Assembly passes medical marijuana oversight bill

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
This is precisely what they do with tobacco now to make it more addictive and to make sure that each cigarette has a standard nicotine dosage. Big tobacco has the lobby in place but I could see big pharma stepping in and fighting back. That would be the clash of the titans.
Or even worse, they could cooperate to fuck us all over. They probably are already doing so.


Well-Known Member
They have probably been having meetings about this for years...and i can pretty much guarantee that money from big pharma and tobacco is the reason pot is still federally illegal. As soon as they can put together a plan they will start building an infrastructure to make billions of dollars off of this...and then pay a shit ton to get a bill passed to get it legalized.

And i said above that they would probably hire scientists and botanists to find ways to make disease, mold, and pest resistant crops like they have done with tobacco. And I'm sure what ever they are pushing out with have all sorts of pesticides and herbicides on it along with something to preserve it. Either way it's going to be messy...and the lucrative mmj industry in California will be gone. Make what you can now...and make a backup plan when this is gone.


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Staff member
Or even worse, they could cooperate to fuck us all over. They probably are already doing so.
I'd be very surprised if Big Tobacco and Big Pharma cooperated. Individually they have enough power to take us down easily so they wouldn't need to combine to do that. Tobacco is a one trick pony unlike Big Pharma. With Tobacco's one trick pony waning I could see Tobacco not wanting to share. The only way I could see them combining is if there was a bigger foe to unite them. We certainly aren't much more than a nuisance to either of them individually. But them combining certainly plays to the conspiracy theorist in me.


Well-Known Member
The problem is I'll keep growing till I die legal or not, if I need it I ain't paying for some thing I can grow in my garden.


Active Member
Too many people prefer QUALITY bud for the tobacco company to ever take over complete control. But yes there would be a lot of people that would just walk into the store and buy a pack of Marlboro Joints. Everyone should have expected the tabacco industry to have its sights on MJ for years. It's america's true cash crop. Then again the tabacco company has the money to build gigantic indoor warehouses and pay scientists and botanists to come up with ways to give their MJ extreme quality. The biggest issue would be all of the nasty shit they spray on their crops and the horrible ferts they would spray over all of there shit.

Either way you folks in the MMJ industry might have a few more years to really make as much as you can....and then say goodbye to the profit.
So I'm guessing if it were to reach this point, organic etc. would be the target market for us as non-big business growers, right...
I don't think tobacco companies or any big business is going to be able to risk the large scale grows they'll require....So, they'll be using everything and anything......Plus, as CG pointed out...He grows the specialty stuff...I don't see big biz being able to dedicate what it takes to strains like a Tahoe OG that needs the TLC.

I aint worried about Tobacco companies so far....