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Hell yes. And whatch you talkin bout willis? I thought bikes had much greater agility around the corners and obviously have better acceleration. I am rusty with F1 though, and I'm sure some people could drift like a bat out of hell, but still.
edit: by dumbphone I mean your every day cell phone, flip phones etc like the one I have
I'll go with red neck, around here there isn't much distinction but hillbilly tends to have more venom to it
lighters or that hemp string/wic stuff?
Can't afford a Mac. And my location should speak to "redneck/hillbilly".

Steak. Grill unavailable. Panfry, or broil? cn
I only have the original first sheet that goes over the mattress and the ones on my pillows, then a blanket. I don't bother with any sheets in between anymore unless it's particularly cold.

Normal tissues or those ones with lotion or whatever it is?
(just tried the vix ones when I was sick earlier this year, those things are awesome)
Same here ... **** top sheets.

And my inner cheapskate can't think of spending on tissues when there's a roll of the little bastards hanging in the Relief Chamber.

Would you buy a sports/GT car with an automatic transmission? cn