Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

Nice ...

Here is my plan for the possible lady(-ies) from the young ones..

1st week : 24/0
2nd week : 22/2 - UB's topping -ussually at 11th day -
3rd week : 20/4
4th week : 18/6

1 st week : 13/11 sexing & screening (SCROG )
2nd week : 12.45 / 11.15 .
And so on...

I 'll use 8 different panels at different areas of the plant...
..panel overhead.jpg

1 x ( 6CW.6NW.8WW.4R630 ) for older/"lower" part of plant,at mid/late flowering ...(green rectangle at scheme )
2 x ( 8CW.12WW.4R630 ) for early veg & "low to mid" part of plant (early flowering till end ) ..(blue rectangles at scheme )
3 x ( 6CW.2NW.12WW.4R630 ) for mid/late veg & "high to mid " part of plant (early flowering till end )(amber rectangles at scheme )
2 x ( 10CW.2WW.10R630.2V400 ) for top part of the plant at late flowering....(magenta rectangles at scheme )
top panels latebloom.jpg

Plus an 8 Watt T5 UVc ...
Starting at early flowering or late vegging...
I'll think about that...
Thinking of 1 minute per day ,for starters.
To reach 4-5 mins/day at mid flowering ...
To drop again to 0-1 min ,towards the end of life-cycle...(late maturing..)
Nice plan and good idea with the different panels. But could this idea be only theorytical correct? As i can imagine it, if a plant goes on with scrog the different branches in all the parts of the plant will grow the same and will have the same needs. Sorry for my english.
very interesting combination of panels.. and use of uvc...
oh boy.. we re gonna have a veery nice winter! :->
uvc radiant. interesting! i've never used it and i've never smoked weed grown with uvc.. what will happen to the plants if you leave the uvc more than the appropriate time?
Nice plan and good idea with the different panels. But could this idea be only theorytical correct? As i can imagine it, if a plant goes on with scrog the different branches in all the parts of the plant will grow the same and will have the same needs. Sorry for my english.

In theory the older part of a plant,still remains the older part of a plant,no matter if tree-style,bush,sog,sgrog,ect....
In no way ,a plant has same needs ,at different parts of it...
Other needs ( in light quality/quantity ) has the lowest/older part of canopy ,other needs have the new shoots/leaves...
Other needs have the roots,also....(darkness / some FR ..)
uvc radiant. interesting! i've never used it and i've never smoked weed grown with uvc.. what will happen to the plants if you leave the uvc more than the appropriate time?

In the present study, the effect of UV-C radiation on plants was investigated. Raphanus sativus var. sativus (radish), Lactuca sativa (lettuce) and Spinacia oleracea (spinach) plants were irradiated once with the accumulated UV-C of 0, 0.8( =2 Watts flux approx. for 5' )and 1.6 kJ m[SUP]-2[/SUP] (5 min irradiation) by a germicidal lamp. The radish plant was subjected to the UV-C treatment after it germinated for 4 weeks, and lettuce and spinach plant were subjected to the UV-C treatment after they germinated for 6 weeks. The plants were harvested a week after the UV-C treatment. Visible injury was observed on leaves of lettuce and spinach. The fresh weight and the expansion width of the lettuce leaves decreased at UV-C radiation of 1.6 kJ m[SUP]-2[/SUP]. The fresh weight and the expansion width of radish leaves increased at UV-C radiation of 0.8 kJ m[SUP]-2[/SUP] compared to the control plants, but the fresh weight of radish roots decreased at UV-C radiation of 1.6 kJ m[SUP]-2[/SUP]. Amino acid and γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) contents in lettuce and spinach were enhanced with the increase of UV-C radiation compared with the control. These contents in the root of the UV-C treated radish increased at 0.8 kJ m[SUP]-2[/SUP]. The anti-oxidative function in spinach plants was enhanced by UV-C radiation.

I wanna try it ,with mj....

