At this rate.....I dont have forever...Pics Incld


Active Member
Below is 2 pics of my only plant, its a bag seed so no idea wat it is,

Pic 1- Day 5
Pic 2- Day 7

It is healthy Im sure right? My only concern is why is it growing so slow, they are no bigger than a quarter. pleople have pics of their plants and at DAY 10 and its triple mine, Im sure its not goin to triple in 3 days, Is something wrong, Its getting full sun light during day and light in the house during night. so bout 20 hours of light.


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Well-Known Member
thats growing fine it looks like to me. if anything, the leaves are pretty full so i dont see what your concern is. just be patient with it.


Well-Known Member
Because they are so young moving them in and out and having the different lights is stressing the fuck outa them...starting seedlings inside is usually best.


Well-Known Member
yo man, chill out. they look fine. i kept stressing about my plant. some raggedy-ass bagseed that wouldnt grow for the world. take my advice and start reading as much as you possibly can here on RIU. learn all the lingo associated with growing and dont be afraid to ask as many questions as you possibly can. there are some weed growing GIANTS on this site! and in a few days the plant will almost "magically" start to grow. a new set of leaves everyday(at least mine did!) now this silly bitch is over two feet tall! i cant slow her ass down!!! light one up and start readin. Education will make for the best smoke in the long run.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Below is 2 pics of my only plant, its a bag seed so no idea wat it is,

Pic 1- Day 5
Pic 2- Day 7

It is healthy Im sure right? My only concern is why is it growing so slow, they are no bigger than a quarter. pleople have pics of their plants and at DAY 10 and its triple mine, Im sure its not goin to triple in 3 days, Is something wrong, Its getting full sun light during day and light in the house during night. so bout 20 hours of light.

Homie, you want to see no growth? Check out my journal. I have the first plant i had try to grow. Its still alive, 60 or so days old an no more than 2 inches tall!!! I was worried couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong, took a little time to talk to some folks and they've grown in the last two days more then the last month!!

It was the fucking soil! Right under my nose. GAY, but fixed and no worries!




Well-Known Member
well wat u doin wit u feedin them any nutes the look healthy juss give iot some time ya know takes patience


Active Member
Below is 2 pics of my only plant, its a bag seed so no idea wat it is,

Pic 1- Day 5
Pic 2- Day 7

It is healthy Im sure right? My only concern is why is it growing so slow, they are no bigger than a quarter. pleople have pics of their plants and at DAY 10 and its triple mine, Im sure its not goin to triple in 3 days, Is something wrong, Its getting full sun light during day and light in the house during night. so bout 20 hours of light.
=( mine are growing even slower then that... been a week and they arent even 1/3 the size of ur first pic


Well-Known Member
what sort of soil is that? the only thing I can think of is that the soil is too dense, and the first roots are having trouble branching out. when it gets a bit more established it will prolly grow faster.

but like everyone else said, they look super healthy, dont stress, spark up a J and get to have an awesome plant growing journey ahead of you.


Well-Known Member
if you are going to switch to cfls or hps you should make your you don't leave water on the leaves they'll burn


Well-Known Member
Here's a tip...on average a person that starts from seed should expect to wait a minimum of 4.5-5 months before they get to smoke there grow.

Here's how it goes...

1. 3 weeks seedling stage
2. 1 week minimum veg
3. 8 weeks minimum flower time
4. 3 weeks minimum for drying and curing

This is how I do it...

1. 3 weeks seedling
2. 5 weeks veg time
3. 8 weeks minimum flower time
4. 4 weeks drying and curing.

That's from when i start from seed...but usually i start from clones so it's ALOT shorter time.


Well-Known Member
quit moving them inside and outside..they will stop stressing and grow...plants like familiarity...pick a place and leave it........