Ask yourself... What have I done for Pinworm?


Well-Known Member
not a meteor kind of guy .........i would alter virus infect some ppl in the airport and direct mail some of it to different points on the planet increasing the spread of it .....think the 1918 Spanish flu or the black death

it is really not that hard u make the virus then u infect yourself and build up a immunity to it ....then u soak your clothes in the virus and touch all the handrails and every spot ppl make contact with your clothes(your not wiping or spraying anything no smell or wet left behind) ppl touch that get in a air plane pass it around 50% to 75% infected after they leave and pass that on ......most virus can live on a surface for 32 to 72 hours (some longer then others) so with the cleaning habits as they are the air port is infected for 24 hours then the ppl traveling infect the other air ports for 24 hours spreading it out

with in a few months most of the ppl are wiped out .......i am honestly shocked that no one has thought of this idea before ........hell iran can kill off isreal with the idea make it make your ppl immune to it and release it

but i fight the urge to be a evil asshole each day


Well-Known Member
It is said that if a mere mortal gazes upon @Pinworm s wiener their eyes will be instantly burned out, but they will be thankful and live out the rest of their lives in pure bliss for the last thing they saw was true glory and it will be gloriously burned in their memories for all of time.

I hope to gaze upon his wiener one day and know that glory.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It is said that if a mere mortal gazes upon @Pinworm s wiener their eyes will be instantly burned out, but they will be thankful and live out the rest of their lives in pure bliss for the last thing they saw was true glory and it will be gloriously burned in their memories for all of time.

I hope to gaze upon his wiener one day and know that glory.
His name is pinworm...


Well-Known Member
Pinworm got caught cheating once, and he didn't even have to explain anything. He broke out in an Acappella version of Wasn't Me, and ended up getting his dick sucked for HOURS.




Well-Known Member
Ask not what you can do for pinworm .
But what can pinworm do for you ?
A famous american once said that about pinworm in 1961 then a few years later got his head blown off . I guess he found out the hard way