AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
you might have a problem when you flower cause that huge one is going to grow much faster. youll have to raise the lights for the biggie and then the smaller ones will suffer from being too far away.


Well-Known Member
you might have a problem when you flower cause that huge one is going to grow much faster. youll have to raise the lights for the biggie and then the smaller ones will suffer from being too far away.
true. but, then again, this has been happening for a while so. first grow, what are you gonna do. live and learn not to let your cat anywhere near your plants.

2nd grow will be from all clones so they will be much more similiar in size.

theres nothing i can do about it now. :\


Well-Known Member
you might have a problem when you flower cause that huge one is going to grow much faster. youll have to raise the lights for the biggie and then the smaller ones will suffer from being too far away.

I have recently done something similar to this, I had 1 seed plant and 3 clones. The clones were way way smaller than the seed plant in an almost identical setup. When I went to flower about 3 weeks into it the plants were all the same size due to stretching. The only problem this caused (and currently the issue) is that I had to tie them up since the stem growth wasn't as strong as the seed one because of the stretching, now the buds on it are heavy as hell.

I don't think it's all doom and gloom katie.


Well-Known Member
I have recently done something similar to this, I had 1 seed plant and 3 clones. The clones were way way smaller than the seed plant in an almost identical setup. When I went to flower about 3 weeks into it the plants were all the same size due to stretching. The only problem this caused (and currently the issue) is that I had to tie them up since the stem growth wasn't as strong as the seed one because of the stretching, now the buds on it are heavy as hell.

I don't think it's all doom and gloom katie.
wewt. kickass.


Well-Known Member

ppm @560
pH: 5.8
Res Temp: 62F

Here's the two smaller ones (the Round two on the bottom right, and the "dud" on the top right) the round 2 seems to be doing reallly well. growing more outward, i topped it yesterday, it seems to have some outward growth and the little stems that are coming out of the original nodes... yeah those are growing)

Here we have our survivor... getting bigger @_@ SHE'S a BEAST!

The top part of the survivor is growing too. but it looks kinda weird... the part i FIM'ed. i think....... FUCK, i missed the fuck i missed. hope that makes sense. lol im so ripped right now. Oh and don't worry about the black thing in my hand, it is not attached to the plant or anything

alright sweet. I'm gonna go eat some breakfast.

This time Change RULES! it hasnt set in yet, so i keep thinking im pressed for time. and i look and it's an hour earlier than i thought. awesome.


New Member

ppm @560
pH: 5.8
Res Temp: 62F

Here's the two smaller ones (the Round two on the bottom right, and the "dud" on the top right) the round 2 seems to be doing reallly well. growing more outward, i topped it yesterday, it seems to have some outward growth and the little stems that are coming out of the original nodes... yeah those are growing)

Here we have our survivor... getting bigger @_@ SHE'S a BEAST!

The top part of the survivor is growing too. but it looks kinda weird... the part i FIM'ed. i think....... FUCK, i missed the fuck i missed. hope that makes sense. lol im so ripped right now. Oh and don't worry about the black thing in my hand, it is not attached to the plant or anything

alright sweet. I'm gonna go eat some breakfast.

This time Change RULES! it hasnt set in yet, so i keep thinking im pressed for time. and i look and it's an hour earlier than i thought. awesome.
lookin good Katie, it looks like the one with your finger is showin pre-flower?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats how my fim looked it looked like the leaves were cut in half as they flowered,if i ever get my son home i will show you the fimmed and the unfimmed 6 weeks in flower.


Well-Known Member
the fim will do you well if you only end up with three plants in the holder that will allow the fimmed one to flourish,i dont like the results of my fimmed over the unfimmed but they are only 2 gal pots so they can only do so much,but i think the yield will be the same,but in hydro you should do will be interesting to see the end resuld,good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ok here's the roots: 2 pictures on of sort of all of them... and the other one is the roots of the survivor.

Dont worry about the water, it's like that from the Flora Nova.



Well-Known Member
So i hadn't bothered to buy a HPS or order a conversion bulb because a friend was going to let me borrow his 400 watt hps. But now apparently that's not an option. :\ I really don't want to flower with a MH. So i need to somehow get rid of my 2nd MH and buy an HPS @_____@ uhg