At home THC Test Kit - Find out the levels of your strain!

worthless just like breeders website that say a THC %. Percentage of WHAT?! saying 20% thc tells me nothing about how potent the plant is because that 20% is a percentage of what?
This is great! I currently pay Steep Hill Labs $120.00/sample for a potency test. We provide test results for all medication going to other co ops. It makes a big difference getting your foot into the door as a vendor. These home tests could save us some real $$$, hence reducing our medication costs.

Micromaster, the test is by weight. Example: a 1 gram sample resulting in 20%, would indicate 200mg of THC in said gram. While this may or may not mean anything to you, many patients like to see objective test results to compare various medications.

I like to use the tests to help us with harvest times. Having the testing onsite could help us pinpoint the perfect harvest time.

I'll get a kit, test 50% of a sample, and send the other 50% to Steep Hill for an accuracy test. I shall report back with results.
This is great! I currently pay Steep Hill Labs $120.00/sample for a potency test. We provide test results for all medication going to other co ops. It makes a big difference getting your foot into the door as a vendor. These home tests could save us some real $$$, hence reducing our medication costs.

Micromaster, the test is by weight. Example: a 1 gram sample resulting in 20%, would indicate 200mg of THC in said gram. While this may or may not mean anything to you, many patients like to see objective test results to compare various medications.

I like to use the tests to help us with harvest times. Having the testing onsite could help us pinpoint the perfect harvest time.

I'll get a kit, test 50% of a sample, and send the other 50% to Steep Hill for an accuracy test. I shall report back with results.
except no breeder tells you how much was sampled. And that just tells you the amount of weight of thc but what about all the other more important cannabinoids. The reason people have paranoia on weed these days is because breeders have ruined weed to make higher thc levels which in turn causes the other cannabinoids to lower. Pure thc makes you paranoid and is not enjoyable. Only when you mix it with an equal amount of CBD does it become a good high
equal amount? not. 2-5% is more than sufficient to take the edge off the less pleasant THC effects. Very low CBD content is enjoyable to many people, myself included. The lesser 'noids are not unimportant, but they don't need to be there in giant amounts. Find what you like and make it. is where to get the kit currently. The link in the original post is busted.
Only when you mix it with an equal amount of CBD does it become a good high
This is patently false. CBG is converted to THC or CBG. A high THC strain will have little CBG and a high CBG strain will have little THC. They are rarely equal.
Percentages given for strains e.g. 15% does not mean 15% of the weight of the plant material is THC, it means that 15% of the "essential oils" within the plant are THC
equal amount? not. 2-5% is more than sufficient to take the edge off the less pleasant THC effects. Very low CBD content is enjoyable to many people, myself included. The lesser 'noids are not unimportant, but they don't need to be there in giant amounts. Find what you like and make it. is where to get the kit currently. The link in the original post is busted.

This is patently false. CBG is converted to THC or CBG. A high THC strain will have little CBG and a high CBG strain will have little THC. They are rarely equal.
Im willing to be neither of you have smoked a pure landrace strain
Percentages given for strains e.g. 15% does not mean 15% of the weight of the plant material is THC, it means that 15% of the "essential oils" within the plant are THC
exactly right. tests based on all plant matter are in the 5-10% range.
This is patently false. CBG is converted to THC or CBG. A high THC strain will have little CBG and a high CBG strain will have little THC. They are rarely equal.
reminds me of a study i read a couple months back that some team of scientists did. they extracted and seperated all the cannabinoids in marijuana and then tested all the oils with different mixtures. when the thc and cbg were close to the same there was little to no high.
exactly right. tests based on all plant matter are in the 5-10% range.

I stand corrected. To be honest, as long as they're tested the same, who cares? Most patients are just comparing A, B, C, and D.
To stay on topic, these tests could work well for many growing ops. We have found that armed with lab results (as well as grow op pics, accurate nutrient records, and other data indicative of a proffesional operation), collectives are much more likely to consider us as a vendor. Patients want lab results. It is up to them to know what THC and CBD levels work best for them. The problem we may run into with these home tests is that most collectives would prefer 3rd party testing. BTW, we also have our plants tested for molds and bacteria. The day is coming when testing will be the standard. Start getting used to it.
This is great! I currently pay Steep Hill Labs $120.00/sample for a potency test. We provide test results for all medication going to other co ops. It makes a big difference getting your foot into the door as a vendor. These home tests could save us some real $$$, hence reducing our medication costs.

