at what price point would you consider purchasing...over growing.????

it's not really about the money for me, it's about knowing what went into my weed, and what didn't. a lot of people that grow commercial could give a shit if they poison you with nasty chemicals, if it will make them more money.
weed is supposed to help people with cancer, not make them worse
ya my question kinda took that avenue out of the equation....since I qualified my question by saying
"We will assume ...a triple AAA quality wise....and we will also acknowledge... we can trust the grower to follow
only good growing practices (Craft grower of all intents and purposes.)
those 13 plants that came up in my garden from last year....all by themselves...I guess its a Canadian landrace...strain..
it was not all that great...but grew prolifically
I was referring to a discussion here not too long ago. There are no landrace strains in North America. Period. It is not an indigenous plant, it was brought here...which was the context of the convesation.
....hmmmm....well that could be...I believe the discussion was about FN saying they were using cannabis as a traditional I guess it should be that there are no indigenous strains to Canada or the US given it was "brought" into the country.
if i knew i could trust the weed, and all that good stuff, i'm still not sure i'd ever quit growing my own.....i just like growing it....maybe a buck a gram, i dunno