AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Too many brownies
yeah I agree what is wrong with it?
do you not see the totally fried and curled new growth along with the curling leaves????

Honestly though they may not be overnuted it could also be salt or ph issues.

too high or low of a ph will cause a nute lockout that looks similiar to burn i believe and so does salt buildup.

I dont think its salt buildup though because youve been changing the res, not too sure though never grown hydro.

Could be ph

whats your grow room temps, and the temp at the canopy of the plants?


Just some idiot
I guess I see the fried look, can't tell I'm just reading what she said. I would go with pH, seems to be the reoccurring problem to me....salts maybe but she hasn't really even fed them much.


Just some idiot
yeah I can't see it, just taking what she says about the fried look, it's too blurry for me to really see. She's been easy on the nutes, and the whole plant would be burnt IMO if it was lights. I am guessing but I would say pH, she has had a couple pH issues pop up.


Too many brownies
yeah I can't see it, just taking what she says about the fried look, it's too blurry for me to really see. She's been easy on the nutes, and the whole plant would be burnt IMO if it was lights. I am guessing but I would say pH, she has had a couple pH issues pop up.
If it was lights the whole plant would not be burnt...just the parts that are too close.

But I agree I think its ph :peace:


New Member
is it just the bottom thats burned? cause the top looks ok to me. what has your ppm been running? when I switched to flower I changed my tank and after I refilled it the ppm was 1900 and I left it that way for several days and now it's about 1400. the highest I have seen yours was in the 900s right? it's hard to believe it's nute burn...:-|:joint:


New Member
There are plenty of burnt tips which suggests nute burn... consistently adding feed without emptying the res... would lead to lock out of nutes. In this case K.

When you empty the res, make sure you wipe as much as you can from the sides of the container. This is where the salts like to sit.


Well-Known Member
katie mine were looking just like that when my lights were too close. raise your to like 22" above the tops and it should clear up i think.


Too many brownies
There are plenty of burnt tips which suggests nute burn... consistently adding feed without emptying the res... would lead to lock out of nutes. In this case K.

When you empty the res, make sure you wipe as much as you can from the sides of the container. This is where the salts like to sit.
Best advice so far katie


Well-Known Member
Ok. so nonstopwhining IS correct I was pointing out the little crisping on the little leaves too. went to the hydro store today, got some "HydroKleen". Its by general Hydroponics the same as my nutes. I am running the system on just water and this for 2 hours then going to put new water with bloom as i had before.

He kinda confirmed what everyone else was saying, lockout. since there was crisping and no growth since the switch over to flowering.

Hopefully this will help! he gave me free some H tea? i think... its some stuff they make there, its this tea colored stuff in a jug he said this will help the plant build up essential immunities. HOW NICE! to add with my nutes..

okay so we'll just have to sit back and see how this goes!

So I've now taken it out of the Flora Kleen and put it in a newly cleaned out 2nd 14G res.. I added the Bloom nutes as well as the "tea" the hydro shop gave me. In my cleanning fury I broke my air pump.. So i ran to the store to get another one. the new one I got has 2 hose holes and is a much more powerful pump. I now have 2 airstone strips running in the system. Vertically next to eachother one of the right and one of the left.

I did not add the KoolBloom. The water and the "tea" alone made the ppm about 45. with the bloom nutes the ppm is now at 923.. and our pH is at 5.8 (without having to make any adjustments) I've also raised the fan. Its now on the side of the large plant. and up blowing at the top nearest the bulb and i moved one of the smaller plants to the center.

Here Ill go take a picture.


New Member
I don't know anything at all about hydro but it sounds like you good some good help and will have it resolved shortly. Plants can get ill fast but they can also gain it back and flourish.

The hydo shop guy sounds nice. That was awesome of him to give you some free stuff.