Micromaster, the test is by weight. Example: a 1 gram sample resulting in 20%, would indicate 200mg of THC in said gram. While this may or may not mean anything to you, many patients like to see objective test results to compare various medications.

I like to use the tests to help us with harvest times. Having the testing onsite could help us pinpoint the perfect harvest time.

I'll get a kit, test 50% of a sample, and send the other 50% to Steep Hill for an accuracy test. I shall report back with results.

sorry to say but i have reason to believe that their results are not accurate. I have completed over 12 university chemistry courses and have a fair bit of knowledge on extraction, purification, and identification of unknown compounds. Believe me, any percentages of THC/CBD/CBN etc that are above 20% are absurd. Think about this. 20% means that 2g/10g is THC. There's no way, even 1% THC would be insane. The majority of a plants weight is water, plain and simple. Even if dried, water will still be there. Starch, cellulose, nutrients, chlorophyll, carbohydrates and fiber also contribute to the majority of the total plant mass. At this point, your probably at 99% or higher. The glandular trichromes that contain the majority of THC have many impurities besides THC, such as non-psychoactive cannabinoids that are remarkably similar in structure to THC. lipids, fats, oils, tannins, and even the aromatic chemicals that give cannabis its smell are in very high molecular weights. Cannabis has thousands of individual molecules within it. To say that one non-essential molecule called THC accounts for 1/5 of its dry weight is just silly. THC is not an essential compound, its not used in metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, its not a cofactor or an enzyme, if there is no thc the plant still lives. Cannabinoids such as THC are believed to simply be an evolutionary adaptation for UV light. When scientists studied cannabis plants, they found out that the higher elevation strains had higher THC concentrations. The belief is that there is greater sun radiation exposure at higher elevations so THC protects the sensitive plant from DNA damage by UV blockage, much like a sunscreen. Humans have a compound in their skin called melanin- I doubt your going to find someone who has 20% of their weight in a pigment that filters out UV haha. i know its apples to oranges but still. Someone needs to step up and post a THC percentage protocol outlining the method used, the raw data obtained, and every step that was completed. An NMR test would also be very useful in detecting the purity of the isolated compound obtained by identifying its structural resonance.
sorry to say but i have reason to believe that their results are not accurate. I have completed over 12 university chemistry courses and have a fair bit of knowledge on extraction, purification, and identification of unknown compounds. Believe me, any percentages of THC/CBD/CBN etc that are above 20% are absurd. Think about this. 20% means that 2g/10g is THC. There's no way, even 1% THC would be insane. The majority of a plants weight is water, plain and simple. Even if dried, water will still be there. Starch, cellulose, nutrients, chlorophyll, carbohydrates and fiber also contribute to the majority of the total plant mass. At this point, your probably at 99% or higher. The glandular trichromes that contain the majority of THC have many impurities besides THC, such as non-psychoactive cannabinoids that are remarkably similar in structure to THC. lipids, fats, oils, tannins, and even the aromatic chemicals that give cannabis its smell are in very high molecular weights. Cannabis has thousands of individual molecules within it. To say that one non-essential molecule called THC accounts for 1/5 of its dry weight is just silly. THC is not an essential compound, its not used in metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, its not a cofactor or an enzyme, if there is no thc the plant still lives. Cannabinoids such as THC are believed to simply be an evolutionary adaptation for UV light. When scientists studied cannabis plants, they found out that the higher elevation strains had higher THC concentrations. The belief is that there is greater sun radiation exposure at higher elevations so THC protects the sensitive plant from DNA damage by UV blockage, much like a sunscreen. Humans have a compound in their skin called melanin- I doubt your going to find someone who has 20% of their weight in a pigment that filters out UV haha. i know its apples to oranges but still. Someone needs to step up and post a THC percentage protocol outlining the method used, the raw data obtained, and every step that was completed. An NMR test would also be very useful in detecting the purity of the isolated compound obtained by identifying its structural resonance.

