*** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***


Well-Known Member
My seedlings seem to be stretching a bit with my 400w MH. I started the light schedule 12 hours ago, and I waited until they all sprouted. The seedlings are 2 days old.

I moved the lamp about 2.5 - 3 feet above the plants and its still cool...stats around 78 - 79 degrees. Is that OK?

I also watered them a bit and the cotyledon leaves of one plant is turning inward...maybe too much water?


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Doc another quick Q? What is your opinion on molasses??
Molasses is great in soil---it will feed your benificials and fungi----you can use sucanat(I use it with good results)its a dehydrated form of molasses----not as messy:shock:

My seedlings seem to be stretching a bit with my 400w MH. I started the light schedule 12 hours ago, and I waited until they all sprouted. The seedlings are 2 days old. They will stretch a bit---I always make sure to get them under the lights as soon as they break ground----make sure to kick up your humidity as well------don't over-love your babies---use a spay-bottle if you have to keep the soil lightly moist but don't over-water.

I moved the lamp about 2.5 - 3 feet above the plants and its still cool...stats around 78 - 79 degrees. Is that OK?

I also watered them a bit and the cotyledon leaves of one plant is turning inward...maybe too much water?



Well-Known Member
Hey Doc.... I'm getting ready to start 5 Snow White females under a 600W HPS. These arent clones. They will be grown from seed. My question is:

I've decided to grow them in soil in (2) 20 inch wide x 34 inch long x 17 inch deep tubs setting side by side(roughly a 3.5x3.5 grow space which the 600 can handle. I've drilled drainage holes in the bottom. I've read all of the anti more than 1 plant in a pot stuff but I feel that this will give the roots of my girls plenty of room to spread out and grow big as each container is 45 gallons. I'm going to place 2 girls in 1 container and 3 girls in the other. Can you see any advantages or disadvantages that may come from this setup. If this is a major no-no then I can easily switch to pots or even buckets but I feel that I'll be fine. Thoughts are appreciated.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Hey Doc.... I'm getting ready to start 5 Snow White females under a 600W HPS. These arent clones. They will be grown from seed. My question is:

I've decided to grow them in soil in (2) 20 inch wide x 34 inch long x 17 inch deep tubs setting side by side(roughly a 3.5x3.5 grow space which the 600 can handle. I've drilled drainage holes in the bottom. I've read all of the anti more than 1 plant in a pot stuff but I feel that this will give the roots of my girls plenty of room to spread out and grow big as each container is 45 gallons. I'm going to place 2 girls in 1 container and 3 girls in the other. Can you see any advantages or disadvantages that may come from this setup. If this is a major no-no then I can easily switch to pots or even buckets but I feel that I'll be fine. Thoughts are appreciated.
You will be fine----pros----easy to feed----one container----cons----if you run into separate plant problems it might be harder to isolate and control because they will all be in the same soil---other than that should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, my buddy grows in 4x4x2 beds, he puts 50 plants in there and flowers from clone... He gets about 2 pounds from 1000W... The best SOG i've ever seen.


Active Member
Hi Doc-

Im growing in a soil bed under a 1000w HPS with Foxfarm ocean forest/ light warrior. I'm about 4 1/2 weeks in. I water with about 4.75 gallons of water, once a week.

At about the second week I started using HCO's Purple Maxx. I noticed incredible results at 1/4 the recommended strength when watering with 1/4 of the recommended doses of Foxfarm's Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. I upped it to 1/2 strength but that burned my plants, so I'm lowering back to 1/4.

Some of my fruit is looking like its about 2-3 weeks from harvest now, and I'd like to start adding the HCO Gravity to my feeding schedule, but I can't find any good strengths to use and the directions are somewhat vague on the back of the bottle.

Do you have any experience with this product, and how do you think I should add it to my current mixture?

Many thanks!


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
You want to use the gravity before your flush cycle begins at start at the end of week 5. Use 1ml/gallon for 3 consecutive feeds--You should add a sugar as well-----sweet/carboload/molasses/sucanat--and 1/3 nutes or below 350 ppms.


Active Member
You want to use the gravity before your flush cycle begins at start at the end of week 5. Use 1ml/gallon for 3 consecutive feeds--You should add a sugar as well-----sweet/carboload/molasses/sucanat--and 1/3 nutes or below 350 ppms.
Sounds good, thanks so much for the advice.

