AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
Yo that's scary, You let those balls get pretty big. I think they were still too small to produce pollen, but did you see any yellowish powder on any of the leaves or coming out of the balls? Also, the big one didn't look hermie in the one picture. Put up some more, close-up pics and we'll let you know.:peace::blsmoke:
I thinks it is hermie but ill put up more pictures. it has little balls mixed in with the tops.

not nearly as many as the "male" but still.....

No there was no yellowing the balls were uber tight haha eww..


Well-Known Member
well least you got em before they could spill anything. How many are left now?
2 member the "dud" you had me plant? yeah turned out to be a female. and then the big monster plant of which i believe to be a herm. but its ok ill leave it and deal with picking out seeds.. BLUNTS ALL AROUND:blsmoke:


Too many brownies
Yo that's scary, You let those balls get pretty big. I think they were still too small to produce pollen, but did you see any yellowish powder on any of the leaves or coming out of the balls? Also, the big one didn't look hermie in the one picture. Put up some more, close-up pics and we'll let you know.:peace::blsmoke:
I agree, and id also like to add that hermies usually dont show themselves until a little later on in flowering. Atleast thats how stress induced hermies usually come about.

Oh and iblaze....I like the avatar I have a whole aquateen rib piece tattoo.

Its the mooninites spaceship with the moonites hanging out of it (Err is giving the finger) up by my armpit and I have about a dozen characters from aquateen being beamed up into the ship(of course shake, meatwad, and frylock)....its really cool but I wont get a picture on here due to my criminal record :?


New Member
Is this even relevant DOT5262, this is someones journal there is no need to be offensive, consider this a verbal warning!!!
are you fucking kidding ? i was joking around dumbass it was 2 am and for some reason this thread is on my subscribed list... i must have posted here once


Well-Known Member
Oh and iblaze....I like the avatar I have a whole aquateen rib piece tattoo.

Its the mooninites spaceship with the moonites hanging out of it (Err is giving the finger) up by my armpit and I have about a dozen characters from aquateen being beamed up into the ship(of course shake, meatwad, and frylock)....its really cool but I wont get a picture on here due to my criminal record :?
Haha that's tight as hell. I wish I could see it. The Mooninites are my favorite.