Asshole Stoner... Stuffed Cat Inside Bong


Well-Known Member
no wonder we cant get it legalized
yeah, this is why it's not legalized...are you kidding?

Animal Cruelty is illegal on it's own, has nothing to do with the legalization of pot. This is a sensationalist story and most people are going to think it's funny.


Active Member
no wonder we cant get it legalized
Absolutely right. The fucking DEA and all those conservative assholes need to realize its not the weed its the people. Some people just dont have fucking common sense at all. This makes me mad, seeing as I'm a big animal lover and all. Damn... how could you stuff a kitten in a box like that?

I mean... I blow smoke at my cats because they LIKE it but it has to be by choice... animals have rights too!


Well-Known Member
kinda sad but funny at the same time the cat was high as hell thats for sure my dog shes a springer spaniel old as fuck loves pot shell eat it if ur not carefull but loves the hits blown in her face she also has tumors and when shes high she runs around like a puppy again funny to watch actually


Active Member
kinda sad but funny at the same time the cat was high as hell thats for sure my dog shes a springer spaniel old as fuck loves pot shell eat it if ur not carefull but loves the hits blown in her face she also has tumors and when shes high she runs around like a puppy again funny to watch actually
I totally agree ^^ sad but kinda funny at the same time and D4rken pointed out another great example of a medicinal use of MJ :clap:


Well-Known Member
yeah, this is why it's not legalized...are you kidding?

Animal Cruelty is illegal on it's own, has nothing to do with the legalization of pot. This is a sensationalist story and most people are going to think it's funny.
ay im simply pointing out the fact that every time pots mentioned its always with negative energy..which aids the governments reasoning for having it illegal in the first place

think outside the bong please:idea:


Well-Known Member
ay im simply pointing out the fact that every time pots mentioned its always with negative energy..which aids the governments reasoning for having it illegal in the first place

think outside the bong please:idea:
But to say it's this guys fault is unfair and a stretch. The negative press from MJ is because that's what the majority of people feel about MJ and it makes a sensational story.

I just think it's unfair to say that this guy gettin' his cat ripped makes YOU somehow look bad is a stretch.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Blowing a hit in the direction is one thing. It can leave. But shit like this is cruel. I hope they give him the chair.


Well-Known Member
Blowing a hit in the direction is one thing. It can leave. But shit like this is cruel. I hope they give him the chair.
this fudging freak possibly turns this poor helplss wittle animals brain to a soft gel like ooze and you want to give this jackslap a comfy chair to rest his tired toots in. ? what is this world coming too.?!@@#*


Well-Known Member
Laserbrn, that is soley your opinion and you need to stop pressing your ideals on others, right now. I don't do that shit to animals.


Well-Known Member
Laserbrn, that is soley your opinion and you need to stop pressing your ideals on others, right now. I don't do that shit to animals.
I'm not pressing my opinions on anyone. I'm stating my opinion in a FORUM you lop.

That's what a forum is and that's why we have these discussions. If you can't handle it go to an animal rights forum where everyone will have the same opinion that you do.

Judgemental fucks.


Well-Known Member
I'm not pressing my opinions on anyone. I'm stating my opinion in a FORUM you lop.

That's what a forum is and that's why we have these discussions. If you can't handle it go to an animal rights forum where everyone will have the same opinion that you do.

Judgemental fucks.
ohhhhhhhh yeah he forum burned you.


Well-Known Member
That shit is so funny. I agree wrong though. And yes i have gotten plenty of animals high, drunk when i was younger. I have a huskie who loves pot, gets in my face when i smoke, find her with my pieces all the time trying to get at the resin. Had to stash pieces in a spot she cant get to.


Active Member
Lock me in some sort of crazy herb gas chamber! I'd probably love it. Also, I wonder if he told the cat it was just going to take a shower in there.


Well-Known Member
Yo what about the animales that like joke tho i have a half rott and half chow and since she was like six weeks old she got into a bag once ate like prob a quad and after that when i smoke she would always come by me and sit right next to me on like try to lay on the couch next to me and lift her nose in the air and one day i just blew her a blew her fucking world she loved it and now like every time i smoke my dog smokes with joke...its cool...but i dont smoke with her all the time some times...but like i wanna send a video in to AFV me smoking with my dog...haha only is the DEA and FBI wernt so fucking gay haha...she wines like a little girl if i dont give her a hit sometimes....does this make me an asshole?...i hope not..i love my dog


Well-Known Member
Yo what about the animales that like joke tho i have a half rott and half chow and since she was like six weeks old she got into a bag once ate like prob a quad and after that when i smoke she would always come by me and sit right next to me on like try to lay on the couch next to me and lift her nose in the air and one day i just blew her a blew her fucking world she loved it and now like every time i smoke my dog smokes with joke...its cool...but i dont smoke with her all the time some times...but like i wanna send a video in to AFV me smoking with my dog...haha only is the DEA and FBI wernt so fucking gay haha...she wines like a little girl if i dont give her a hit sometimes....does this make me an asshole?...i hope not..i love my dog
yo i used to blow smoke through an air hose to get my camen crocodile stoned


Well-Known Member
I didn't get forum burned and I'm not going to argue. It's just another online, smart ass, know it all who's trying to be cool.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
what a takes a real man to pick on animals, children, and women. hope he gets what he discourse. but my ? is on the news they said thew went their for a pot warrant, so i wonder i that was from the past or did they get him from any one of the sites . food for thought to all who don't hold scripts.