Good info.
Could you point me to the jp toro?
I was looking to go stemless on my next piece, some phx's looked nice

I was looking at toro also though, I've toked a small toro before.
But bro obviously I know what a percolator is, but what is a circle perc, how does that work? I saw some pics of circ percs but I couldn't understand how they function or how they are similar to normal tree or (x)arm perks
verde, toros are made in upstate ny, so they are pretty prevelent here on the east coast, but my boy gets them in cali also (he's in mendo). i know aqualabs has them once in a while, but because toro's have become so popular, jp cant keep up with orders. i put my order in 2 weeks age and im not expexting to get it until christmas. i asked my contact with jp how long i would have to wait for a custom, and she just laughed and said 2, maybe 3 years!!!
the circ diffuser is basically a perc and the bottom diffuser is rounded with diffuser slits. it's the best diffusion i've personally had (my boy says sov sg peyoty pillar is smoother). so, when you take the circ ash catcher with a circ to circ piece, you get clean chalky hit without the harshness. also, this thing stacks bubbles like i've never seen.
rzza, the knockoff was priced the same as a regular roor. allot of the shops have know idea that they are selling fakes. it doesn't hit as cleanly as a, but it does hit good and it's thick glass. only problems is i bought it because i needed a roor for my collection and a fake doesnt cut it. now i have to order one from germany and hope customs doesnt smash it.
also, the guys at roor, illy, toro, sov, ect... use a very high end glass, and most are engineers or artists which is why you'll see higher prices. always remember that high end glass will always hold value, in some cases gain. i've been offered 1200 and 1500 for my jbd original. here's a youtube link to some toros for sale. you'll see a circ to circ at 2:20 and a 7 to 13 at 3:20: