.