Assange: Sanders Wife Death Threat..


Well-Known Member
Wow, apparently Bernie's wife was physically threatened. It's easy for us to call him a cuck for giving in but c'mon, let's give the man some respect. If your wife is physically threatened, especially by serial murderers like Clinton & Co. - how many of us will just go: "no, fuck you!" The truth is - not many. So let's empathize with Bernie a little.

Of course, we’re very interested in revealing the truth about any candidate and yes we have some material about Bernie Sanders that will be published,” Assange added.
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Assange would say anything to avoid prison time for raping those women in Sweden.

Hillary hate is affecting Sky's ability to process thought.

Didn't Hillary laugh at the anal rape of another person, and then cackle gleefully some more when asked about what happened ? Why yes she did,

"we came, we saw, he died cackle cackle cackle " - Hillary

Is rape only good when Hillary laughs about it ?
Wow, apparently Bernie's wife was physically threatened. It's easy for us to call him a cuck for giving in but c'mon, let's give the man some respect. If your wife is physically threatened, especially by serial murderers like Clinton & Co. - how many of us will just go: "no, fuck you!" The truth is - not many. So let's empathize with Bernie a little.

Of course, we’re very interested in revealing the truth about any candidate and yes we have some material about Bernie Sanders that will be published,” Assange added.
Yeah, Sanders was threatened...

It wasn't that he got less votes or anything, it's because Hillary Clinton threatened to kill him and his wife.

The weed doesn't suit some people, take the hint.
Assange would say anything to avoid prison time for raping those women in Sweden.

Hillary hate is affecting Sky's ability to process thought.

Assange is a creepy dude for sure, but I got a feeling he didn't rape anybody..that's classic smear campaign to discredit a guy who's releasing mass amounts of information that the government don't want out there...I'm sure every presidential candidate and their families have been threatened, there's a lot of crazy fucks out there. Bernie never should have backed down..he should be running Indy.
Assange is a creepy dude for sure, but I got a feeling he didn't rape anybody..that's classic smear campaign to discredit a guy who's releasing mass amounts of information that the government don't want out there...I'm sure every presidential candidate and their families have been threatened, there's a lot of crazy fucks out there. Bernie never should have backed down..he should be running Indy.
You are being honest when you say this is your opinion. In my opinion, the stuff Assange is releasing comes from Russia and is part of political war against Clinton. This based on what I've read and nothing has been proven. Have you read any of the stuff that was released? I know that it has Sky hyperventilating but really, it was amazing to me how much was made of so little. In any case, Russia and Trump won the day by discrediting our democracy and that's all that matters.

I probably would have voted for Bernie if he went indy.
You are being honest when you say this is your opinion. In my opinion, the stuff Assange is releasing comes from Russia and is part of political war against Clinton. This based on what I've read and nothing has been proven. Have you read any of the stuff that was released? I know that it has Sky hyperventilating but really, it was amazing to me how much was made of so little. In any case, Russia and Trump won the day by discrediting our democracy and that's all that matters.

I probably would have voted for Bernie if he went indy.

It comes from Russia with love.......well duh !! If China took him in, it would come from China,....Right ?
It seems we agree on something. Trump is Putin's puppet and Assange is his mouth.

If Val ran against Hillary,...He`d get more votes too.

Trump understands that a positive working relationship with Moscow is better for the US than a cold war.
If Val ran against Hillary,...He`d get more votes too.

Trump understands that a positive working relationship with Moscow is better for the US than a cold war.
Positive working relationship? Too funny that. Trump supporters sure do like the idea of living at the whim of dictators.