Assuming Romney will win the Nomination

Laughing at you

He never mentioned MMJ. He never mentioned states rights to govern with out federal interference. He never mentioned the science. All he said was that he did not believe that it would be the best strategy to fix the economy. If you want to beat Obama, you need to tighten your shot group and take a freshman philosophy class because this man argues more effectively than any troll on this forum. He just walked a fine line, gaining support from key moderates while not severing his chances of backing us when he can. Dude, I was in San Diego in 08 when dispensaries started opening, it was unanimous, we thanked Obama for it.

I would love to see the full establishment of a third party. I would absolutely love it if libertarian ideals restored our constitution but if we get Romney as president, well he wasn't being ambiguous about his opposition to MMJ.
He never mentioned MMJ. He never mentioned states rights to govern with out federal interference. He never mentioned the science. All he said was that he did not believe that it would be the best strategy to fix the economy. If you want to beat Obama, you need to tighten your shot group and take a freshman philosophy class because this man argues more effectively than any troll on this forum. He just walked a fine line, gaining support from key moderates while not severing his chances of backing us when he can. Dude, I was in San Diego in 08 when dispensaries started opening, it was unanimous, we thanked Obama for it.

I would love to see the full establishment of a third party. I would absolutely love it if libertarian ideals restored our constitution but if we get Romney as president, well he wasn't being ambiguous about his opposition to MMJ.

Obama's thugs are kicking in doors and rousting grandmas as we speak. That is pretty unambiguous, at least to me. Romney/Obama/Bush, not a nickel's worth of difference between them.
He never mentioned MMJ. He never mentioned states rights to govern with out federal interference. He never mentioned the science. All he said was that he did not believe that it would be the best strategy to fix the economy. If you want to beat Obama, you need to tighten your shot group and take a freshman philosophy class because this man argues more effectively than any troll on this forum. He just walked a fine line, gaining support from key moderates while not severing his chances of backing us when he can. Dude, I was in San Diego in 08 when dispensaries started opening, it was unanimous, we thanked Obama for it.

I would love to see the full establishment of a third party. I would absolutely love it if libertarian ideals restored our constitution but if we get Romney as president, well he wasn't being ambiguous about his opposition to MMJ.

Your whole argument is bogus
Maybe you need to take a freshman class
If You Think any "GOP",,,President will be pro-weed,,,Your smoking crack:wall:,,,They will need to "Privatize" to build more prisons for all these MMJ criminals:hump:,,,There is "Big Money to be made!!!"....Vote "Obama",,,:-P
Obama's thugs are kicking in doors and rousting grandmas as we speak. That is pretty unambiguous, at least to me. Romney/Obama/Bush, not a nickel's worth of difference between them.

What I do, is take statements like this and apply my personal internal BS detector to them to glean truth. Indeed truth exists in your statement. Among BS.

First off, Obama's thugs? Really? Those thugs are the people within our government seeking to hurt Obama politically and constantly do battle with him over every bit of work he has to do. Those thugs are not liberals or libertarians. Those thugs are people who believe that more cops, laws and prisons will bring more liberty. Those thugs think that we need to invade countries in the name of peace. Those thugs use Orwellian tactics and I a liberal, consider you, a libertarian my ally against them. That is one thing I know is BS in that statement. Saying that Obama and his Neoconservative competitors are the same might be BS too, but I know where you're coming from with that.
Countries like Libya?
Or Sudan?
Or Congo?

We were obligated by treaty as NATO members. France pressured us to uphold our commitment just like Dubya did to every single NATO nation. Not a single American died. We now have stronger relations with the EU and Obama's critics call him "apologetic" for that.
Romney could only end MMJ nationwide by cracking down on it with DOJ goons, which is exactly what Obama is doing right now. I don't see how Romney could be worse on this particular issue.

He could have every dispensary in America shut down. And he probably would.
I guess this younger generation,,,Does Not realize,,,The The All Mighty,,,"Ronald Regan",,,Took a drug crack down into a Full Blown war!,,,If the GOP is in power,,,You will get shut down,,,Period no questions,,,They Hate drugs and Love War,,,There on a all mighty power trip,,,To dominate!,,,Obama a Socialist,,,Republican's are like "Dictator's",,,Who is more free!
This is pretty funny.
Bluntly, not Obama nor Romney nor that kook Ron Paul. . .

a. Are going to legalize MMJ on a Federal level.
b. CAN legalize MMJ on a Federal level.

