Ask a teenager anything you want to

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poor guy needs help, really man go see a head fixer, stay off the drugs, their not good for a person so young.
Go to school and find a trade that pays enough to get out and on your own.
You need people around you that can help.

:lol: I am out and on my own :lol: I'm pretty sure you're confusing the trolls words with reality :lol: I think maybe you need some meds so you can tell the difference between imaginary and real :lol:
i'll ask again, why is the number of google hits you have a goal in your life??

I already replied ad told you that you must have been misinformed because this is not the case. Go ahead and read back, or make up your own story like all the other trolls. Whatever. :D
unless your couch surfing, which you are

you can t live on 110 dollar monthly income . . . .. and we all know you cant make a living off of growing, so i just find it hard to believe your not pegging you friend for a couch spot
i'll pay him $111 right now if he just stops the inanity right now and never posts here again.. :D

that might be his end game, everyone pays him to leave . . .more liekly to happen in real life when you can smell the sweat from 10 months ago coming from his dreads

never go with a finshaggy to a second location
that might be his end game, everyone pays him to leave . . .more liekly to happen in real life when you can smell the sweat from 10 months ago coming from his dreads

never go with a finshaggy to a second location

second, you can rest assured i'd never go with him to one location never mind the second.. :D
it will work for a few of your friends, i'm sure of that. they'll open a message from "FlnShaggy" and be too disgusted about the fact that you fapped to them to notice right away. could start some nice drama. i would send the assignment to Wordz if he were still around, Wordz would do it and post the results to reddit and 4chan within 20 minutes.

That's fine. Just get me recognized, people love drama online now adays. And when I can make a FinShaggy hoax page on some Urban Legend site, it'll help me even more.
it will work for a few of your friends, i'm sure of that. they'll open a message from "FlnShaggy" and be too disgusted about the fact that you fapped to them to notice right away. could start some nice drama. i would send the assignment to Wordz if he were still around, Wordz would do it and post the results to reddit and 4chan within 20 minutes.

unless your couch surfing, which you are

you can t live on 110 dollar monthly income . . . .. and we all know you cant make a living off of growing, so i just find it hard to believe your not pegging you friend for a couch spot

I'm not couch surfing. I did that when I left Colorado, and when I stayed in Mexico, couch surfing is just for when I am traveling and staying somewhere less than 2 weeks. I haven't couch surfed since I was in New Mexcio for a month and rented a place, Florida for 3 months and had to get my own apartment and now back in the mid south to stay for a while so I have my own place again. So youre talking out of your ass, couch surfing IS something I do, but because it's a cool program that allows you to visit cool places for cheaper than renting a hotel room.
I'm not cock surfing. I did that when I left Colorado, and when I stayed in Mexico, cock surfing is just for when I am traveling and staying somewhere less than 2 weeks. I haven't cock surfed since I was in New Mexcio for a month and rented a place, Florida for 3 months and had to get my own apartment and now back in the mid south to stay for a while so I have my own place again. So youre talking out of your ass, cock surfing IS something I do, but because it's a cool program that allows you to visit cool places for cheaper than renting a hotel room.

WOW! I didn't have my glasses on at first and this is what I thought it said.

Either way...
your a bad example of what to do in life and should spend more time learning to live vs trying to influence others . .you are Jonestown . . .waiting to happen, if you dont get your head straight

people are not asking if you have mental illness out of spite . . thing is you cant see the difference between criticism/concern and trolling and thats makes you a finfailure, as you lie and grandious your way through life

more delusional thoughts from finshaggy fantasy island coming up next
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