Assange the rapist headed to face the music

Address the Elephant in the room

Did Assange Release information that the American Public should have already been exposed to or not?

If not, why not?
Read my fucking replies to you. I've said several times already that the sources for those DNC leaks were Russian agents and therefore the data cannot be trusted. I think the US public would have seen them with or without Assange. The public should be wary of that data because the intent of that data release was to push Putin's propaganda efforts against the US. I mean, duh.

Assange raped women who were working for him. That's the essence of the charges that were leveled against him. Those charges can be reinstated, by the way.

Snowden is the one who was more like Ellsberg. I think the effects of his release were mostly good. The e-mails that were hacked from Podesta were a mish mash of garbage. The ones you were most excited about just confirmed your bias about a false conspiracy against Bernie. Assange is just a messenger who now is a Putin-tool. Snowden could be viewed as a hero or at least a conscientious whistle blower.
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Yeh and OJ was never convicted of murder either.....

a jury of his peers felt there was something missing which is why he wasn't convicted..i'm still open to jason simpson based upon certain forensics which don't make the news..why would you want to put a innocent black man behind bars?
i thought bernie people gave you trump?
The Bernie people were among the most susceptible to Assange's "revelations" - and still are.

a jury of his peers felt there was something missing which is why he wasn't convicted..i'm still open to jason simpson based upon certain forensics which don't make the news..why would you want to put a innocent black man behind bars?

Many people that support Bernie are just conspiracy and fake-news consumers that have a leftist bent. You are Putin's new target market.

There is more than one way to support Trump.
Address the Elephant in the room

Did Assange Release information that the American Public should have already been exposed to or not?

If not, why not?

Some people (ah-hem) pick the worst possible people to defend.

And I almost threw up with the Ellsburg pic.

Comparing Ellsburg to Assange is like comparing JFK to Trump.

Give me a fucking break.
Address the Elephant in the room

Did Assange Release information that the American Public should have already been exposed to or not?

If not, why not?

Assange didn't release information to inform the American public.

Assange released information to impact an election, so let's review.

1. Putin hated Clinton (but who really cares who a ruthless dictator hates?)

2. Assange hated Clinton (but who gives a flying fuck what some foreign national from another fucking country thinks about American politics?)

3. Bernie Babies hated Clinton (only #3 has the slightest bit of merit here because they're American voters. And I hope they're happy with who won and his judicial appoints who will keep progressive causes from gaining ground for decades.)

Have a nice progressive dreaming day.
the sources for those DNC leaks were Russian agents and therefore the data cannot be trusted.
There is no evidence the content of the leaks is fake

Democratic National Committee v. Russian Federation
The public should be wary of that data because the intent of that data release was to push Putin's propaganda efforts against the US.
The DNC is using the content of the leaks in litigation against Russia. The content of the leaks is authentic. Intent is irrelevant to the question of authenticity, and the American public should be exposed to the kinds of back room dealings within the political process. You are behaving the same way Republicans did when Manning exposed war crimes; be upset about the leak, not the content of the leak. In reality, no American should be condemning anyone for leaking things we should already know about illegal things our government does in our name with our tax dollars. These things should already be transparent. But pushing for prosecution (or worse) for government whistle blowers would damage if not destroy the protections under the 1st amendment for journalists, and that's just a stupid thing to do because something that got leaked damaged your "team". Instead of taking aim at journalists and whistle blowers, you should work to ensure your "team" doesn't do things that if leaked to the public would damage their electoral chances on election day.
There is no evidence the content of the leaks is fake

Democratic National Committee v. Russian Federation

The DNC is using the content of the leaks in litigation against Russia. The content of the leaks is authentic. Intent is irrelevant to the question of authenticity, and the American public should be exposed to the kinds of back room dealings within the political process. You are behaving the same way Republicans did when Manning exposed war crimes; be upset about the leak, not the content of the leak. In reality, no American should be condemning anyone for leaking things we should already know about illegal things our government does in our name with our tax dollars. These things should already be transparent. But pushing for prosecution (or worse) for government whistle blowers would damage if not destroy the protections under the 1st amendment for journalists, and that's just a stupid thing to do because something that got leaked damaged your "team". Instead of taking aim at journalists and whistle blowers, you should work to ensure your "team" doesn't do things that if leaked to the public would damage their electoral chances on election day.
You’re gonna cry so hard about bernieleaks
Assange didn't release information to inform the American public.

Assange released information to impact an election, so let's review.

1. Putin hated Clinton (but who really cares who a ruthless dictator hates?)

2. Assange hated Clinton (but who gives a flying fuck what some foreign national from another fucking country thinks about American politics?)

3. Bernie Babies hated Clinton (only #3 has the slightest bit of merit here because they're American voters. And I hope they're happy with who won and his judicial appoints who will keep progressive causes from gaining ground for decades.)

Have a nice progressive dreaming day.

So, if you did something despicable, but the person who told people about it doesn't like you, that exonerates you from your despicable action ?

How many years did you spend in the 3rd grade again?
You’re gonna cry so hard about bernieleaks
Over the course of 3 years, the only thing anyone has been able to dig up on Sanders was his wife's dealings at the college she worked at before a trial ever even commenced brought on by a Trump supporter.. If there was anything to leak, it would have been leaked by now, and if it was legitimate, I wouldn't deny it like establishment democrats do when they get caught. I'd hold Sanders accountable.

So, good luck with that
Over the course of 3 years, the only thing anyone has been able to dig up on Sanders was his wife's dealings at the college she worked at before a trial ever even commenced brought on by a Trump supporter.. If there was anything to leak, it would have been leaked by now, and if it was legitimate, I wouldn't deny it like establishment democrats do when they get caught. I'd hold Sanders accountable.

So, good luck with that
her "dealings"?

you mean, getting fraudulent loans with bernie's help, bankrupting a college, then bailing herself out with a golden parachute?