Your journal always sounds so well organized. Good stuff.
I'll come back for the pic later.:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Ok. so nonstopwhining IS correct I was pointing out the little crisping on the little leaves too. went to the hydro store today, got some "HydroKleen". Its by general Hydroponics the same as my nutes. I am running the system on just water and this for 2 hours then going to put new water with bloom as i had before.

He kinda confirmed what everyone else was saying, lockout. since there was crisping and no growth since the switch over to flowering.

Hopefully this will help! he gave me free some H tea? i think... its some stuff they make there, its this tea colored stuff in a jug he said this will help the plant build up essential immunities. HOW NICE! to add with my nutes..

okay so we'll just have to sit back and see how this goes!

So I've now taken it out of the Flora Kleen and put it in a newly cleaned out 2nd 14G res.. I added the Bloom nutes as well as the "tea" the hydro shop gave me. In my cleanning fury I broke my air pump.. So i ran to the store to get another one. the new one I got has 2 hose holes and is a much more powerful pump. I now have 2 airstone strips running in the system. Vertically next to eachother one of the right and one of the left.

I did not add the KoolBloom. The water and the "tea" alone made the ppm about 45. with the bloom nutes the ppm is now at 923.. and our pH is at 5.8 (without having to make any adjustments) I've also raised the fan. Its now on the side of the large plant. and up blowing at the top nearest the bulb and i moved one of the smaller plants to the center.

Here Ill go take a picture.


Well-Known Member
So heres the pictures:

Sorry its sideways. heres the new fan setup i just made it higher.. so its more directed at the top of the plant which is probably most affected by the heat

Heres all the plants together.. and coco... the little creep... skulking around the plants -_-

So like i said before hopefully in the next couple days we'll see some improvements...


Well-Known Member
you find out what sex the big one was?? i hope its female ^.^b
I hope so too.. i think it's a female... but... i dunno. there is ONE white hair. but it could be cat hair. lol... no... its stuck to it but its in a weird spot also had some lockout issues so hopefully once these get reconsiliated... we'll have some better ideas


Well-Known Member
could be cat hair....I like that!....looking awesome AsianKatie....thanks for the update...good luck...seems like things are on track....


Active Member
Ok. so nonstopwhining IS correct I was pointing out the little crisping on the little leaves too. went to the hydro store today, got some "HydroKleen". Its by general Hydroponics the same as my nutes. I am running the system on just water and this for 2 hours then going to put new water with bloom as i had before.

He kinda confirmed what everyone else was saying, lockout. since there was crisping and no growth since the switch over to flowering.

Hopefully this will help! he gave me free some H tea? i think... its some stuff they make there, its this tea colored stuff in a jug he said this will help the plant build up essential immunities. HOW NICE! to add with my nutes..

okay so we'll just have to sit back and see how this goes!

So I've now taken it out of the Flora Kleen and put it in a newly cleaned out 2nd 14G res.. I added the Bloom nutes as well as the "tea" the hydro shop gave me. In my cleanning fury I broke my air pump.. So i ran to the store to get another one. the new one I got has 2 hose holes and is a much more powerful pump. I now have 2 airstone strips running in the system. Vertically next to eachother one of the right and one of the left.

I did not add the KoolBloom. The water and the "tea" alone made the ppm about 45. with the bloom nutes the ppm is now at 923.. and our pH is at 5.8 (without having to make any adjustments) I've also raised the fan. Its now on the side of the large plant. and up blowing at the top nearest the bulb and i moved one of the smaller plants to the center.

Here Ill go take a picture.

now thats just funny. i went to the hydro store yesterday because my plant has been having some problems and they gave me free stuff that raises plant immunities haha ^.^


Well-Known Member
Haha Katie, I'm havin' the same problem determining sex.

I'm pretty sure I figured it out today though and out of 8 plants, 1 is confirmed females (Blueberry, thank god) and 3 confirmed male... The rest all look male, but I guess I am just hopin' for a misdiagnosis lol

Anyway, looking very good. Might I ask what day your on and how tall they all are?

Drop by my spot, and let me know what you think.