For the second and last time: I STAND CORRECTED.
Wouldn't it be cool if there was a central data base with all the test results as done by a lab? Now that would be the bomb....
are you assuming or is this fact? i think assumption well i know assumption you may want to look into this further and state facts not assumptions. we dont need opinions very much useless you may confuse people we dont need that its bad enough as it is. again you assume and assume on many points with no knowledge base and state obvious common knowledge to anyone vaguely intelligent. some of your statements though are just plain uninformed and pure conjecture reminds me of when i would deal with marine biologists who had utterly no hands on experience but liked to quote what they read and were taught at school lol. cute but laughable i know people like to feel knowledgeable on the forums but you are simply not informed do some real research and come back and maybe we can have a real discussion.
1% thc would be insane lol? even once dried water will still be there huh? again lol come on utterly plain nonsense. oh also you have decided that thc etc... are certainly uv related protection thats one theory of many but you speak as if that is fact. i have read all this stuff too bro been doing this a while your very arrogant in your assumptions and show lack of thinking on your part newbs may be impressed those who know are not stop spreading conjecture and misinformation there is plenty all ready peace.
1% thc would be insane lol? even once dried water will still be there huh? again lol come on utterly plain nonsense. oh also you have decided that thc etc... are certainly uv related protection thats one theory of many but you speak as if that is fact. i have read all this stuff too bro been doing this a while your very arrogant in your assumptions and show lack of thinking on your part newbs may be impressed those who know are not stop spreading conjecture and misinformation there is plenty all ready peace.

Dude, why mess up your tirade with that last word when you didn't mean it?
sorry to say but i have reason to believe that their results are not accurate. I have completed over 12 university chemistry courses and have a fair bit of knowledge on extraction, purification, and identification of unknown compounds. Believe me, any percentages of THC/CBD/CBN etc that are above 20% are absurd. Think about this. 20% means that 2g/10g is THC. There's no way, even 1% THC would be insane. The majority of a plants weight is water, plain and simple. Even if dried, water will still be there. Starch, cellulose, nutrients, chlorophyll, carbohydrates and fiber also contribute to the majority of the total plant mass. At this point, your probably at 99% or higher. The glandular trichromes that contain the majority of THC have many impurities besides THC, such as non-psychoactive cannabinoids that are remarkably similar in structure to THC. lipids, fats, oils, tannins, and even the aromatic chemicals that give cannabis its smell are in very high molecular weights. Cannabis has thousands of individual molecules within it. To say that one non-essential molecule called THC accounts for 1/5 of its dry weight is just silly. THC is not an essential compound, its not used in metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, its not a cofactor or an enzyme, if there is no thc the plant still lives. Cannabinoids such as THC are believed to simply be an evolutionary adaptation for UV light. When scientists studied cannabis plants, they found out that the higher elevation strains had higher THC concentrations. The belief is that there is greater sun radiation exposure at higher elevations so THC protects the sensitive plant from DNA damage by UV blockage, much like a sunscreen. Humans have a compound in their skin called melanin- I doubt your going to find someone who has 20% of their weight in a pigment that filters out UV haha. i know its apples to oranges but still. Someone needs to step up and post a THC percentage protocol outlining the method used, the raw data obtained, and every step that was completed. An NMR test would also be very useful in detecting the purity of the isolated compound obtained by identifying its structural resonance.

If it is ONLY a uv protectant, then why, even at sea level, do we see plants literally DRIPPING.with trichomes even when there are NO UV rays present? And why they perform even better than outside under indoor circumstances? There is more than one factor involved, bro. Chill out, relax
If you think you thnk there are no UV rays at sea level, come spend a couple summer days at eh coast with no sun screen....

You might re think that thought...
Any results from real test or a comparison of test kit results and lab test? I would like to do some breeding projects, and it would be nice to test each plant to help find the best mother. As a caregiver I would like to differentiate my services by providing test results.