How much sugar should I add per gallon?


Well-Known Member
if you have been vegging for 24/0 and you switch to 18/6 does it show more preflowers?? i ask because i have a plant just under 3ft and its hard to tell what sex it is


Well-Known Member
if you dont have any microbial life in there, do you really care to add sugars to the rez?

i would like to know more about gravity and purple max if you have used them before doctor


Well-Known Member
ok so im thinking of rigging up a eeb+flow system, and i think i want to use pots of coco-coir in the table.
if the pots are deeper than the table, will the coco wick up the water/nutes it needs, or does the table need to be as deep as i want the water line to reach?
and if once a day is enough to water them, for how long?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
if you have been vegging for 24/0 and you switch to 18/6 does it show more preflowers?? i ask because i have a plant just under 3ft and its hard to tell what sex it is
No---How old is the plants---do you have any pics?-maybe we can help you sex it.

if you dont have any microbial life in there, do you really care to add sugars to the rez? No----if you running hydro--you would not want to put sugar in there.

i would like to know more about gravity and purple max if you have used them before doctor
They work great-----Gravity adds density to you buds-----Purple Max adds gobs of resins and could bring out the purple color in some strains----Very good combo together and with the use of carb/sugar products.

ok so im thinking of rigging up a eeb+flow system, and i think i want to use pots of coco-coir in the table.
if the pots are deeper than the table, will the coco wick up the water/nutes it needs, or does the table need to be as deep as i want the water line to reach?
and if once a day is enough to water them, for how long?
The coco can wick but you will have to play with the timing of the feeds.---I would do half coco----have perlite just to make sure I had ample oxygen but the coco may just work as well alone---I've never tried that----give it a shot and post your results...


Well-Known Member
Hey doc

I have a female plant In a grow box wraped with aluminum foil ( first grow will upgrade after more experience) . I was lucky and it was a female , I had it outside for a couple weeks until I saw the white hairs come up It was also a very cold December so I brought it inside and put under the aerogarden lights and 1 cfl 27000 lumens under 12/12 ..
The plant itself is about 2 feet tall with lots of foliage and many nodes which have many white hairs in many places.. I have only been giving it miracle grow (the tomato one) every 2-3 weeks but lots of water seems to be doing fine and still growing..
So my questions to u Doc are...
I want to use a 150 watt hps instead of what I have or with it.. Will it drain a lot of power raising my bill by alot??
I want to get better nutes but know where to go don't really trust online... And I don't know which ones or what NPK percentage to get ( budget of like 50$ or so)
Or am I ok with jus adding the miracle grow...
Thanx any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
DOC I have the worst problem Ive encountered yet.

*DAY 55*

Just finished watering with 1/4 dosage of Ionic nutrients (10.5ml Grow & 7.5ml Humic acid for a total of 6 Litres of water) & PH at 6.0 just to see how it reacts to PH at 6.0.

Firstly there were problems with the lighting, for some reason the lights were switching on & off randomly for 2 days at first I though it was the fluro bulbs but it wasnt so then I checked the timer but that was ok too so then I checked the wiring with a current detector which was also working correctly I still have no idea what the problem is but yesterday I began to worry that the plant my go into flowering mode if the lights carry on playing up so Ive switched the timer to lights "permenantly on" in other words 24/0, thought it would be a good idea to give you all the info but the main problem begins in the next paragraph.

Many of the fan leaves are crinkly, dry, shrivelled up, yellow & brown. Even the other leaves I think they are called bud sites (the leaves under the fan leaves :???:, sorry I dont know the correct term) have become deformed due to the weight & pressure of the larger fan leaves pressing down on top of them overall she has become bushy but weak.

I posted pics of all the dying fan leaves & the deformed & wilting little leaves & the brown spotted new leaves at the very top, basically all the leaves which show ill health.

I should tell you at this point that about 2 weeks ago I watered with full strength Ionic nutes instead of easing it in :wall:. After that silly incident Ive only been feeding plain tap water left out 24hrs (PH at 6.5). By the way its in 40% perlite & 60% soil.

Is there a solution to this?