at what age did you first get High ?


Well-Known Member
i was 16 in the middle of the woods. but didn't start regularly until after i graduated high school at 18. im 19 :)


Well-Known Member
Yes I did miss smoking when I had 2 have back surgery and I dont like the way pain meds make me feel so I tried bud 2 help ease the pain!(it worked) My wife and I have been 2gether 4 12 yrs and she has always smoked and now I smoke twice as much as


Well-Known Member
i was in 5/6 grade,,that might mean about 11/12..damm thats,,im 36,,still blowing out,,severely...& LOVING IT......


New Member
The 1st time that i got high i was 15 years old i think. I ate some weed when i was 13, but it was hardly anything and i didnt get high. Ive had some periods where i smoke twice a day for around a month, and then i run out so just once a week for a while. Then there was a couple 2-3 month periods where i didnt smoke anything, becuz i ran out of money or it went dry for a while.


Well-Known Member
First time I smoked was this year - I'm 17. I went home for a weekend and smoked in my friends garage. Easily one of the best experiences of my life. I smoked snowcap and purp. I kept hitting the pipe until I inhaled the ashes. I wish I could smoke every other day, but I don't have the balls to ask my roommate to sell me some.


Well-Known Member
I was 14. I'm 23 right now. My 10 year anniversary is coming up pretty soon... guess I'll have a hash bash or somethin'.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
my older step brother was like 13, and he got me high when i was 9. I didnt really start till i was 12. and when I say start, i mean I had my first dealer. $40 8's. I remember It being good shit though.


Well-Known Member
Funny Thing, I was Raised on Long Island NY. I never saw any types of drugs, no it wasn't the hamptons either, middle class neighborhood.
My family moved to NH when I was 17 and I smoked my first joint 7 days later in the smoking area of my new High School!! Funny, I moved from a class size of 1600 to a class of 60 and got more exposure!


Active Member
i was 18 and i got high with a group of my friends after 12th grade finals. we used APPLESSSSSSS!!:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
was about 15 was my sophmore year in hs.. me and my buddy decided to buy a bag and try smoken a j but i remember getin fucked up tho off it.. ah the times when mids got u fucked up lol


Well-Known Member
I was 19, didnt like the first time, tried again at 22, first every weekend couple of years later... EVERYDAY!!!... havent stopped since!!


Well-Known Member
I was 17 when I got introduced to it (then I smoked only a couple times that year so no effects), 18 I started more frequent and now almost 19 haven't gone 1 day w/o it in the past 2 months (so basically a noob, o well gotta start sometime).


Well-Known Member
Awwww yes, was a Wednesday afternoon, maybe 3:30 1994, i was a bored 15 year old. i wandered into my older brothers room for a looksy,...found some shake and a pipe,..knew what to do from watching and lit her up. didnt know any better about taste and what not, dont even think i got high,but it never stopped bro's,...i love the herb and she loves me. We belong together and you cant take her from me!


Well-Known Member
2001- I was a 13 year old country boy, my best friend moved to a pretty rough neighborhood downstate, moved back up to live with me and we've been smokin together eversince and were both about to graduate with our bachelors


Well-Known Member
I was fourteen me and 3 other friends tried it for the first time using a 4 person ''HUKA'' we smoked 1/4 oz we thought as soon as we inhaled we would be high,soo we kept smokin.....well after fifteen minutes we were retarted lol good times