Sir Napsalot
Well-Known Member
Bitchin' hair notwithstanding
Pad is arguing we all had the right to see Hillary’s internal campaign emails
If he's so fucked in the head, why isn't Hillary in the White House?Man, you need some mental help.
Hillary's emails didn't make one god damned bit of difference in the peoples election: SHE STILL WON IT YOU DUMB FUCK. By 3,000,000 votes!!!
You're the only one that thinks Assange is worth anything at all. Nobody else on earth does. What, are you fucking him or something? You have posters of him to masturbate to in your bathroom? I mean, what is your strange man-love of this guy that's got you to the point of spewing not just complete bullshit and falsehoods, but denying even stone cold FACT.
I'm serious, man. You need to check yourself into the nearest mental institution for an evaluation. You're completely and totally fucked in the head.
If he's so fucked in the head, why isn't Hillary in the White House?
Maybe you need to do some more homework.
If he's so fucked in the head, why isn't Hillary in the White House?
Berners give a shit because they have been told what to think by their unseemly propaganda machine.You're probably the same person as you're both equally fucked in the head.
Nothing that was put on Wikileaks had anything at all to do with the outcome of the election. It didn't influence people's votes enough to do that.
We've had the electorate override the popular vote several times in the past. The last time was when G.W. Bush beat Al Gore when Wikileaks didn't even exist.
All you guys do is make bullshit up that Assange puts out himself to make himself look like he's a player in the game. He isn't. He's worthless. Nobody gives a shit about him. At all. Full stop.
LolBerners give a shit because they have been told what to think by their unseemly propaganda machine.
I scanned some of the crap in that package and read the sections that the Progressives(TM) were apoplectic about. There was bias shown towards Clinton in their rhetoric is about all I could see that was going on. Otherwise, agree with you. It was just back office crap. Not much there. The "conspiracies" claimed to be shown in those e-mails by Berners is bunk.
As is common among them, they get their beliefs from talking heads on the internet and don't do original anything including thought. All they know of the Wikileaks DNC data are a few lines of text extracted from the leaks given to them with a thought guide for how to interpret it.
I totally support one person one voteIt’s because of our electoral system. No other reason. The polititions in question have all been criminals for a long time. It’s a prerequisite apparently.
I totally support one person one vote
How about one person one dollar?I totally support one person one vote
If I had a choice it would be your state support itself and my state will do the sameHow about one person one dollar?
Sir it is called The UNITED STATES for a reasonIf I had a choice it would be your state support itself and my state will do the same
You're making contradictory claims; A. the information obtained by the DNC leaks was inconsequential, B. the leaks helped contribute to Hillary Clinton's loss to TrumpThere was bias shown towards Clinton in their rhetoric is about all I could see that was going on. Otherwise, agree with you. It was just back office crap. Not much there. The "conspiracies" claimed to be shown in those e-mails by Berners is bunk.
When will Bernie release all his internal campaign emails?You're making contradictory claims; A. the information obtained by the DNC leaks was inconsequential, B. the leaks helped contribute to Hillary Clinton's loss to Trump
So which is it?
Sanders isn't the one who holds different public and private opinions depending on how rich the crowd he's speaking to isWhen will Bernie release all his internal campaign emails?
Or even just his fucking taxes?
How do we know that without seeing all his internal campaign emails?Sanders isn't the one who holds different public and private opinions depending on how rich the crowd he's speaking to is
When will Bernie release all his internal campaign emails?
Or even just his fucking taxes?