If you leave the uvc more than the appropriate time?
Probably plants die,pretty easily...
Yes,I 've seen it,already...
Pretty radical...
Ledengin & Cree,both 've entered the multichip led world...
i.e. CW-WW-Red-UV in one led...
I want couple of hundreds of those ....

These leds open new dimensions,already..('morning', 'midday' & 'dusk' effects,for example )
Plus the almost perfectly uniform light...

...cheapo china multichip leds

My brother Guod,I 've seen those...
(The other time you gave the link ,about their growlights...)
The problem is the number of chips....Too many in such a small area...
4-6 chips per led ,I think is the best,for my needs...

Anyway,thanx again..
Now ..
I've transplanted the young ones...(7th day in vegging,still 24/0 )
Put them into the tent ..( Ganja2's gift.... Silverbox Evolution 1m x 1m x 1.6m ; 3' x 3' x 5' )
The one close to the fans ,left a quite big portion of rootball in the old small pot...
Let's hope that this balkan landstrain ,will prove as die-hard as it is renown for...
Generally I pretty messed up this time ,in transplanting...
Quite rich rootball ,all of them....And for such small plants.....
(Sorry,no photos from roots ,available...Things done in too much of a hurry..) 7 1.jpgls 7 2.jpg

63rd day for the WR...
Gone to the closet....
With two panels overhead now...
The two "finishing" panels....
A bit late for that,but nevertheless I needed the "white" panels...
Each panel consisting of :
10 x Cool Whites 6500-7500 K
2 x Warm Whites 2500-3500 K
10 x Reds 620-640 nm
2 x Violets 390-410 nm

wr 63 1.jpgwr 63 2.jpgwr 63 3.jpgwr 63 4.jpg
Rethink Everything

All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.

Scientists dont know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.!

FYI the hermie saga continues. 2 more are showing balls, 3 still unclear- 2 of those are under the leds
Rethink everything

All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.

Scientists dont know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.!

FYI the hermie saga continues. 2 more are showing balls, 3 still unclear- 2 of those are under the leds

Hmmm.Another fellow alchemist....
I lurked on this thread for quite a while because I was going to build a grow light myself, after my head exploded few times I settled on the following build:
4 panels, each consisting of 6 630nm Golden dragon+, 2 cold white (5000K) samsung series 3535, 2 2700k samsungs, 2 blue Cree XP-E's) all running at 700mA.
So, in theory, I sholud get:
Blue (400 – 499nm)
Green (500 – 599nm)
Red (600 – 699nm)
Far Red (700 – 750nm)
1%Are my ratios OK?
I lurked on this thread for quite a while because I was going to build a grow light myself, after my head exploded few times I settled on the following build:
4 panels, each consisting of 6 630nm Golden dragon+, 2 cold white (5000K) samsung series 3535, 2 2700k samsungs, 2 blue Cree XP-E's) all running at 700mA.
So, in theory, I sholud get:
Blue (400 – 499nm)
Green (500 – 599nm)
Red (600 – 699nm)
Far Red (700 – 750nm)
1%Are my ratios OK?

For sure I'm not in position to give a definite answer for that....
Although ,from personal POV,I would say that :

-Red is too much(regarding Photosynthesis) ..Only top/young leaves will "feed" buds...Meaning buds only on tops..(potentially thick 'n' fat ,though..)
I would prefer something close to 40% - 45% for reds (=600-699 nm... With peak power ,at 630-640 nm )

-Two blue leds for 6 reds / 2 Warms is a bit too much...

-A bit more green (500-599 nm.Peak 580-599 nm ,at yellows.. ) .30%-40% ...
Regarding Photosynthesis: For older/fan leaves,to keep their healthy P.And aid at " flower bud production"...

-A bit more FR..Say at 3%-4% ,it will aid in a fast start of flowering..Also ,probably it aids maturing of flowers...

