Assange the rapist headed to face the music

Somehow I'm just not buying innovation that Democrats would have nominated a pro union judge for the post. After all, they skipped so many chances to do so in the past.

Tell us again how your party gives a fuck about average Americans while taking millions from the donor class?

Because I'm not seeing it.

Your smokescreen isn't helping.
Nobody gives a shit what you believe or "what you don't buy".
No, you are not. You're defending HIM.


And you are DEFENDING HIM for doing exactly that.
1. you're not a lawyer
2. He has every reason to believe that he's being persecuted for divulging secrets
3. He has the same rights to due process as anyone else

When he's found guilty, then you can call him a criminal. Until then, he's a journalist and whistle blower.

Or would you really rather not know of all the human rights violations, war crimes and malfeasance committed in our name by our government?

Lol I'm not sure I want to know the answer.
1. you're not a lawyer
2. He has every reason to believe that he's being persecuted for divulging secrets
3. He has the same rights to due process as anyone else

When he's found guilty, then you can call him a criminal. Until then, he's a journalist and whistle blower.

Or would you really rather not know of all the human rights violations, war crimes and malfeasance committed in our name by our government?

Lol I'm not sure I want to know the answer.
Sorry I was a second late. But he did run from a rape charge. That's what lawyers are for. Due process won't send him down the river for shit that had nothing to do with his rape charge.

If he didn't do it.. he has nothing to hide.
Sorry I was a second late. But he did run from a rape charge. That's what lawyers are for. Due process won't send him down the river for shit that had nothing to do with his rape charge.

If he didn't do it.. he has nothing to hide.
#2 on the list. Yes, it happens.
#2 on the list. Yes, it happens.
It does happen. But also... He conspired with Russia against our country. If he was really just whistle blowing, .All of Trump's shit would be out there too. Assange is too good at what he does to not have dirt on trump. He sold out to the highest bidder and helped put trump in office. WikiLeaks lost there credibility after that for me. If it was about integrity... Really just trying to put stuff out to help our country. We would have gotten dirt on both
It does happen. But also... He conspired with Russia against our country. If he was really just whistle blowing, .All of Trump's shit would be out there too. Assange is too good at what he does to not have dirt on trump. He sold out to the highest bidder and helped put trump in office. WikiLeaks lost there credibility after that for me. If it was about integrity... Really just trying to put stuff out to help our country. We would have gotten dirt on both
What evidence is there that he conspired with anyone? He published information. That's what journalists do.
So why's he running? No evidence right? No crimes.. so what's he running from?

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Persecution for releasing information the United States doesn't want the world to see, duh!

Have you people completely forgotten the value to a free democracy of a free personal and the work of Whistleblowers?!

Are you completely snowed by the bullshit from the Military Industrial Complex, those who profit from it and the mass murder it commits in our names?
the crap that assange distributed was russian propaganda.... he's not our friend
Shouldn't people be more concerned with what was leaked than with who leaked it for what reason?

If people within the Democratic party acted right, Russia, Assange/Wikileaks, wouldn't have anything damaging to the party to leak. They didn't, that's what made them so vulnerable to leaks in the first place. Where is the outrage towards them for this? Why are none you just as outraged the Democratic party lied to voters and propped up a candidate that couldn't win against a reality TV show star the same party also propped up because they thought he would be the easiest Republican to defeat?