Its Congress. . .not the President. . .that passed the Federal laws banning cannabis, and its only Congress. . .not the President. . .that can reverse those laws.

Bluntly, right now the State of California couldn't even pass a referendum legalizing MJ *by popular vote*.

So if cannabis-crazy CA can't legalize the weed by popular vote, then there is ZERO. . repeat ZERO. . .chance that its going to happen on a Federal level.
Let alone that its going to happen on a Federal level with the Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, and including socially conservative States like Al, TX, GA, etc, etc.

The "best case scenario" for medical marijuana is that whomever the next President is (be it Romney or Obama) doesn't crack down too hard on the states that already permit MMJ.

Obama has already basically reneged on his promise not to crack down on MMJ with dispensary raids in CA. Given that's he's already taken the politically expedient stance there, I can't see why anyone thinks he's really a supporter of this cause, let alone could be depended on to switch positions AGAIN during his second term (if he's lucky enough to get one. . .which bluntly I doubt anyway).
He could have every dispensary in America shut down. And he probably would.

Yes, he could do it, but I don't think its a foregone conclusion that he would.

Romney's stated position is (or at least was last election cycle) that he was against medical marijuana, and in fact all forms of marijuana.

But he's also a notorious "flip-flopper" and I wonder how much political capital he'd actually be willing to spend on this particular issue.

Meanwhile, Obama said he WASN'T going to shut down the medical dispensaries. . .right until he actually started doing it.

The point is that what politicians say when they're candidates and what they do when elected are often completely different.

Again, if you want legalized cannabis, or even just legalized MMJ, focusing on the President is the wrong place to attack. The pressure needs to be put on STATE officials to legalize MMJ in their respective states. Once enough states have legalized MMJ, a natural tipping point will occur where it will be legalized Federally. . .and not before that.
I honestly don't think "Obama",,,Is telling the DEA,,,to crack down and bust em',,,They are doing there job's,,,That's what there doing,,,if not there would be no despensarie's anywhere,,,I think there just trying to find anything in the state's process being violated and taking them out.,,,Though full thinking?,,,I live in a Republican run state and they created even stronger mandatory minimums for drug's,,,So just something to think about! Started January 2012,,,Fuck the GOP!!!
I honestly don't think "Obama",,,Is telling the DEA,,,to crack down and bust em',,,They are doing there job's,,,That's what there doing,,,if not there would be no despensarie's anywhere,,,I think there just trying to find anything in the state's process being violated and taking them out.,,,Though full thinking?,,,I live in a Republican run state and they created even stronger mandatory minimums for drug's,,,So just something to think about! Started January 2012,,,Fuck the GOP!!!

Obama could end the DoJ crackdown on MM clinics this afternoon by directing Holder to end it. The attorney general serves at the pleasure of the president. This MM crackdown is owned solely by Obama. I doubt Romney would be worse.
Obama could end the DoJ crackdown on MM clinics this afternoon by directing Holder to end it. The attorney general serves at the pleasure of the president. This MM crackdown is owned solely by Obama. I doubt Romney would be worse.

So many clinics are shooting straight and not getting busted...
What I do, is take statements like this and apply my personal internal BS detector to them to glean truth. Indeed truth exists in your statement. Among BS.

First off, Obama's thugs? Really? Those thugs are the people within our government seeking to hurt Obama politically and constantly do battle with him over every bit of work he has to do. Those thugs are not liberals or libertarians. Those thugs are people who believe that more cops, laws and prisons will bring more liberty. Those thugs think that we need to invade countries in the name of peace. Those thugs use Orwellian tactics and I a liberal, consider you, a libertarian my ally against them. That is one thing I know is BS in that statement. Saying that Obama and his Neoconservative competitors are the same might be BS too, but I know where you're coming from with that.

"Those thugs are the people within our government seeking to hurt Obama politically..." I am having to bite my tongue here to keep from calling you a complete moron. Oops, I typed it.

The attorney general serves at the the pleasure of the president, i.e. Holder does Obama's bidding. Obama could order the crackdowns ended today, and they would never be another one. This crackdown on MM clinics is solely owned by Obama.