So 12 leds per panel....
I would had used 4 x reds / 4 Warm Whites / 3 cool Whites /1 blue 460-470 nm
Blue (400 – 499nm) 17%
Green (500 – 599nm) 25%
Red (600 – 699nm) 56%
Far Red (700 – 750nm) 2%

Or ...
3 reds / 4 warm whites /4 cool whites / 1 blue
Blue (400 – 499nm) 19%
Green (500 – 599nm) 29%
Red (600 – 699nm) 50%
Far Red (700 – 750nm) 2%

Or ...
2 reds / 6 warm whites / 3 cool whites / 1 blue
Blue (400 – 499nm) 19%
Green (500 – 599nm) 31%
Red (600 – 699nm) 47%
Far Red (700 – 750nm) 3%

@ PetFlora ..Look these...

This is my first post on this sight. However, I have been reading post on this sight and many others for a number of years. Mainly because of the great communities and the sharing of knowledge. The MMJ community is always at the cutting edge of horticulture and test new technology before any major research universities or firms. I thought it might be time to chime in and ask a few questions.

Stardustsailor, what research/ articles have you seen that promote the use of such heavy amounts of green? Likewise, why do you disagree with the use of 660nm red?

For the green lighting, you may want to read the following article:
This is my first post on this sight. However, I have been reading post on this sight and many others for a number of years. Mainly because of the great communities and the sharing of knowledge. The MMJ community is always at the cutting edge of horticulture and test new technology before any major research universities or firms. I thought it might be time to chime in and ask a few questions.

Stardustsailor, what research/ articles have you seen that promote the use of such heavy amounts of green? Likewise, why do you disagree with the use of 660nm red?

For the green lighting, you may want to read the following article:

There's a lot of links all over the thread about 660 nm red and green light....

In few words....
If reds (specially the "strong" band at 650-680 nm ) are excessive ,plant ,through Pfr state of phytochrome ," activates " Sun Adaptation...
Not good in controlled enviroments ,with electric source of light....
Not efficient photon harvest by small & narrow leaves -reduced, photosynthetically active ,leaf area...
Way too much streching of main stem,with sparce leaves...

If greens are are excessive ,plant through cryptochromes (CRY ) "activates" Shade Adaptation (Aka Shade Avoidance Syndrome...)

If Reds & Blues ,enriched with a bit of green (mainly at yellow bands 570-590 nm ) ,leaf number stays high ,leaf area is large and buds are produced at every bud site-not only on tops-...This is the ideal ,for controlled enviroments(better use of light by the plant... )...

And probably some more that we're not aware of ,yet...

I've already read the research you've linked to ,along with many others ,for green light ...
Green light (peak at 500-560 nm )alone or over 50%-60% of R.power ,acts negatively on plants...
But (A big 'but'... )
.....In balance with B/R /FR ,ensures healthy and vigorous plants...
Meaning good to great yields,also

Like on those youngsters ....
( Green at 35-40% with peak power at yellows ...)

8th day,above the substrate ,vegging..
One day ,after transplanting to 25 liter pots...
8 th 2.jpg8th 3.jpg8th 4.jpgls 8th veg 1.jpg

From 72 leds total ( @350mA ) ,from all three panels ,only 12 are actinic..
12 reds 620-640 nm...

The rest 60 ,are mainly Warm Whites (36 ) 2500-3500 K ,Cool Whites (22) 6500-7500 K & Neutral Whites 4500-5500 K (2 )

A bit of root-stress and/or overwatering...
But growth is vigorous with compact stature ,nodes very close to each other and large leaves ,able to gather as much photons as possible...
Plus that ,they will serve as quite large nutrient storage (N_P_K_Mg_CarbonHydrates_AminoAcids_ect ) ,once they get "old" ...
Pretty useful ,when heavy flowering kicks in ...
Sorry but would you happen to have a link to the thread on 660nm red that you are referring to. Likewise, I think you may have either misread or been thinking of another article on the use of green. This article indicates that as little as 10% (the smallest amount they tested) showed shade avoidance. The only study that I have found that shows any direct benefit of green light was in a complete over saturation of white light that green light was converted deep in the leaf when all other photo-receptors had reached and passed their saturation point.