At my 9th node


Well-Known Member
im using general hydroponics flora series and i dont think ill be doing any supercropping method im just gunna play this one out naturally, see what i get and probly try topping next time around.

Im also wondering if you guys think i can squeese out another couple inches and still be able to flower the 6 of them under the 400w hps sucessfully or should i just switch to 12/12 as soon as possible?


Well-Known Member
The other option im thinking about is gradually taking off a hour evey day untill i reach 12/12 i read about another guy doing this and he seemed to know what he was talking about plus he had a bunch of rep bars and posts.


Well-Known Member
I would switch sooner than later cuz there is no more of a pain in the ass in growing is to have your plants outgrow your space.


Well-Known Member
I have them in a section of a 10x10 room so im not worried about space im worried about them out growing the 400w i have.


I agree 6 is a max for a 400 . A light mover is relativly cheap!! awesome results too .. Alot of people try to mimic the out doors .. I mean really theres no real 12 hour light day .. But I have heard of turning lights off early though.. 11on 13 off and so on.... A plant creates its energy during the day, and useing what it stored at night to build.. I read this article in Urban grower magazine "Roots grow in dark" .. It explained how a plant will shearch for light at night , promoting growth and such... One plant physiologist said that 12/12 is a myth and plants need night time.. so instead of 18/6 go 16/8 ,, 12/12 go 11/13 ,, 24 on go to 20/4 and you will see a difference......SO i have read .. I go 11 1/2 on 12 1/2 off .. Just what i do!! l8


Well-Known Member
I've been going 19/5 for veg. I have my lights off from 11am to 4pm during the hottest part of the day... the ac isn't on a timer so during this time my temps drop to about 70-71 down from about 81. Flower is going to be 12/12 unless you guys convince me otherwise :)


Well-Known Member
never heard about the 11/13 cycle is there any way you can paste the link to his research on my thread im sure everyone would appreachiate it...... p.s. I just put my plants into flower yesterday when they where just getting there 10th node.